blob: 51d9190d0c56098739955cb90660112a3083b779 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
m4_changequote(`>>>', `<<<')
@file multilogistic.py_in
@brief Multinomial Logistic Regression: Driver functions
@namespace multilogistic
Multinomial Logistic Regression: Driver functions
import plpy
from utilities.control import MinWarning
from utilities.utilities import preprocess_keyvalue_params
from utilities.utilities import _assert
from utilities.utilities import unique_string
from utilities.validate_args import table_exists
from utilities.validate_args import table_is_empty
from utilities.validate_args import columns_exist_in_table
def __runIterativeAlg(stateType, initialState, source, updateExpr,
terminateExpr, max_num_iterations, cyclesPerIteration=1):
Driver for an iterative algorithm
A general driver function for most iterative algorithms: The state between
iterations is kept in a variable of type <tt>stateType</tt>, which is
initialized with <tt><em>initialState</em></tt>. During each iteration, the
SQL statement <tt>updateSQL</tt> is executed in the database. Afterwards,
the SQL query <tt>updateSQL</tt> decides whether the algorithm terminates.
@param stateType SQL type of the state between iterations
@param initialState The initial value of the SQL state variable
@param source The source relation
@param updateExpr SQL expression that returns the new state of type
<tt>stateType</tt>. The expression may use the replacement fields
<tt>"{state}"</tt>, <tt>"{iteration}"</tt>, and
<tt>"{sourceAlias}"</tt>. Source alias is an alias for the source
relation <tt><em>source</em></tt>.
@param terminateExpr SQL expression that returns whether the algorithm should
terminate. The expression may use the replacement fields
<tt>"{oldState}"</tt>, <tt>"{newState}"</tt>, and
<tt>"{iteration}"</tt>. It must return a BOOLEAN value.
@param max_num_iterations Maximum number of iterations. Algorithm will then
terminate even when <tt>terminateExpr</tt> does not evaluate to \c true
@param cyclesPerIteration Number of aggregate function calls per iteration.
updateSQL = """
INSERT INTO _madlib_iterative_alg
_madlib_iterative_alg AS st,
{{source}} AS src
st._madlib_iteration = {{iteration}} - 1
terminateSQL = """
{terminateExpr} AS should_terminate
SELECT _madlib_state
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {{iteration}} - {{cyclesPerIteration}}
) AS older,
SELECT _madlib_state
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {{iteration}}
) AS newer
checkForNullStateSQL = """
SELECT _madlib_state IS NULL AS should_terminate
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {iteration}
oldMsgLevel = plpy.execute("""SELECT setting
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name='client_min_messages'"""
SET client_min_messages = error;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _madlib_iterative_alg;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _madlib_iterative_alg (
_madlib_iteration INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
_madlib_state {stateType}
m4_ifdef(>>>__POSTGRESQL__<<<, >>><<<, >>>DISTRIBUTED BY (_madlib_iteration)<<<);
SET client_min_messages = {oldMsgLevel};
iteration = 0
INSERT INTO _madlib_iterative_alg VALUES ({iteration}, {initialState})
""".format(iteration=iteration, initialState=initialState))
while True:
iteration = iteration + 1
if (plpy.execute(checkForNullStateSQL.format(iteration=iteration))[0]['should_terminate'] or
(iteration > cyclesPerIteration and (
iteration >= cyclesPerIteration * max_num_iterations or
iteration=iteration, cyclesPerIteration=cyclesPerIteration,
oldState="(older._madlib_state)", newState="(newer._madlib_state)")
# Note: We do not drop the temporary table
return iteration
def compute_mlogregr(schema_madlib, source_table, dependent_varname,
independent_varname, num_categories,
max_iter, optimizer,
precision, ref_category, **kwargs):
Compute logistic regression coefficients
This method serves as an interface to different optimization algorithms.
By default, iteratively reweighted least squares is used, but for data with
a lot of columns the conjugate-gradient method might perform better.
@param schema_madlib Name of the MADlib schema, properly escaped/quoted
@param source_table Name of relation containing the training data
@param dependent_varname Name of dependent column in training data (of type INTEGER)
@param num_categories Number of categories in the multilogistic regression
@param independent_varname Name of independent column in training data (of type
@param optimizer Name of the optimizer. 'newton' or 'irls'
@param max_iter Maximum number of iterations
@param precision Terminate if two consecutive iterations have a difference
in the log-likelihood of less than <tt>precision</tt>. In other
words, we terminate if the objective function value has converged.
