uid: contributing/make-release

Making a release of Lucene.Net

[!NOTE] This is a project-specific procedure, based on the Apache Release Creation Process


For Package Version, NuGet version and branch naming guidelines see the Versioning Procedure Overview document.

Release Preparation

  • Nominate a release manager (must be a Lucene.NET committer).

  • Review all GitHub issues associated with the release milestone. All issues should be resolved or closed.

  • Any issues that have been assigned to the release milestone that are still in progress should be moved to the next milestone. Any critical or blocker issues should be resolved on the dev mailing list. Discuss any issues that you are unsure of on the dev mailing list.

Steps for the Release Manager

The following steps need only to be performed once.

Release Steps

  • Prepare a GitHub Release. Review the master branch commit history, and create a new DRAFT GitHub release using the following template:

    > This release contains <any important changes that users should be aware of>
    ## Change Log
    ### Breaking Changes
    * #<GitHub Issue ID (optional)> - <A descriptive title (may need to add context or summarize)>
    ### Bugs
    * #<GitHub Issue ID (optional)> - <A descriptive title (may need to add context or summarize)>
    ### Improvements
    * #<GitHub Issue ID (optional)> - <A descriptive title (may need to add context or summarize)>
    ### New Features
    * #<GitHub Issue ID (optional)> - <A descriptive title (may need to add context or summarize)>
  • Checkout the Lucene.NET master branch: git clone https://github.com/apache/lucenenet.git

  • Add Missing License Headers

    • Run Apache Release Audit Tool:

      dotnet msbuild -t:AuditRelease
    • Review and commit the changes to your local Git clone, adding exclusions to .rat-excludes and re-running as necessary

      • Exclude files that already have license headers
      • Exclude files that are automatically generated
      • Exclude files that don't work properly with licence headers included
    • Push the changes to the remote lucenenet repository (https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/lucenenet.gif)

      git push <remote> master --tags
  • Execute a complete test locally (it can take around 20 minutes, but you may do the next step in parallel):

    build -pv:<packageVersion> -t -mp:10
  • Execute a complete test on a temporary Azure DevOps organization (it can take around 30-40 minutes) (see build instructions on README.md).

Successful Release Preparation

Perform the Release Build

  • Login to the Lucene.NET build pipeline on Azure DevOps

  • Click the Run pipeline button

  • Ensure the master branch is selected

  • Expand Variables

  • Update the PackageVersion variable to the release version number (i.e. 4.8.0-beta00008)

  • Click the back arrow to return to the main view

  • Click the Run button to begin the build (it will take about 40 minutes)

Check the Release Artifacts

  • Upon successful Azure DevOps build, download the release build artifact and unzip it. Note you will need to copy the files in a later step.

Perform basic checks against the release binary:

  • Check presence and appropriateness of LICENSE, NOTICE, and README files.

  • Check the nupkg files to ensure they can be referenced in Visual Studio.

Sign the Release

  • On your local Git clone, check out the SVN distribution repositories

    dotnet msbuild -t:CheckoutRelease
  • From the release build artifact that you downloaded from Azure DevOps in the Check the Release Artifacts section, copy both the .src.zip and .bin.zip files to a new folder named <repo root>/svn-dev/<packageVersion>/

  • On your local Git clone, tag the repository using the info in RELEASE-TODO.txt

    • git log
    • Verify the HEAD commit hash of the local repo matches that in RELEASE-TODO.txt
    • git tag -a <tag from RELEASE-TODO.txt> -m "<tag from RELEASE-TODO.txt>"
    • git push <remote-name (defaults to origin)> master --tags
  • Sign the release artifacts using GnuPG

    dotnet msbuild -t:SignReleaseCandidate -p:PackageVersion=<packageVersion>

    [!NOTE] You may be prompted for your password

  • Check signature of generated artifacts (the SignReleaseCandidate target above runs the commands)

Add Release Artifacts to the SVN dev Distribution Repository

# Note the command copies the <repo root>/svn-release/KEYS file to <repo-root>/svn-dev/KEYS
# and overwrites any local changes to it

dotnet msbuild -t:CommitReleaseCandidate -p:PackageVersion=<packageVersion>

Create a VOTE Thread

Notify the developer mailing list of a new version vote. Be sure to replace all values in [] with the appropriate values. Use the Countdown Timer Tool to create a timer to show exactly when the vote ends.

To: dev@lucenenet.apache.org
Message Subject: [VOTE] Apache Lucene.NET [version]


I have posted a new release for the Apache Lucene.NET [version] release and it is ready for testing.

The binaries can be downloaded from:

The release was made from the Apache Lucene.NET [version] tag at:

The release notes are listed at:

The release was made using the Lucene.NET release process, documented on the website:

Please vote on releasing these packages as Apache Lucene.NET [version]. The vote is open for at least the next 72 hours, i.e. midnight UTC on [YYYY-MM-DD]

Only votes from Lucene.NET PMC are binding, but everyone is welcome to check the release candidate and vote.
The vote passes if at least three binding +1 votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache Lucene.NET [VERSION]

[ ] -1 Do not release the packages because...

