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using Html2Markdown.Replacement;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace JavaDocToMarkdownConverter.Formatters
//TODO: This could instead be done with the LuceneDocsPlugins and our custom markdown parsing
public class CodeLinkReplacer : IReplacer
private static readonly Regex LinkRegex = new Regex(@"{@link\s*?(?<cref>org\.apache\.lucene\.[\w\.]*)\s?(?<text>[^}]*)}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex JavaCodeExtension = new Regex(@".java$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public string Replace(string html)
return ReplaceCodeLinks(html);
private string ReplaceCodeLinks(string markdown)
Match link = LinkRegex.Match(markdown);
if (link.Success)
string cref = link.Groups["cref"].Value.CorrectCRef();
string newLink;
//for xref syntax support
var text = link.Groups["text"].Value;
if (HasLinkText(text, cref, out var methodName, out var methodLink))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodName))
//string linkText = link.Groups[2].Value;
var linkText = JavaCodeExtension.Replace(text, ".cs");
newLink = "[" + linkText + "](xref:" + cref + ")";
newLink = "[" + methodName + "](xref:" + cref + "#" + methodLink + ")";
newLink = "<xref:" + cref + ">";
markdown = LinkRegex.Replace(markdown, newLink, 1);
} while ((link = LinkRegex.Match(markdown)).Success);
return markdown;
private bool HasLinkText(string text, string cref, out string methodName, out string link)
methodName = null;
link = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if (text.Contains("#"))
var lastSpace = text.LastIndexOf(' ');
if (lastSpace >= 0)
methodName = text.Substring(lastSpace + 1);
var lastBracket = methodName.LastIndexOf('(');
if (lastBracket >= 0)
methodName = methodName.Substring(0, lastBracket);
if (char.IsLower(methodName[0]))
methodName = char.ToUpper(methodName[0]) + methodName.Substring(1);
link = text.Substring(1, lastSpace - 1).CorrectCRef();
if (char.IsLower(link[0]))
link = char.ToUpper(link[0]) + link.Substring(1);
//the method link needs to be in a full namespace format but delimited by _
//HOWEVER, there's no way we can make this work because the lucene parameters are simple like `iterator` but
//the docfx method links require fully qualified types like System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_Lucene_Net_Index_IIndexableField
//and we don't have that information to extract. The best we can do is just deep link to the #methods of the class.
//link = $"{string.Join("_", cref.Split('.'))}_{methodName}";
link = "methods";
return true;
return false;