blob: 6a9e689e28b6fb401336400eba67583bf75ba3e7 [file] [log] [blame]
@file generate_svec.py_in
@namespace generate_svec
import plpy
from utilities.validate_args import table_exists
from utilities.validate_args import columns_exist_in_table
from utilities.validate_args import table_is_empty
from utilities.validate_args import get_cols_and_types
from utilities.utilities import _assert
def generate_doc_svecs_help(schema_madlib, **kwargs):
return """
SELECT * FROM {schema_madlib}.generate_doc_svecs (
'output_tbl' -- Output table to be created containing
sparse vectors for the documents.
'dictionary_tbl' -- Dictionary table
'dict_id_col' -- Name of the id column in the dictionary table
Supported Types: INTEGER or BIGINT
NOTE: Values must range from 0 to total number
of elements in the dictionary - 1
'dict_term_col' -- Name of the terms column in the dictionary table
'documents_tbl' -- Documents table
'doc_id_col' -- Name of the id column in documents table
'doc_term_col' -- Name of the terms column in documents table
'doc_term_info_col' -- Name of the term info column in documents table
Supported Types:
INTEGER, BIGINT :- Values directly used to populate the vectors
ARRAY :- Length of the array is used as values
The output table (output_tbl in the above) has the following columns:
doc_id __TYPE_DOC__ -- Document id column
sparse_vector {schema_madlib}.svec -- Column containing the sparse vector
representation for the document
** __TYPE_DOC__: Type Depends on Type of Column doc_id_col
in documents_tbl.
""".format(schema_madlib = schema_madlib)
def generate_doc_svecs(schema_madlib, output_tbl, dictionary_tbl,
dict_id_col, dict_term_col, documents_tbl,
doc_id_col, doc_term_col, doc_term_info_col, **kwargs):
Creates the sparse vector representations of the documents represented by
documents table
@param output_tbl Name of the output table to be created containing sparse
vector representations of the documents
@param dictionary_tbl Name of the dictionary table
@param dict_id_col Name of the id column in dictionary table
@param dict_term_col Name of the term column in dictionary table
@param documents_tbl Name of the documents table
@param doc_id_col Name of the id column in documents table
@param doc_term_col Name of the term column in documents table
@param doc_term_info_col Name of the term info column in documents table.
# Validate arguments and get the column type for term info column in documents table.
term_info_col_type = _validate_args(schema_madlib, output_tbl, dictionary_tbl, dict_id_col,
dict_term_col, documents_tbl, doc_id_col, doc_term_col, doc_term_info_col)
if term_info_col_type == 'array':
term_count_expr = """ array_upper(doc_table.{doc_term_info_col}, 1) """
term_count_expr = " doc_table.{doc_term_info_col} "
dict_count = plpy.execute("""
SELECT count(*) FROM {dict_table}
""".format(dict_table = dictionary_tbl))[0]['count']
query = """
CREATE TABLE {output_tbl} AS
doc_table.{doc_id_col} doc_id,
array_agg( """ + term_count_expr + """),
{dict_count}) sparse_vector
{doc_table} doc_table,
{dict_table} dict_table
doc_table.{doc_term_col} = dict_table.{dict_term_col}
m4_ifdef(`__POSTGRESQL__', `', `DISTRIBUTED BY (doc_id)')
output_tbl = output_tbl,
doc_table = documents_tbl,
dict_table = dictionary_tbl,
doc_id_col = doc_id_col,
doc_term_col = doc_term_col,
doc_term_info_col = doc_term_info_col,
dict_id_col = dict_id_col,
dict_term_col = dict_term_col,
dict_count = dict_count,
schema_madlib = schema_madlib))
return "Created table %s (doc_id, sparse_vector) containing sparse vectors" % output_tbl
def verify_type(type_dict, col_name, isIdColumn):
@brief We validate two types of columns
id column: Expected types: int or bigint
term info column: Expected types: int, bigint, float8 or array
if isIdColumn:
if type_dict[col_name].lower() not in ['integer', 'bigint']:
return False
if type_dict[col_name].lower() not in ['integer', 'bigint',
'double precision', 'array']:
return False
return True
def _validate_args(schema_madlib, output_tbl, dictionary_tbl, dict_id_col,
dict_term_col, documents_tbl, doc_id_col,
doc_term_col, doc_term_info_col):
@brief Validate the arguments
_assert(dictionary_tbl is not None and
dictionary_tbl.lower().strip() not in ('null', ''),
"Svec error: Invalid dictionary table name")
_assert(documents_tbl is not None and
documents_tbl.lower().strip() not in ('null', ''),
"Svec error: Invalid documents table name")
"Svec error: Dictionary table does not exist!")
"Svec error: Documents table does not exist!")
_assert(not table_is_empty(dictionary_tbl),
"Svec error: Dictionary table is empty!")
_assert(not table_is_empty(documents_tbl),
"Svec error: Documents table is empty!")
_assert(output_tbl is not None and
output_tbl.strip().lower() not in ('null', ''),
"Svec error: Invalid output table name!")
dict_cols = [dict_id_col, dict_term_col]
_assert(columns_exist_in_table(dictionary_tbl, dict_cols),
"Svec error: Missing specified column names from dictionary table")
doc_cols = [doc_id_col, doc_term_col, doc_term_info_col]
_assert(columns_exist_in_table(documents_tbl, doc_cols),
"Svec error: Missing specified columns names from documents table")
# Verify column types. We only need to verify id column from dictionary
# table and term info column from documents table to be of any of the
# respective required types.
dict_col_type_dict = dict(get_cols_and_types(dictionary_tbl))
_assert(verify_type(dict_col_type_dict, dict_id_col, True),
"Svec error: Unexpected type for column '%s' in dictionary table."
" Should be int or bigint type" % dict_id_col)
doc_col_type_dict = dict(get_cols_and_types(documents_tbl))
_assert(verify_type(doc_col_type_dict, doc_term_info_col, False),
"Svec error: Unexpected type for column '%s' in documents table."
" Should be int, bigint, double precision or Array type" % doc_term_info_col)
# When everything else has been verified, check if output table exists and
# notify if needs to be dropped.
_assert(not table_exists(output_tbl),
"Svec error: Output table name already exists. Drop the table before calling the function.")
return doc_col_type_dict[doc_term_info_col].lower()