This convergence criterion can be disabled by specifying a negative
@param ref_category The user-specified reference category
@param kwargs We allow the caller to specify additional arguments (all of
which will be ignored though). The purpose of this is to allow the
caller to unpack a dictionary whose element set is a superset of
the required arguments by this function.
@return array with coefficients in case of convergence, otherwise None
if max_iter < 1:
plpy.error("Mlogregr error: Number of iterations must be positive")
if optimizer == 'newton':
optimizer = 'irls'
elif optimizer not in ['irls']:
plpy.error("Mlogregr error: Unknown optimizer requested."
" Must be 'newton' or 'irls'")
return __runIterativeAlg(
{{newState}}, {{oldState}}
) < {precision}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def mlogregr_train(schema_madlib, source_table, output_table, dependent_varname,
independent_varname, ref_category, optimizer_params,
*args, **kwargs):
@param schema_madlib: string, Name of the MADlib schema, properly escaped/quoted
@param source_table: string, Name of relation containing the training data
@param output_table: string, Name of output relation containing the trained model
@param dependent_varname: string, Name of dependent column in training data (of type INTEGER)
@param independent_varname: string, Name of independent column in training data (of type
@param ref_category: integer, The user-specified reference category
(value in [0, num_categories-1])
@param optimizer_params: string, Optimization algorithm parameters
Contains key=value pairs where key can be one of:
optimizer: Name of the optimizer. 'newton' or 'irls'
max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
precision: Terminate if two consecutive iterations have a difference
in the log-likelihood of less than <tt>precision</tt>. In other
words, we terminate if the objective function value has converged.
This convergence criterion can be disabled by specifying a negative
@param args, kwargs: We allow the caller to specify additional arguments
(all of which will be ignored though). The purpose of this is to allow the
caller to unpack a dictionary whose element set is a superset of
the required arguments by this function.
Side effect:
Creates two tables:
The output table ('output_table' above) has the following columns
'coef' DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- Coefficients of regression
'loglikelihood' DOUBLE PRECISION, -- Log-likelihood value
'std_err' DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- Standard errors
'z_stats' DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- z-stats of the standard errors
'p_values' DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- p-values of the standard errors
'num_iterations' INTEGER -- Number of iterations performed by the optimizer
The output summary table is named as <output_table>_summary has the following columns
'method' VARCHAR, -- modeling method name ('mlogregr')
'source_table' VARCHAR, -- source table name
'dep_var' VARCHAR, -- dependent variable name
'ind_var' VARCHAR, -- independent variable name
'num_rows_processed' INTEGER -- Number of rows processed during training
'num_missing_rows_skipped' INTEGER -- Number of rows skipped during training due
-- to missing values
# reduce the number of messages to user
old_msg_level = plpy.execute("""
SELECT setting FROM pg_settings
WHERE name='client_min_messages'
plpy.execute("set client_min_messages to error")
all_arguments = {'schema_madlib': schema_madlib,
'source_table': source_table,
'output_table': output_table,
'dependent_varname': dependent_varname,
'independent_varname': independent_varname,
'ref_category': ref_category,
'optimizer_params': optimizer_params
# validate parameters
non_null_results = plpy.execute(""" SELECT count(DISTINCT {dependent_varname}) AS cnt,
max({dependent_varname}) as max_cat,
min({dependent_varname}) as min_cat
FROM {source_table}
{dependent_varname} IS NOT NULL
AND {independent_varname} IS NOT NULL
AND NOT {schema_madlib}.array_contains_null({independent_varname})
num_categories, max_category, min_category = map(
int, [non_null_results[i] for i in ('cnt', 'max_cat', 'min_cat')])
_assert(max_category == num_categories - 1 and min_category == 0,
"Mlogregr error: Value of the dependent variable should be "
"integers in the range [0, {0}]".format(num_categories - 1))
_assert(ref_category >= 0 and ref_category < num_categories,
"Mlogregr error: Invalid reference category value {0}. "
"It should be between 0 and {1}".format(ref_category,
num_categories - 1))
all_arguments['num_categories'] = num_categories
all_arguments['total_rows'] = int(plpy.execute("""SELECT count(*) as cnt
FROM {0}""".
