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= Using Python
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Solr includes an output format specifically for <<response-writers.adoc#python-response-writer,Python>>, but <<response-writers.adoc#json-response-writer,JSON output>> is a little more robust.
== Simple Python
Making a query is a simple matter. First, tell Python you will need to make HTTP connections.
from urllib2 import *
Now open a connection to the server and get a response. The `wt` query parameter tells Solr to return results in a format that Python can understand.
connection = urlopen('http://localhost:8983/solr/collection_name/select?q=cheese&wt=python')
response = eval(
Now interpreting the response is just a matter of pulling out the information that you need.
print response['response']['numFound'], "documents found."
# Print the name of each document.
for document in response['response']['docs']:
print " Name =", document['name']
== Python with JSON
JSON is a more robust response format, and Python has support for it in its standard library since version 2.6.
Making a query is nearly the same as before. However, notice that the `wt` query parameter is now `json` (which is also the default if no `wt` parameter is specified), and the response is now digested by `json.load()`.
from urllib2 import *
import json
connection = urlopen('http://localhost:8983/solr/collection_name/select?q=cheese&wt=json')
response = json.load(connection)
print response['response']['numFound'], "documents found."
# Print the name of each document.
for document in response['response']['docs']:
print " Name =", document['name']