blob: 32f7c70afd62c58623a18665e990c36ab9455831 [file] [log] [blame]
$( document ).ready(function() {
* AnchorJS
// "Bootstrap Bootstrap"
// NOTE: by default, we use "dynamic-tabs" in our wrapper instead of "tab-content"
// so that if javascript is disabled, bootstrap's CSS doesn't hide all non-active "tab-pane" divs
$(".dynamic-tabs").each(function(ignored) {
var nav_ul = $("<ul>", { "class": "nav nav-pills" });
$(".tab-pane", this).each(function(tab_index) {
var pill_li = $("<li>", { "class": "nav-item" });
var pill_a = $("<a>", { "class": "nav-link", "role": "tab", "data-toggle": "pill" } );
if ($(this)[0].hasAttribute("id")) {
pill_a.attr("href", "#" + $(this).attr("id"));
} else {
// our validator will complain if a tab-pane has no id, but if the user
// views the resultin HTML, draw attention to it...
pill_a.append( " BAD TAB-PANE HAS NO ID ");
var label = $(".tab-label", this);
if (0==label.length) {
// our validator will complain if a tab-pane has no tab-label, but if the user
// views the resultin HTML, draw attention to it...
pill_a.append( " BAD TAB-PANE HAS NO TAB-LABEL ");
} else {
// NOTE: using the "inner" HTML of the label...
// so by default we can use "bold" (or whatever) in our asciidoc and have that
// be what people see when javascript is disabled,
// but when the pills+tabs get active, the pills won't all be bold (or whatever)
pill_a.append( label.html() );
// NOTE: Removing the label isn't strictly neccessary, but makes the pills/tabs less redundent
// force the first tab to always be the active tab
if (0 == tab_index) {
} else {
// our validator should have prevented this, but remove them just in case
// Adds scrollbar for the sidebar nav
$(document).ready(function () {
theme: "minimal"