all_arguments['num_features'] = plpy.execute("""
array_upper({independent_varname}, 1) fnum
FROM {source_table} LIMIT 1
optimizer_param_dict = _extract_params(schema_madlib, optimizer_params)
# Perform the mlogistic computation
n_iterations = compute_mlogregr(**all_arguments)
#"Creating output table")
CREATE TABLE {output_table} AS
(result).coef, {num_features},
{num_categories}, {ref_category})
).category AS category,
(result).ref_category as ref_category,
(result).coef, {num_features},
{num_categories}, {ref_category})
).coef AS coef,
(result).log_likelihood as loglikelihood,
(result).std_err, {num_features},
{num_categories}, {ref_category})
).coef AS std_err,
(result).z_stats, {num_features},
{num_categories}, {ref_category})
).coef AS z_stats,
(result).p_values, {num_features},
{num_categories}, {ref_category})
).coef AS p_values,
(result).odds_ratios, {num_features},
{num_categories}, {ref_category})
).coef AS odd_ratios,
(result).condition_no as condition_no,
{n_iterations} as num_iterations,
(result).num_processed as num_processed,
({total_rows} - (result).num_processed) as num_missing_rows_skipped
_madlib_state) AS result
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {n_iterations}
) subq
""".format(n_iterations=n_iterations, **all_arguments))
#"Fetching result")
result = plpy.execute("""SELECT num_processed, num_missing_rows_skipped
FROM {output_table}
if not result["num_processed"]:
# when no rows have been processed, a NULL result is returned.
# We need to capture that to ensure correct value for num_processed
result["num_processed"] = 0
result["num_missing_rows_skipped"] = all_arguments['total_rows']
#"Removing rows processed column out of output table since we "
# "should place it in summary table")
plpy.execute("""ALTER TABLE {output_table}
DROP num_processed,
DROP num_missing_rows_skipped
#"Creating summary table")
CREATE TABLE {output_table}_summary AS
'mlogregr'::VARCHAR as method,
'{source_table}'::VARCHAR as source_table,
'{output_table}'::VARCHAR as out_table,
'{dependent_varname}'::VARCHAR as dependent_varname,
'{independent_varname}'::VARCHAR as independent_varname,
'{optimizer_params}'::VARCHAR as optimizer_params,
{ref_category}::INTEGER as ref_category,
{num_categories}::INTEGER as num_categories,
{num_processed}::INTEGER as num_rows_processed,
{num_missing_rows_skipped}::INTEGER as num_missing_rows_skipped,
(result).variance_covariance as variance_covariance,
(result).coef as coef
SELECT {schema_madlib}.__internal_mlogregr_summary_results(
_madlib_state) AS result
FROM _madlib_iterative_alg
WHERE _madlib_iteration = {n_iterations}
) q1
""".format(num_processed=result["num_processed"], n_iterations=n_iterations,
plpy.execute("set client_min_messages to " + old_msg_level)
return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _validate_params(schema_madlib,
source_table, output_table, dependent_varname,
independent_varname, *args, **kwargs):
@param source_table: string, Name of input source table
@param output_table: string, Name of output table
@param dependent_varname: string, Name of the dependent column
@param independent_varname: string, Name of the independent column
@param num_categories: int, Number of categories for mlogit regression
@param ref_category: integer, Value of the reference category
_assert(source_table is not None and
source_table.strip().lower() not in ('none', 'null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid source table name")
"Mlogregr error: Source table {0} does not exist".
_assert(output_table is not None and
output_table.strip().lower() not in ('none', 'null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid output table name")
_assert(not table_exists(output_table, only_first_schema=True),
"Mlogregr error: Output table {0}"
" already exists".format(str(output_table)))
_assert(not table_exists(output_table + "_summary", only_first_schema=True),
"Mlogregr error: Output table {0}_summary"
" already exists".format(str(output_table)))
_assert(not table_is_empty(source_table),
"Mlogregr error: Source table {0} is empty".format(source_table))
_assert(dependent_varname is not None and
dependent_varname.strip().lower() not in ('null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid dependent column name")
_assert(independent_varname is not None and
independent_varname.lower() not in ('null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid independent column name")
result_w_null = plpy.execute("""
FROM {source}
WHERE {dep} is not NULL
result_wo_null = plpy.execute("""
FROM {source}
WHERE {dep} is not NULL
AND NOT {madlib}.array_contains_null({indep})
""".format(madlib=schema_madlib, source=source_table,
categories_wo_null = set(i["cat"] for i in result_wo_null)
categories_w_null = set(i["cat"] for i in result_w_null)
_assert(categories_wo_null == categories_w_null,
"Mlogregr error: All observations of category set {0} contain "
"NULL values. These rows should be removed from the dataset "
"before proceeding.".
format(list(categories_w_null - categories_wo_null)))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _extract_params(schema_madlib, optimizer_params):
""" Extract optimizer control parameter or set the default values
@brief optimizer_params is a string with the format of
'max_iter=..., optimizer=..., precision=...'. The order
does not matter. If a parameter is missing, then the default
value for it is used. If optimizer_params is None or '',
then all default values are used. If the parameter specified
is not supported then an error is raised.
