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= Text Analysis and Term Vectors
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This section of the user guide presents an overview of the text analysis, text analytics
and TF-IDF term vector functions in math expressions.
== Text Analysis
The `analyze` function applies a Solr analyzer to a text field and returns the tokens
emitted by the analyzer in an array. Any analyzer chain that is attached to a field in Solr's
schema can be used with the `analyze` function.
In the example below, the text "hello world" is analyzed using the analyzer chain attached to the `subject` field in
the schema. The `subject` field is defined as the field type `text_general` and the text is analyzed using the
analysis chain configured for the `text_general` field type.
analyze("hello world", subject)
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"return-value": [
"EOF": true,
=== Annotating Documents
The `analyze` function can be used inside of a `select` function to annotate documents with the tokens generated by the analysis.
The example below performs a `search` in "collection1".
Each tuple returned by the `search` function contains an `id` and `subject`.
For each tuple, the `select` function selects the `id` field and calls the `analyze` function on the `subject` field.
The analyzer chain specified by the `subject_bigram` field is configured to perform a bigram analysis.
The tokens generated by the `analyze` function are added to each tuple in a field called `terms`.
select(search(collection1, q="*:*", fl="id, subject", sort="id asc"),
analyze(subject, subject_bigram) as terms)
Notice in the output that an array of bigram terms have been added to the tuples:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"terms": [
"text analysis",
"analysis example"
"id": "1"
"terms": [
"example number",
"number two"
"id": "2"
"EOF": true,
=== Text Analytics
The `cartesianProduct` function can be used in conjunction
with the `analyze` function to perform a wide range
of text analytics.
The `cartesianProduct` function explodes a multivalued field into a stream of tuples.
When the `analyze` function is used to create the multivalued field, the `cartesianProduct` function will explode the analyzed tokens into a stream of tuples.
This allows analytics to be performed over the stream of analyzed tokens and the result to be visualized with Zeppelin-Solr.
*Example: Phrase Aggregation*
An example performing phrase aggregation is used to illustrate the power of combining `cartesianProduct` and `analyze`.
In this example the `search` expression is performed over a collection of movie reviews.
The phrase query "Man on Fire" is searched for and the top 5000 results, by score are returned.
A single field from the results is return which is the `review_t` field that
contains text of the movie review.
Then `cartesianProduct` function is run over the search results.
The `cartesianProduct` function applies the `analyze` function, which takes the `review_t` field and analyzes it with the Lucene/Solr analyzer attached to the `text_bigrams` schema field.
This analyzer emits the bigrams found in the text field.
The `cartesianProduct` function explodes each bigram into its own tuple with the bigram stored in the field `term`.
The stream of tuples, each containing a bigram, is then filtered by the `having` function
using regular expressions to select bigrams with a length of 12 or greater and to filter
out bigrams that contain specific characters.
The `hashRollup` function then aggregates the bigrams and the `top` function emits the top 10 bigrams by count.
Then Zeppelin-Solr is used to visualize the top 10 ten bigrams.
Lucene/Solr analyzers can be configured in many different ways to support
aggregations over NLP entities (people, places, companies, etc.) as well as
tokens extracted with regular expressions or dictionaries.
== TF-IDF Term Vectors
The `termVectors` function can be used to build TF-IDF term vectors from the terms generated by the `analyze` function.
The `termVectors` function operates over a list of tuples that contain a field called `id` and a field called `terms`.
Notice that this is the exact output structure of the document annotation example above.
The `termVectors` function builds a matrix from the list of tuples.
There is row in the matrix for each tuple in the list.
There is a column in the matrix for each term in the `terms` field.
let(echo="c, d", <1>
a=select(search(collection3, q="*:*", fl="id, subject", sort="id asc"), <2>
analyze(subject, subject_bigram) as terms),
b=termVectors(a, minTermLength=4, minDocFreq=0, maxDocFreq=1), <3>
c=getRowLabels(b), <4>
The example below builds on the document annotation example.
<1> The `echo` parameter will echo variables `c` and `d`, so the output includes
the row and column labels, which will be defined later in the expression.
<2> The list of tuples are stored in variable `a`. The `termVectors` function
operates over variable `a` and builds a matrix with 2 rows and 4 columns.
<3> The `termVectors` function sets the row and column labels of the term vectors matrix as variable `b`.
The row labels are the document ids and the column labels are the terms.
<4> The `getRowLabels` and `getColumnLabels` functions return
the row and column labels which are then stored in variables *`c`* and *`d`*.
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"c": [
"d": [
"analysis example",
"example number",
"number two",
"text analysis"
"EOF": true,
=== TF-IDF Values
The values within the term vectors matrix are the TF-IDF values for each term in each document.
The example below shows the values of the matrix.
let(a=select(search(collection3, q="*:*", fl="id, subject", sort="id asc"),
analyze(subject, subject_bigram) as terms),
b=termVectors(a, minTermLength=4, minDocFreq=0, maxDocFreq=1))
When this expression is sent to the `/stream` handler it responds with:
"result-set": {
"docs": [
"b": [
"EOF": true,
=== Limiting the Noise
One of the key challenges when working with term vectors is that text often has a significant amount of noise which can obscure the important terms in the data.
The `termVectors` function has several parameters designed to filter out the less meaningful terms.
This is also important because eliminating the noisy terms helps keep the term vector matrix small enough to fit comfortably in memory.
There are four parameters designed to filter noisy terms from the term vector matrix:
The minimum term length required to include the term in the matrix.
The minimum percentage, expressed as a number between 0 and 1, of documents the term must appear in to be included in the index.
The maximum percentage, expressed as a number between 0 and 1, of documents the term can appear in to be included in the index.
A comma-delimited list of strings used to exclude terms. If a term contains any of the excluded strings that
term will be excluded from the term vector.