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<p class="big">MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database
analytics. It provides data-parallel implementations of mathematical,
statistical and machine-learning methods for structured and unstructured
<p class="big">The MADlib mission: to foster widespread development of
scalable analytic skills, by harnessing efforts from commercial practice,
academic research, and open-source development.
<p><b>Jun 18th 2012:</b>
MADlib v0.4 is out!
<a href="#binaries">Binary packages</a> are available for CentOS/RedHat and for Mac OS X. On other platforms, MADlib can be <a href="">built from source</a>. Our Wiki provides <a href="">detailed instructions</a> for deploying MADlib to PostgreSQL and Greenplum installations. For a list of new features, bug fixes, and known issues, please refer to the <a href="">Release Notes</a>.
As always, the <a href="">MADlib forum</a> is open for questions and discussions. Try it out and let us know about your feedback!
<p><b>May 22nd 2012:</b>
Our <a href="">technical report</a> of MADlib's architecture and design patterns (see below) has been <a href="">accepted to the industrial track of VLDB 2012</a>. Meet us in person in Istanbul!
<p><b>May 17th 2012:</b>
Hitoshi Harada talks about MADlib <a href="">at the PostgreSQL Conference</a>.
<p><b>Apr 6th 2012:</b>
<a href="">Joe Hellerstein</a> writes about MADlib <a href="">for the ACM SIGMOD blog</a>.
<p><b>Apr 3rd 2012:</b>
A <a href="">technical report</a> outlining MADlib's architecture and design patterns is now available. It provides a description of various statistical methods and includes performance and speedup results of a core building block. Furthermore, the paper reports on two initial efforts at incorporating academic research into MADlib.
<p>MADlib grew out of discussions between database-engine developers, data
scientists, IT architects and academics, who were interested in new
approaches to scalable, sophisticated in-database analytics. These
discussions were written up in a paper in VLDB 2009 that coined the term
<a href="" target="blank">
"MAD Skills"</a> for data analysis. The MADlib software project began the
following year as a collaboration between researchers at
<a href="" target="blank">UC Berkeley</a> and
engineers and data scientists at
<a href="" target="blank">EMC/Greenplum.</a></p>
<p><a name="binaries">Binary packages of the latest MADlib release (v0.4):</a>
<br />&bull; Mac OS X 10.6 and higher:
<a href=""
onClick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Download', 'OSX');return false;">
Greenplum 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 / PostgreSQL 8.4, 9.0, 9.1 (64-bit)</a>
<br />&bull; CentOS / Red Hat 5 and higher (64-bit):
<a href=""
onClick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Download', 'Linux');return false;">
Greenplum 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 / PostgreSQL 8.4, 9.0, 9.1</a>
Source Code:
<br />&bull; Snapshot of development repository (unstable):
<a href=""
onClick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Download', 'Source-master');return false;">.zip</a>
<a href=""
onClick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Download', 'Source-master');return false;">.tar.gz</a>
<br />&bull; Latest stable release (v0.4):
<a href=""
onClick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Download', 'Source-v0.4-zip');return false;">.zip</a>
<a href=""
onClick="recordOutboundLink(this, 'Download', 'Source-v0.4-tar.gz');return false;">.tar.gz</a>
<p>Installation guides can be found in the
<a href="" target="blank">MADlib Wiki</a>.<br />
<p>Documentation for the latest release (v0.4):<br />
&bull; Users: <a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
&bull; Developers: <a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
<p>Pre-release documentation generated out of development repository:<br />
&bull; Users: <a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
&bull; Developers: <a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
<h2>Additional Resources</h2>
&bull; Project Wiki:
<a href="" target="blank">MADlib Wiki</a>.<br />
&bull; Project Roadmap:
<a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
&bull; Contribution Guide:
<a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
&bull; User forum:
<a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
&bull; Developer forum:
<a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
&bull; Bug reporting and feature requests:
<a href="" target="blank"></a><br />
<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2011 UC Regents<a id="fork-me" href="" target="blank"><img src="images/fork-me.png" alt="fork me on github" /></a> </div>