blob: 80cd64030ed9f17c9bd5f6d66515b4a4ace1eb1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile;
public class KnnRegressionEvaluator extends RecursiveObjectEvaluator implements ManyValueWorker {
protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private boolean robust=false;
private boolean scale=false;
public KnnRegressionEvaluator(StreamExpression expression, StreamFactory factory) throws IOException{
super(expression, factory);
List<StreamExpressionNamedParameter> namedParams = factory.getNamedOperands(expression);
for(StreamExpressionNamedParameter namedParam : namedParams){
this.scale = Boolean.parseBoolean(namedParam.getParameter().toString().trim());
} else if(namedParam.getName().equals("robust")) {
this.robust = Boolean.parseBoolean(namedParam.getParameter().toString().trim());
} else {
throw new IOException("Unexpected named parameter:"+namedParam.getName());
public Object doWork(Object ... values) throws IOException {
if(values.length < 3) {
throw new IOException("knnRegress expects atleast three parameters: an observation matrix, an outcomes vector and k.");
Matrix observations = null;
List<Number> outcomes = null;
int k = 5;
DistanceMeasure distanceMeasure = new EuclideanDistance();
boolean bivariate = false;
if(values[0] instanceof Matrix) {
observations = (Matrix)values[0];
} else if(values[0] instanceof List) {
bivariate = true;
List<Number> vec = (List<Number>)values[0];
double[][] data = new double[vec.size()][1];
for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) {
data[i][0] = vec.get(i).doubleValue();
observations = new Matrix(data);
} else {
throw new IOException("The first parameter for knnRegress should be the observation vector or matrix.");
if(values[1] instanceof List) {
outcomes = (List) values[1];
} else {
throw new IOException("The second parameter for knnRegress should be outcome array. ");
if(values[2] instanceof Number) {
k = ((Number) values[2]).intValue();
} else {
throw new IOException("The third parameter for knnRegress should be k. ");
if(values.length == 4) {
if(values[3] instanceof DistanceMeasure) {
distanceMeasure = (DistanceMeasure) values[3];
} else {
throw new IOException("The fourth parameter for knnRegress should be a distance measure. ");
double[] outcomeData = new double[outcomes.size()];
for(int i=0; i<outcomeData.length; i++) {
outcomeData[i] = outcomes.get(i).doubleValue();
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("k", k);
map.put("observations", observations.getRowCount());
map.put("features", observations.getColumnCount());
map.put("distance", distanceMeasure.getClass().getSimpleName());
map.put("robust", robust);
map.put("scale", scale);
return new KnnRegressionTuple(observations, outcomeData, k, distanceMeasure, map, scale, robust, bivariate);
public static class KnnRegressionTuple extends Tuple {
private Matrix observations;
private Matrix scaledObservations;
private double[] outcomes;
private int k;
private DistanceMeasure distanceMeasure;
private boolean scale;
private boolean robust;
private boolean bivariate;
public KnnRegressionTuple(Matrix observations,
double[] outcomes,
int k,
DistanceMeasure distanceMeasure,
Map<?,?> map,
boolean scale,
boolean robust,
boolean bivariate) {
this.observations = observations;
this.outcomes = outcomes;
this.k = k;
this.distanceMeasure = distanceMeasure;
this.scale = scale;
this.robust = robust;
this.bivariate = bivariate;
public boolean getScale() {
return this.scale;
public boolean getBivariate() {
return this.bivariate;
//MinMax Scale both the observations and the predictors
public double[] scale(double[] predictors) {
double[][] data = observations.getData();
//We need to scale the columns of the data matrix with along with the predictors
Array2DRowRealMatrix matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data);
Array2DRowRealMatrix transposed = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) matrix.transpose();
double[][] featureRows = transposed.getDataRef();
double[] scaledPredictors = new double[predictors.length];
for(int i=0; i<featureRows.length; i++) {
double[] featureRow = featureRows[i];
double[] combinedFeatureRow = new double[featureRow.length+1];
System.arraycopy(featureRow, 0, combinedFeatureRow, 0, featureRow.length);
combinedFeatureRow[featureRow.length] = predictors[i]; // Add the last feature from the predictor
double[] scaledFeatures = MinMaxScaleEvaluator.scale(combinedFeatureRow, 0, 1);
scaledPredictors[i] = scaledFeatures[featureRow.length];
System.arraycopy(scaledFeatures, 0, featureRow, 0, featureRow.length);
Array2DRowRealMatrix scaledFeatureMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(featureRows);
Array2DRowRealMatrix scaledObservationsMatrix= (Array2DRowRealMatrix)scaledFeatureMatrix.transpose();
this.scaledObservations = new Matrix(scaledObservationsMatrix.getDataRef());
return scaledPredictors;
public Matrix scale(Matrix predictors) {
double[][] observationData = observations.getData();
//We need to scale the columns of the data matrix with along with the predictors
Array2DRowRealMatrix observationMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(observationData);
Array2DRowRealMatrix observationTransposed = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) observationMatrix.transpose();
double[][] observationFeatureRows = observationTransposed.getDataRef();
double[][] predictorsData = predictors.getData();
//We need to scale the columns of the data matrix with along with the predictors
Array2DRowRealMatrix predictorMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(predictorsData);
Array2DRowRealMatrix predictorTransposed = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) predictorMatrix.transpose();
double[][] predictorFeatureRows = predictorTransposed.getDataRef();
for(int i=0; i<observationFeatureRows.length; i++) {
double[] observationFeatureRow = observationFeatureRows[i];
double[] predictorFeatureRow = predictorFeatureRows[i];
double[] combinedFeatureRow = new double[observationFeatureRow.length+predictorFeatureRow.length];
System.arraycopy(observationFeatureRow, 0, combinedFeatureRow, 0, observationFeatureRow.length);
System.arraycopy(predictorFeatureRow, 0, combinedFeatureRow, observationFeatureRow.length, predictorFeatureRow.length);
double[] scaledFeatures = MinMaxScaleEvaluator.scale(combinedFeatureRow, 0, 1);
System.arraycopy(scaledFeatures, 0, observationFeatureRow, 0, observationFeatureRow.length);
System.arraycopy(scaledFeatures, observationFeatureRow.length, predictorFeatureRow, 0, predictorFeatureRow.length);
Array2DRowRealMatrix scaledFeatureMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(observationFeatureRows);
Array2DRowRealMatrix scaledObservationsMatrix= (Array2DRowRealMatrix)scaledFeatureMatrix.transpose();
this.scaledObservations = new Matrix(scaledObservationsMatrix.getDataRef());
Array2DRowRealMatrix scaledPredictorMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(predictorFeatureRows);
Array2DRowRealMatrix scaledTransposedPredictorMatrix= (Array2DRowRealMatrix)scaledPredictorMatrix.transpose();
return new Matrix(scaledTransposedPredictorMatrix.getDataRef());
public double predict(double[] values) {
Matrix obs = scaledObservations != null ? scaledObservations : observations;
Matrix knn =, values, k, distanceMeasure);
List<Number> indexes = (List<Number>)knn.getAttribute("indexes");
if(robust) {
//Get the median of the results.
double[] vals = new double[indexes.size()];
Percentile percentile = new Percentile();
int i=0;
for (Number n : indexes) {
//Return 50 percentile.
return percentile.evaluate(vals, 50);
} else {
//Get the average of the results
double sum = 0;
//Collect the outcomes for the nearest neighbors
for (Number n : indexes) {
sum += outcomes[n.intValue()];
//Return the average of the outcomes as the prediction.
return sum / ((double) indexes.size());