The Spirit of this Container is so we can all build on the “same machine” e.g. no “well it worked on my machine”

Build it with

docker build -t mahout-builder-base . OR pull a convienience

docker pull rawkintrevo/mahout-builder-base Get into it with

docker run -it mahout-builder-base bash
# or if you pulled convienience...
docker run -it rawkintrevo/mahout-builder-base bash 

Build it with

docker build -t mahout-builder-base .

OR pull a convienience

docker pull rawkintrevo/mahout-builder-base

Get into it with

docker run -it mahout-builder-base bash
# or if you pulled convienience...
docker run -it rawkintrevo/mahout-builder-base bash 

Save your commands in the Dockerfile

Then maybe do something like

cd mahout git checkout build-cleanup git pull # if you pulled convienience, its likely out of date. mvn clean package -DskipTests

The end goal is to be able to build / post RCs from this.