layout: page title: Patch Check List

Patch Check List

So, you want to merge a contribution- or you want to know in more detail what committers look for in your contribution? Here are tips, traps, etc. for dealing with PRs:

  • Did the author write unit tests? Are the unit tests worthwhile?
  • Are the licenses correct on newly added files? Has an ASF license been granted?
  • Make sure you update JIRA by assigning the issue to you so that others know you are working on it.
  • How is the documentation, especially the javadocs?
  • Before committing, make sure you add any new documents to your local Git repo.
  • Run all unit tests, verify that all tests pass.
  • Lastly, update the CHANGELOG file. Give proper credit to the authors.

After the above steps are verified and completed, and the contribution is ready to merge, follow the steps in the “Merging a PR” section in: Handling Github PRs.

  • Remember to update the issue status in JIRA when you have completed it.