blob: a3844adaed2bc27b2e800ab023993ac76b9d71fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.update;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.NestedUpdateProcessorFactory;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessor;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
public class TestNestedUpdateProcessor extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
private static final char PATH_SEP_CHAR = '/';
private static final char NUM_SEP_CHAR = '#';
private static final String SINGLE_VAL_CHAR = "";
private static final String grandChildId = "4";
private static final String secondChildList = "anotherChildList";
private static final String jDoc = "{\n" +
" \"add\": {\n" +
" \"doc\": {\n" +
" \"id\": \"1\",\n" +
" \"children\": [\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"2\",\n" +
" \"foo_s\": \"Yaz\"\n" +
" \"grandChild\": \n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \""+ grandChildId + "\",\n" +
" \"foo_s\": \"Jazz\"\n" +
" },\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"3\",\n" +
" \"foo_s\": \"Bar\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" ]\n" +
secondChildList + ": [{\"id\": \"4\", \"last_s\": \"Smith\"}],\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
private static final String errDoc = "{\n" +
" \"add\": {\n" +
" \"doc\": {\n" +
" \"id\": \"1\",\n" +
" \"children" + PATH_SEP_CHAR + "a\": [\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"2\",\n" +
" \"foo_s\": \"Yaz\"\n" +
" \"grandChild\": \n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \""+ grandChildId + "\",\n" +
" \"foo_s\": \"Jazz\"\n" +
" },\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"3\",\n" +
" \"foo_s\": \"Bar\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" ]\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
initCore("solrconfig-minimal.xml", "schema-nest.xml");
public void before() throws Exception {
public void testDeeplyNestedURPGrandChild() throws Exception {
final String[] tests = {
"/response/docs/[0]/" + IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + "=='/children#0/grandChild#'"
assertJQ(req("q", IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + ":*/grandChild",
"fl","*, _nest_path_",
"sort","id desc",
public void testNumberInName() throws Exception {
// child named "grandChild99" (has a number in it)
indexSampleData(jDoc.replace("grandChild", "grandChild99"));
//assertQ(req("qt", "/terms", "terms", "true", "terms.fl", IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME), "false"); // for debugging
// find it
assertJQ(req("q", "{!field f=" + IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + "}/children/grandChild99"),
// should *NOT* find it; different number
assertJQ(req("q", "{!field f=" + IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + "}/children/grandChild22"),
public void testDeeplyNestedURPChildren() throws Exception {
final String[] childrenTests = {
"/response/docs/[0]/" + IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + "=='/children#0'",
"/response/docs/[1]/" + IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + "=='/children#1'"
assertJQ(req("q", IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + ":\\/children",
"fl","*, _nest_path_",
"sort","id asc",
assertJQ(req("q", IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + ":\\/anotherChildList",
"fl","*, _nest_path_",
"sort","id asc",
"/response/docs/[0]/" + IndexSchema.NEST_PATH_FIELD_NAME + "=='/anotherChildList#0'");
public void testDeeplyNestedURPSanity() throws Exception {
SolrInputDocument docHierarchy = sdoc("id", "1", "children", sdocs(sdoc("id", "2", "name_s", "Yaz"),
sdoc("id", "3", "name_s", "Jazz", "grandChild", sdoc("id", "4", "name_s", "Gaz"))), "lonelyChild", sdoc("id", "5", "name_s", "Loner"));