This function also validates the values of these parameters.
Supported parameters:
max_iter: integer (also aliased to 'max_num_iterations'. Default=20)
optimizer: string (can be one of ['irls', 'newton']. Default='irls')
precision: float (Default=0.0001)
Dict. Dictionary of optimizer parameter values with key as parameter name
and value as the parameter value
"Mlogregr error" - If the parameter is unsupported or the value is
not valid.
allowed_params = set(["max_iter", "max_num_iterations",
"optimizer", "precision", "tolerance"])
parameter_dict = {'max_iter': 20, 'optimizer': "irls", 'precision': 0.0001}
if not optimizer_params:
return parameter_dict
for s in preprocess_keyvalue_params(optimizer_params):
items = s.split("=")
if (len(items) != 2):
plpy.error("Mlogregr error: Optimizer parameter list has incorrect format")
param_name = items[0].strip(" \"").lower()
param_value = items[1].strip(" \"").lower()
if param_name not in allowed_params:
Mlogregr error: {param_name} is not a valid parameter name.
SELECT {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_train('usage');
to see the allowed parameters.
if param_name in ("max_iter", "max_num_iterations"):
parameter_dict["max_iter"] = int(param_value)
except ValueError:
plpy.error("Mlogregr error: max_iter must be an integer")
if param_name == "optimizer":
parameter_dict["optimizer"] = param_value
if param_name in ("precision", "tolerance"):
parameter_dict["precision"] = float(param_value)
except ValueError:
plpy.error("Mlogregr error: precision must be a float value")
if parameter_dict["max_iter"] <= 0:
plpy.error("Mlogregr error: max_iter must be positive")
return parameter_dict
# -- Help Messages -----------------------------------------------------------
def mlogregr_help_message(schema_madlib, message, **kwargs):
""" Help message for Multinomial Logistic Regression
@param schema_madlib string, Name of the schema madlib
@param message string, Help message indicator
String. Contain the help message string
if not message:
help_string = """
Functionality: Multinomial logistic regression is a widely used
regression analysis tool that models the outcomes of categorical dependent
random variables. The model assumes that the conditional mean of the dependent
categorical variables is the logistic function of an affine combination of
independent variables. Multinomial logistic regression finds the vector of
coefficients that maximizes the likelihood of the observations.
For more details on function usage:
SELECT {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_train('usage')
elif message in ['usage', 'help', '?']:
help_string = """
SELECT {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_train(
'source_table', -- VARCHAR: Name of the source table containing training data
'output_table', -- VARCHAR, Name of the output table to hold the trained model
'dependent_varname', -- VARCHAR, Name of the column containing the category values
-- (the values must be integers from 0 to num_categories-1)
'independent_varname', -- VARCHAR, Name of the column containing the independent variables.
-- (Can also be an ARRAY expression)
ref_category, -- INTEGER, The value of reference category
-- (the value must be between 0 and num_categories-1)
'optimizer_params' -- VARCHAR, a comma-separated string with optimizer parameters
-- Valid optimizer parameters are:
-- max_iter: INTEGER, Maximum number of iterations to run algorithm
-- optimizer: VARCHAR, Optimizer algorithm to use
-- (can be either 'newton' or 'irls')
-- precision: FLOAT8, The stopping threshold
The output table ('output_table' above) has the following columns
coef -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], Coefficients of regression
loglikelihood -- DOUBLE PRECISION, Log-likelihood value
std_err -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], Standard errors
z_stats -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], z-stats of the standard errors
p_values -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], p-values of the standard errors
odds_ratio -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], An array of the odds ratios, exp(coef)
condition_no -- DOUBLE PRECISION, The condition number of the fitting.
