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<h2 style="margin: 35px 0 15px 110px;">Apache MADlib: Big Data Machine Learning in SQL</h2>
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<li class="offset1 span3">Open source, commercially friendly Apache license</li>
<li class="span3">For PostgreSQL and Greenplum Database<sup>&reg;</sup></li>
<li class="span3">Powerful machine learning, graph, statistics and analytics for data scientists</li>
<p class="more"><a class="large-link pointer point-right" href="product.html">Read More</a></p>
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<h2>Getting Started with Apache MADlib using Jupyter Notebooks</h2>
We have created a <a href="">library of Jupyter Notebooks</a> to help you get started quickly with MADlib. It
includes many commonly used algorithms by data scientists.</a>
<p dir="ltr"></p>
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<h2>MADlib 1.21.0 Release</h2>
On March 1, 2023, MADlib completed its eleventh release as an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project.</a>
<p dir="ltr"></p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>New features include:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Graph: Add warm start for weakly connected components.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Graph: Add multicolumn identifier support for SSSP and APSP.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Build: Add support for Photon3 OS.</p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>Improvements:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">XGBoost: Add support for bigint and varchar columns.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">XGBoost: Enable eval_metrics parameter.</p>
<p dir="ltr">You are invited to <a href="">download the 1.21.0 release</a> and <a href="">review the release notes.</a> Also please refer to the <a href="">list of supported databases and OS.</a></p>
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<h2>MADlib 1.20.0 Release</h2>
On August 3, 2022, MADlib completed its tenth release as an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project.</a>
<p dir="ltr"></p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>New features include:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">XGBoost: Python based XGBoost with single and grid search executions.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Graph: Add multicolumn support for WCC and Pagerank.</p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>Improvements:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Utilities: Reuse update plan in GroupIterationController.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Documentation: Update online examples for various modules.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Elastic Net - GLM - SVM: Adjust ORCA to reduce planning time.</p>
<p dir="ltr">You are invited to <a href="">download the 1.20.0 release</a> and <a href="">review the release notes.</a> Also please refer to the <a href="">list of supported databases and OS.</a></p>
&nbsp; </div>
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<h2>MADlib 1.19.0 Release</h2>
On March 8, 2022, MADlib completed its ninth release as an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project.</a>
<p dir="ltr"></p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>New features include:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">DBSCAN: Fast parallel-optimized DBSCAN.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">MLP: Add rmsprop and Adam optimization techniques.</p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>Improvements:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Graph: Improve WCC subtx count and catalog entry frequency.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">MLP: Set lambda value for minibatch.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">GLM-multinom: Use non-temp tables in GroupIterationController.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Jenkins: Add new dockerfile for PG11.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Build: Use dynamic_library_path for module pathname.</p>
<p dir="ltr">You are invited to <a href="">download the 1.19.0 release</a> and <a href="">review the release notes.</a> Also please refer to the <a href="">list of supported databases and OS.</a></p>
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<h2>MADlib 1.18.0 Release</h2>
On April 5, 2021, MADlib completed its eighth release as an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project.</a>
<p dir="ltr"></p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>New features include:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - New grid and random search methods.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - AutoML methods Hyperband and Hyperopt.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Custom loss functions and custom metrics.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - TensorBoard support.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Multi-input and output support for fit and evaluate.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">DBSCAN - Density based clustering (phase 1).</p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>Improvements:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Implement cache logic to speed performance.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Reduce GPU idle time when moving model state between workers.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Use Keras version from TensorFlow.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Add top n to evaluate.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Graph - Support BIGINT for all graph methods.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Infra - Switch to CloudBees (was Jenkins).</p>
<p dir="ltr">You are invited to <a href="">download the 1.18.0 release</a> and <a href="">review the release notes.</a> Also please refer to the <a href="">list of supported databases and OS.</a></p>
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<h2>MADlib 1.17.0 Release</h2>
On April 9, 2020, MADlib completed its seventh release as an Apache Software Foundation Top Level Project.</a>
<p dir="ltr"></p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>New features include:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Model selection framework for
Keras with Tensorflow
backend with GPU acceleration, for model architecture search and
hyperparameter optimization.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Support for heterogeneous clusters
where GPUs are attached to only certain segment hosts.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Support inference for imported
models not trained in MADlib ("bring your own model").</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Support transfer learning
for multiple model fit function.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Generate model selection
table for grid search or random search.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Helper function to
get GPU type and configuration in a database cluster.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">k-Means clustering - Select optimal number of centroids
using elbow or silhouette methods.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">PostgreSQL 12 support.</p>
<p dir="ltr"><b>Improvements:</b></p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Association rules - Add option to set number
of posterior rules.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Correlation and covariance - Improve memory
usage with large number of groups.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Deep learning - Improve performance of
mini-batch preprocessor and fit functions.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Docs - Inprove installation guide on wiki.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">Graph - SSSP should not show vertices in output
table that are unreachable.</p>
<li><p dir="ltr">LDA - Add stopping criteria on perplexity.</p>
<p dir="ltr">You are invited to <a href="">download the 1.17.0 release</a> and <a href="">review the release notes.</a>
For more details about the new deep learning feature, please refer to the
<a href="">Apache MADlib deep learning notes</a> and
the <a href="">Jupyter notebook examples.</a></p>
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<p><a href="download.html">Downloads for Apache MADlib releases.</a> This also includes links to pre-Apache MADlib releases.
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<li><a href="docs/latest/index.html">User Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="">MADlib Wiki</a></li>
<li><a href="">Installation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="">Quick Start Guide for Users</a></li>
<li><a href="">Quick Start Guide for Developers</a></li>
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<h2><small>Additional Resources</small></h2>
<li><a href="">Getting Started with MADlib - Jupyter Notebooks</a></li>
<li><a href="">Greenplum Database YouTube Channel with MADlib Content</a></li>
<li><a href="community.html#contribution">Contribution Information</a></li>
<li><a href="community.html#research">Research Papers</a></li>
<li><a href="community.html#datasets">Datasets</a></li>
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