[!NOTE] Only people with permissions on GitHub will be able to see the draft release notes. PMC members and committers can have permissions, but only if they set them up themselves.

After a Successful Vote

The vote is successful if at least 3 +1 votes are received from Lucene.NET PMC members after a minimum of 72 hours of sending the vote email. Acknowledge the voting results on the mailing list in the VOTE thread.

To: dev@lucenenet.apache.org
Message Subject: [RESULT] [VOTE] Apache Lucene.NET [version]


The vote has now closed. The results are:

Binding Votes:


The vote is ***successful/not successful***

[!TIP] Due to spam issues you may want to bcc each person who voted on the RESULT email to ensure they receive it.

Release to NuGet.org

  • Login to the Lucene.NET release pipeline on Azure DevOps

  • Click the release that corresponds to the version that is being released

  • The Release [VOTE] step should be waiting for manual intervention, click the Resume button

  • Enter the result of the vote in the following format: Binding Votes +1: [3] 0: [0] -1: [0] Non Binding Votes +1: [3] 0: [0] -1: [0], updating the values within [ ] appropriately

  • Upon clicking Resume again the release will finish, submitting the NuGet packages to NuGet.org

Release Binaries to SVN

Commit the distribution via SVN to https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release:

dotnet msbuild -t:CommitRelease -p:PackageVersion=<packageVersion>

[!NOTE] If preferred or if the above command fails, this step can be done manually using Windows Explorer/TortoiseSVN by doing the following steps:

  • Copy <repo root>/svn-dev/KEYS to <repo root>/svn-release/KEYS
  • Copy <repo root>/svn-dev/<packageVersion> to <repo root>/svn-release/<packageVersion>
  • Right-click on <repo root>/svn-release, and click “SVN Commit...”
  • Add the commit message Added Apache-Lucene.Net-<packageVersion> to release/lucenenet and click OK
  • Right-click on <repo root>/svn-dev/<packageVersion> and click “TortoiseSVN > Delete”
  • Right-click on <repo root>/svn-dev and click “SVN Commit...”
  • Add the commit message Removed Apache-Lucene.Net-<packageVersion> from dev/lucenenet and click OK

Archive Old Release(s)

To reduce the load on the ASF mirrors, projects are required to delete old releases (see http://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html#when-to-archive).

Remove the old releases from SVN under https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/lucenenet/.

Update Website with new release

  • Update the /websites/site/lucenetemplate/doap_Lucene_Net.rdf file to reflect the new version and ensure other links/info in the file are correct.

    [!IMPORTANT] Only update the version if it's a new stable version.

  • Create a new release page in the /websites/site/download, in most cases it's easiest to just copy the previous release page.
    • Ensure the uid in the header is correct
    • Update all headers, status, release date to be correct
    • Ensure supported frameworks and packages section is accurate for the new release
  • Add the new release page to the /websites/site/download/toc.yml file
  • Follow the instructions on how to build, test & publish the website and run/test the website locally.
  • Commit changes and publish the website.

Update the API Documentation with new release

  • Create and push a new Git branch from the relese tag called docs/[version], for example: docs/4.8.0-beta00008.
  • Update the DocFx config file /websites/apidocs/docfx.json and change the globalMetadata section:
    • _appTitle should be: “Apache Lucene.NET [Version] Documentation”
    • ensure the _appFooter has the correct copyright year
    • the _gitContribute.branch should be the name of the branch just created
  • Follow the instructions on how to build, test and publish the docs and run/test the docs locally. When testing locally ensure that the “Improve this doc” button on each documentation page links to the newly created branch on GitHub.
  • Commit and push any changes done during the docs building process to the new branch.
  • Merge the new branch to the master branch, or create a Pull Request to target the master branch if you want to review changes that way or want another team member to review changes.
  • Publish the docs.

Post-Release Steps

  • Log the new version at https://reporter.apache.org/addrelease.html?lucenenet

  • Publish the Draft GitHub Release that was created earlier, updating the tag if necessary

  • Send announcement email 24 hours after the release (to ensure the mirrors have propagated the download locations)

    [!IMPORTANT] Only include announce@apache.org if it is a stable release version

    To: announce@apache.org; dev@lucenenet.apache.org; user@lucenenet.apache.org
    Message Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Lucene.NET [version] Released
    The Apache Lucene.NET team is pleased to announce the release of version [version] of Apache Lucene.NET. Apache Lucene.NET is a .NET full-text search engine framework, a C# port of the popular Apache Lucene project. Apache Lucene.NET is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications.
    The Lucene.NET [version] binary and source distributions are available for download from our download page:
    The Lucene.NET library is distributed by NuGet.org as well. See the README.md page for more details:
    Changes in this version:
    The Apache Lucene.NET Team

After an Unsuccessful Vote

The release vote may fail due to an issue discovered in the release candidate. If the vote fails the release should be canceled by:

A new release candidate can now be prepared. When complete, a new VOTE thread can be started as described in the steps above.