UpdateRequestProcessor nestedUpdate = new NestedUpdateProcessorFactory().getInstance(req(), null, null);
AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(req());
cmd.solrDoc = docHierarchy;
List children = (List) docHierarchy.get("children").getValues();
SolrInputDocument firstChild = (SolrInputDocument) children.get(0);
assertEquals("SolrInputDocument(fields: [id=2, name_s=Yaz, _nest_path_=/children#0, _nest_parent_=1])", firstChild.toString());
SolrInputDocument secondChild = (SolrInputDocument) children.get(1);
assertEquals("SolrInputDocument(fields: [id=3, name_s=Jazz, grandChild=SolrInputDocument(fields: [id=4, name_s=Gaz, _nest_path_=/children#1/grandChild#, _nest_parent_=3]), _nest_path_=/children#1, _nest_parent_=1])", secondChild.toString());
SolrInputDocument grandChild = (SolrInputDocument)((SolrInputDocument) children.get(1)).get("grandChild").getValue();
assertEquals("SolrInputDocument(fields: [id=4, name_s=Gaz, _nest_path_=/children#1/grandChild#, _nest_parent_=3])", grandChild.toString());
SolrInputDocument singularChild = (SolrInputDocument) docHierarchy.get("lonelyChild").getValue();
assertEquals("SolrInputDocument(fields: [id=5, name_s=Loner, _nest_path_=/lonelyChild#, _nest_parent_=1])", singularChild.toString());
public void testDeeplyNestedURPChildrenWoId() throws Exception {
final String rootId = "1";
final String childKey = "grandChild";
final String expectedId = rootId + "/children#1/" + childKey + NUM_SEP_CHAR + SINGLE_VAL_CHAR;
SolrInputDocument noIdChildren = sdoc("id", rootId, "children", sdocs(sdoc("name_s", "Yaz"), sdoc("name_s", "Jazz", childKey, sdoc("name_s", "Gaz"))));
UpdateRequestProcessor nestedUpdate = new NestedUpdateProcessorFactory().getInstance(req(), null, null);
AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(req());
cmd.solrDoc = noIdChildren;
List children = (List) noIdChildren.get("children").getValues();
SolrInputDocument idLessChild = (SolrInputDocument)((SolrInputDocument) children.get(1)).get(childKey).getValue();
assertTrue("Id less child did not get an Id", idLessChild.containsKey("id"));
assertEquals("Id less child was assigned an unexpected id", expectedId, idLessChild.getFieldValue("id").toString());
public void testDeeplyNestedURPFieldNameException() throws Exception {
final String errMsg = "contains: '" + PATH_SEP_CHAR + "' , which is reserved for the nested URP";
private void indexSampleData(String cmd) throws Exception {
updateJ(cmd, null);
* Randomized test to look for flaws in the documented approach for building "safe" values of the
* <code>of</code> / <code>which</code> params in the <code>child</code> / <code>parent</code> QParsers
* when a specific <code>_nest_path_</code> is desired
* @see <a href="">SOLR-14687</a>
public void testRandomNestPathQueryFiltering() throws Exception {
// First: build a bunch of complex randomly nested documents, with random "nest paths"
// re-use the same "path segments" at various levels of nested, so as to confuse things even more
final RandomNestedDocModel docs = new RandomNestedDocModel();
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
final SolrInputDocument rootDoc = docs.buildRandomDoc();
// now do some systematic parent/child queries.
// we're checking both for "parser errors" (ie: children matching "parent filter")
// as well as that the test_path_s of all matching docs meets our expectations
// *:* w/ parent parser...
// starts at "root" parent_path and recurses until we get no (expected) results
assertTrue(// we expected at least one query for every "real" path,
// but there will be more because we'll try lots of sub-paths that have no docs
< docs.recursiveCheckParentQueryOfAllChildren(Collections.<String>emptyList()));
// sanity check: path that is garunteed not to exist...
assertEquals(1, docs.recursiveCheckParentQueryOfAllChildren(Arrays.asList("xxx", "yyy")));
// *:* w/ child parser...