num_iterations -- INTEGER, Number of iterations performed by the optimizer
The output summary table named as <'output_table'>_summary has the following columns
method -- VARCHAR, Modeling method name ('logregr')
source_table -- VARCHAR, Source table name
out_table -- VARCHAR, Output table name
dependent_varname -- VARCHAR, Dependent variable name
independent_varname -- VARCHAR, Independent variable name
optimizer_params -- VARCHAR, Optimizer parameters used
ref_category -- INTEGER, The value of reference category used
num_categories -- INTEGER, The number of categories
num_rows_processed -- INTEGER, Number of rows processed during training
num_missing_rows_skipped -- INTEGER, Number of rows skipped during training due
to missing values
vcov -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], Covariance matrix
coef -- DOUBLE PRECISION[], Coefficients of regression
help_string = "No such option. Use {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_train()"
return help_string.format(schema_madlib=schema_madlib)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _validate_predict(schema_madlib, model, source, id_col_name, output):
# validations for inputs
_assert(source and source.strip().lower() not in ('null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid data table name: {0}".format(source))
"Mlogregr error: Data table ({0}) does not exist".format(source))
_assert(not table_is_empty(source),
"Mlogregr error: Data table ({0}) is empty".format(source))
_assert(model and
model.strip().lower() not in ('null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid model table name: {0}".format(model))
"Mlogregr error: Model table ({0}) does not exist".format(model))
_assert(not table_is_empty(model),
"Mlogregr error: Model table ({0}) is empty".format(model))
model_summary = model + "_summary"
"Mlogregr error: Model summary table ({0}) does not exist".format(model_summary))
_assert(not table_is_empty(model_summary),
"Mlogregr error: Model summary table ({0}) is empty".format(model_summary))
_assert(output and
output.strip().lower() not in ('null', ''),
"Mlogregr error: Invalid output table name: {0}".format(output))
_assert(not table_exists(output, only_first_schema=True),
"Mlogregr error: Output table ({0}) already exists".format(output))
["coef", "ref_category", "independent_varname", "dependent_varname"],
"Mlogregr error: Invalid model summary table ({0})".format(model_summary))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def mlogregr_predict_help_message(schema_madlib, message, **kwargs):
""" Help message for multinomial logistic regression predict
if not message:
help_string = """
Functionality: Multinomial Logistic Regression Prediction
Prediction for a multinomial logistic regression model (trained using
{schema_madlib}.mlogregr_predict) can be performed on a new data table.
For more details on the function usage:
SELECT {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_predict('usage');
elif message.lower().strip() in ['usage', 'help', '?']:
help_string = """
SELECT {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_predict(
'model_table', -- Model table name (output of mlogregr_train)
'new_data_table', -- Prediction source table
'id_col_name', -- ID column name
'output_table', -- Table name to store the prediction results
'type' -- Type of prediction output
Note: The 'id_col_name' is used to corelate the prediction data row with
the actual prediction in the output table.
The output table ('output_table' above) has the '<id_col_name>' column giving
the 'id' for each prediction and the prediction columns for the response
variable (also called as dependent variable).
If prediction type = 'response', then the table has a single column with the
predicted category value.
If prediction type = 'prob', then the table has multiple columns, one for each
category of the response variable. The columns are labeled as
'estimated_prob_<dep value>', where <dep value> represents for each category
of the response.
help_string = "No such option. Use {schema_madlib}.mlogregr_predict('usage')"
return help_string.format(schema_madlib=schema_madlib)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def mlogregr_predict(schema_madlib, model, source, id_col_name, output,
pred_type='response', **kwargs):
@param schema_madlib: str, Name of MADlib schema
@param model: str, Name of table containing the model
@param source: str, Name of table containing prediction data
@param output: str, Name of table to output the results
@param pred_type: str, The type of output required:
'response' gives the actual prediction value,
'prob' gives the probability of the categories.
Side effect:
Creates an output table containing the prediction for given source table
_validate_predict(schema_madlib, model, source, id_col_name, output)
model_summary = model + "_summary"
# obtain the cat_features and con_features from model table
summary_elements = plpy.execute("SELECT ref_category, independent_varname,"
" dependent_varname, num_categories"
" FROM {0}".format(model_summary))[0]
ref_category = summary_elements['ref_category']
independent_varname = summary_elements['independent_varname']
dependent_varname = summary_elements['dependent_varname']
num_categories = summary_elements['num_categories']
pred_type = pred_type.strip().lower()
if columns_exist_in_table(source, [id_col_name], schema_madlib):
mlogregr_predict_id = id_col_name
mlogregr_predict_id = 'mlogregr_predict_id'
if pred_type == "response":
pred_name = '"estimated_{0}"'.format(
dependent_varname.replace('"', '').strip())
sql = """
{id_col_name} AS {mlogregr_predict_id},
) as {pred_name}
FROM {source} as s, {model_summary} as m
intermediate_col = unique_string()
score_format = ', \n'.join([
'{interim}[{j}] as "estimated_prob_{i}"'.
format(j=i+1, i=i, interim=intermediate_col)
for i in range(num_categories)])
sql = """
SELECT {mlogregr_predict_id},
SELECT {id_col_name} AS {mlogregr_predict_id},
) as {intermediate_col}
FROM {source} as s, {model_summary} as m
) q
with MinWarning('warning'):
m4_changequote(>>>`<<<, >>>'<<< )