Fix Boost detection, and allow more recent versions

- Removes version requirement that Boost version < 1.65
- Fixes Boost detection code.  Previously, we were using the
  wrong CMake macro (Boost_VERSION instead of Boost_MACRO_VERSION) to
  check against the version.  Boost_VERSION has a different format
  for different versions, which Boost_MACRO_VERSION is the same for
  all versions.  Also, it was allowing 1.46 even though it says
  1.47 in the user error message and comments.
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 2c29130..41b475d 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -106,31 +106,22 @@
 # -- Third-party dependencies: Find or download Boost --------------------------
+# set(Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS "/usr/local/opt/boost/include")
 find_package(Boost 1.47)
     # We use BOOST_ASSERT_MSG, which only exists in Boost 1.47 and later.
-    # Unfortunately, the FindBoost module seems to be broken with respect to
-    # version checking, so we will set Boost_FOUND to FALSE if the version is
-    # too old.
-    if(Boost_VERSION LESS 104600)
-        message(STATUS "No sufficiently recent version (>= 1.47) of Boost was found. Will download.")
+    if(Boost_MACRO_VERSION LESS 104700)
         set(Boost_FOUND FALSE)
-    endif(Boost_VERSION LESS 104600)
-    # BOOST 1.65.0 removed the TR1 library which is required by MADlib till
-    # C++11 is completely supported. Hence, we force download of a compatible
-    # version if existing Boost is 1.65 or greater. FIXME: This should be
-    # removed when TR1 dependency is removed.
-    if(NOT Boost_VERSION LESS 106500)
-        message(STATUS
-                "Incompatible Boost version (>= 1.65) found. Will download a compatible version.")
-        set(Boost_FOUND FALSE)
-    endif(NOT Boost_VERSION LESS 106500)
+    else(Boost_MACRO_VERSION LESS 104700)
+        message(STATUS "Actual version of Boost found: ${Boost_VERSION_STRING}")
+    endif(Boost_MACRO_VERSION LESS 104700)
+    message(STATUS "Boost include directory ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
+    message(STATUS "No sufficiently recent version (>= 1.47) of Boost was found. Will download.")
         DOWNLOAD_DIR ${MAD_THIRD_PARTY}/downloads