// starts at "root" parent_path and recurses until we get no (expected) results
assertTrue(// we expected at least one query for every "real" path,
// but there will be more because we'll try lots of sub-paths that have no docs
< docs.recursiveCheckChildQueryOfAllParents(Collections.<String>emptyList()));
// sanity check: path that is garunteed not to exist...
assertEquals(1, docs.recursiveCheckChildQueryOfAllParents(Arrays.asList("xxx", "yyy")));
// quering against individual child ids w/ both parent & child parser...
private static class RandomNestedDocModel {
public static final List<String> PATH_ELEMENTS = Arrays.asList("aa", "bb", "cc", "dd");
private final Map<String,SolrInputDocument> allDocs = new HashMap<>();
public final Map<String,Integer> numDocsDescendentFromPath = new HashMap<>();
public final Map<String,Integer> numDocsWithPathWithKids = new HashMap<>();
private int idCounter = 0;
public synchronized SolrInputDocument buildRandomDoc() {
return buildRandomDoc(null, Collections.<String>emptyList(), 15);
private static String joinPath(List<String> test_path) {
return "/" + String.join("/", test_path);
private synchronized SolrInputDocument buildRandomDoc(SolrInputDocument parent,
List<String> test_path,
int maxDepthAndBreadth) {
final String path_string = joinPath(test_path);
final String id = "" + (++idCounter);
final SolrInputDocument doc = sdoc
("id", id,
// may change, but we want it 0 even if we never add any
"num_direct_kids_s", "0",
// conceptually matches _nest_path_ but should be easier to make assertions about (no inline position #s)
"test_path_s", path_string);
if (null != parent) {
// order matters: if we add the Collection first, SolrInputDocument will try to reuse it
doc.addField("ancestor_ids_ss", parent.getFieldValue("id"));
if (parent.containsKey("ancestor_ids_ss")) { // sigh: getFieldValues returns null, not empty collection
doc.addField("ancestor_ids_ss", parent.getFieldValues("ancestor_ids_ss"));
for (int i = 0; i < test_path.size(); i++) {
// NOTE: '<' not '<=" .. we only includes paths we are descendents of, not our full path...
numDocsDescendentFromPath.merge(joinPath(test_path.subList(0, i)), 1, Math::addExact);
if (0 < maxDepthAndBreadth) {
final int numDirectKids = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, Math.min(4, maxDepthAndBreadth));
doc.setField("num_direct_kids_s", "" + numDirectKids);
if (0 < numDirectKids) {
numDocsWithPathWithKids.merge(path_string, 1, Math::addExact);
maxDepthAndBreadth -= numDirectKids;
for (int i = 0; i < numDirectKids; i++) {
final String kidType = PATH_ELEMENTS.get(random().nextInt(PATH_ELEMENTS.size()));
final List<String> kid_path = new ArrayList<>(test_path);
final SolrInputDocument kid = buildRandomDoc(doc, kid_path, maxDepthAndBreadth);
doc.addField(kidType, kid);
// order matters: if we add the Collection first, SolrInputDocument will try to reuse it
doc.addField("descendent_ids_ss", kid.getFieldValue("id"));
if (kid.containsKey("descendent_ids_ss")) { // sigh: getFieldValues returns null, not empty collection
doc.addField("descendent_ids_ss", kid.getFieldValues("descendent_ids_ss"));
allDocs.put(id, doc);
return doc;
* Loops over the 'model' of every document we've indexed, asserting that
* parent/child queries wrapping an '<code>id:foo</code> using various paths
* match the expected ancestors/descendents
public void checkParentAndChildQueriesOfEachDocument() {
assertFalse("You didn't build any docs", allDocs.isEmpty());
for (String doc_id : allDocs.keySet()) {
final String doc_path = allDocs.get(doc_id).getFieldValue("test_path_s").toString();
if ( ! doc_path.equals("/") ) {
// doc_id -> descdentId must have at least one ancestor (since it's not a root level document)
final String descendentId = doc_id;
assert allDocs.get(descendentId).containsKey("ancestor_ids_ss");
final List<Object> allAncestorIds = new ArrayList<>(allDocs.get(descendentId).getFieldValues("ancestor_ids_ss"));
// pick a random ancestor to use in our testing...
final String ancestorId = allAncestorIds.get(random().nextInt(allAncestorIds.size())).toString();
final String ancestor_path = allDocs.get(ancestorId).getFieldValue("test_path_s").toString();
final Collection<Object> allOfAncestorsDescendentIds
= allDocs.get(ancestorId).getFieldValues("descendent_ids_ss");
assertTrue("Sanity check " + ancestorId + " ancestor of " + descendentId,
// now we should be able to assert that a 'parent' query wrapped around a query for the descendentId
// using the ancestor_path should match exactly one doc: our ancestorId...
assertQ(req(parentQueryMaker(ancestor_path, "id:" + descendentId),
"_trace_path_tested", ancestor_path,
"fl", "id",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound=1"
, "//doc/str[@name='id'][.='"+ancestorId+"']"
// meanwhile, a 'child' query wrapped arround a query for the ancestorId, using the ancestor_path,
// should match all of it's descendents (for simplicity we'll check just the numFound and the
// 'descendentId' we started with)
assertQ(req(childQueryMaker(ancestor_path, "id:" + ancestorId),
"_trace_path_tested", ancestor_path,
"rows", "9999",
"fl", "id",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound="+allOfAncestorsDescendentIds.size()
, "//doc/str[@name='id'][.='"+descendentId+"']"
// regardless of wether doc_id has an ancestor or not, a 'parent' query with a path that isn't a
// prefix of the path of the (child) doc_id in the wrapped query should match 0 docs w/o failing
assertQ(req(parentQueryMaker("/xxx/yyy", "id:" + doc_id),
"_trace_path_tested", "/xxx/yyy",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound=0");
// likewise: a 'child' query wrapped around a query for our doc_id (regardless of wether if has
// any kids), using a path that doesn't start with the same prefix as doc_id, should match 0
// docs w/o failing
assertQ(req(childQueryMaker("/xxx/yyy", "id:" + doc_id),
"_trace_path_tested", "/xxx/yyy",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound=0");
// lastly: wrapping a child query around a query for our doc_id, using a path that "extends"
// the doc_id's path should always get 0 results if that path doesn't match any actual kids
// (regardless of wether doc_id has any children/descendents)
assertQ(req(childQueryMaker(doc_path + "/xxx/yyy", "id:" + doc_id),
"_trace_path_tested", doc_path + "/xxx/yyy",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound=0");
* recursively check path permutations using <code>*:*</code> inner query, asserting that the
* only docs matched have the expected path, and at least one kid (since this is the "parents" parser)
* (using <code>*:*</code> as our inner query keeps the validation simple and also helps stress out
* risk of matching incorrect docs if the 'which' param is wrong)
* @return total number of queries checked (assuming no assertion failures)
public int recursiveCheckParentQueryOfAllChildren(List<String> parent_path) {
final String p = joinPath(parent_path);
final int expectedParents = numDocsWithPathWithKids.getOrDefault(p, 0);
assertQ(req(parentQueryMaker(p, "*:*"),
"rows", "9999",
"_trace_path_tested", p,
"fl", "test_path_s,num_direct_kids_s",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound="+expectedParents
, "count(//doc)="+expectedParents
, "count(//doc/str[@name='test_path_s'][.='"+p+"'])="+expectedParents
, "0=count(//doc/str[@name='num_direct_kids_s'][.='0'])"
int numChecked = 1;
// no point in recursing on the current path if we already have no results found...
if (0 < expectedParents) {
for (String next : PATH_ELEMENTS) {
final List<String> next_path = new ArrayList<>(parent_path);
numChecked += recursiveCheckParentQueryOfAllChildren(next_path);
return numChecked;
* This implements the "safe query based on parent path" rules we're sanity checking.
* @param parent_path the nest path of the parents to consider
* @param inner_child_query the specific children whose ancestors we are looking for, must be simple string <code>*:*</code> or <code>id:foo</code>
private SolrParams parentQueryMaker(String parent_path, String inner_child_query) {
final boolean verbose = random().nextBoolean();
if (parent_path.equals("/")) {
if (verbose) {
return params("q", "{!parent which=$parent_filt v=$child_q}",
"parent_filt", "(*:* -_nest_path_:*)",
"child_q", "(+" + inner_child_query + " +_nest_path_:*)");
} else {
return params("q", "{!parent which='(*:* -_nest_path_:*)'}(+" + inner_child_query + " +_nest_path_:*)");
} // else...
if (verbose) {
final String path = parent_path + "/";
return params("q", "{!parent which=$parent_filt v=$child_q}",
"parent_filt", "(*:* -{!prefix f='_nest_path_' v='"+path+"'})",
"child_q", "(+" + inner_child_query + " +{!prefix f='_nest_path_' v='"+path+"'})");
} else {
// '/' has to be escaped other wise it will be treated as a regex query...
// (and of course '\' escaping is the java syntax as well, we have to double it)
final String path = (parent_path + "/").replace("/", "\\/");
// ...and when used inside the 'which' param it has to be escaped *AGAIN* because of
// the "quoted" localparam evaluation layer...
return params("q", "{!parent which='(*:* -_nest_path_:" + path.replace("\\/","\\\\/") + "*)'}"
+ "(+" + inner_child_query + " +_nest_path_:" + path + "*)");
* recursively check path permutations using <code>*:*</code> inner query, asserting that the
* only docs matched have paths that include the specified path as a (strict) prefix
* (using <code>*:*</code> as our inner query keeps the validation simple and also helps stress out
* risk of matching incorrect docs if the 'of' param is wrong)
* @return total number of queries checked (assuming no assertion failures)
public int recursiveCheckChildQueryOfAllParents(List<String> parent_path) {
final String p = joinPath(parent_path);
final int expectedMatches = numDocsDescendentFromPath.getOrDefault(p, 0);
assertQ(req(childQueryMaker(p, "*:*"),
"rows", "9999",
"_trace_path_tested", p,
"fl", "test_path_s",
"indent", "true")
, "//result/@numFound="+expectedMatches
, "count(//doc)="+expectedMatches
, "count(//doc/str[@name='test_path_s'][starts-with(., '"+p+"')])="+expectedMatches
int numChecked = 1;
// no point in recursing on the current path if we already have no results found...
if (0 < expectedMatches) {
for (String next : PATH_ELEMENTS) {
final List<String> next_path = new ArrayList<>(parent_path);
numChecked += recursiveCheckChildQueryOfAllParents(next_path);
return numChecked;
* This implements the "safe query based on parent path" rules we're sanity checking.
* @param parent_path the nest path of the parents to consider
* @param inner_parent_query the specific parents whose descendents we are looking for, must be simple string <code>*:*</code> or <code>id:foo</code>
private SolrParams childQueryMaker(String parent_path, String inner_parent_query) {
final boolean verbose = random().nextBoolean();
if (parent_path.equals("/")) {
if (verbose) {
return params("q", "{!child of=$parent_filt v=$parent_q})",
"parent_filt", "(*:* -_nest_path_:*)",
"parent_q", "(+" + inner_parent_query + " -_nest_path_:*)");
} else {
return params("q", "{!child of='(*:* -_nest_path_:*)'}(+" + inner_parent_query + " -_nest_path_:*)");
} // else...
if (verbose) {
return params("q", "{!child of=$parent_filt v=$parent_q})",
"parent_filt", "(*:* -{!prefix f='_nest_path_' v='"+parent_path+"/'})",
"parent_q", "(+" + inner_parent_query + " +{!field f='_nest_path_' v='"+parent_path+"'})");
} else {
// '/' has to be escaped other wise it will be treated as a regex query...
// (and of course '\' escaping is the java syntax as well, we have to double it)
final String exact_path = parent_path.replace("/", "\\/");
// ...and when used inside the 'which' param it has to be escaped *AGAIN* because of
// the "quoted" localparam evaluation layer...
final String prefix_path = (parent_path + "/").replace("/","\\\\/");
return params("q", "{!child of='(*:* -_nest_path_:"+prefix_path+"*)'}"
+ "(+" + inner_parent_query + " +_nest_path_:" + exact_path + ")");
private void assertValidPathSytax(String path) {
assert path.startsWith("/");
assert (1 == path.length()) ^ ! path.endsWith("/");