blob: 8fd0b4b903e323f64ba869ed8b7183bf2c2341ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.solr.spelling;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.SuppressTempFileChecks;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* @since solr 1.3
@SuppressTempFileChecks(bugUrl = " Spellcheck IndexReader leak bug?")
public class FileBasedSpellCheckerTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
private static SpellingQueryConverter queryConverter;
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
//Index something with a title
assertNull(h.validateUpdate(adoc("id", "0", "teststop", "This is a title")));
assertNull(h.validateUpdate(adoc("id", "1", "teststop", "The quick reb fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs.")));
assertNull(h.validateUpdate(adoc("id", "2", "teststop", "This is a Solr")));
assertNull(h.validateUpdate(adoc("id", "3", "teststop", "solr foo")));
queryConverter = new SimpleQueryConverter();
queryConverter.init(new NamedList());
public static void afterClass() {
queryConverter = null;
public void test() throws Exception {
FileBasedSpellChecker checker = new FileBasedSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", FileBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.DICTIONARY_NAME, "external");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.LOCATION, "spellings.txt");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(FileBasedSpellChecker.SOURCE_FILE_CHAR_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
File indexDir = createTempDir(LuceneTestCase.getTestClass().getSimpleName()).toFile();
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.INDEX_DIR, indexDir.getAbsolutePath());
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + "external", dictName.equals("external") == true);, null);
h.getCore().withSearcher(searcher -> {
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("fob");
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, searcher.getIndexReader());
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "foo", entry.getKey().equals("foo") == true);
assertTrue(entry.getValue() + " does not equal: " + SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO, entry.getValue() == SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO);
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions is not null and it should be", suggestions == null);
return null;
public void testFieldType() throws Exception {
FileBasedSpellChecker checker = new FileBasedSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", FileBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.DICTIONARY_NAME, "external");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.LOCATION, "spellings.txt");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(FileBasedSpellChecker.SOURCE_FILE_CHAR_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
File indexDir = createTempDir().toFile();
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.INDEX_DIR, indexDir.getAbsolutePath());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.FIELD_TYPE, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.SPELLCHECKER_ARG_NAME, spellchecker);
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + "external", dictName.equals("external") == true);, null);
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("Solar");
h.getCore().withSearcher(searcher -> {
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, searcher.getIndexReader());
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
//should be lowercased, b/c we are using a lowercasing analyzer
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions Size: " + suggestions.size() + " is not: " + 1, suggestions.size() == 1);
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "solr", entry.getKey().equals("solr") == true);
assertTrue(entry.getValue() + " does not equal: " + SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO, entry.getValue() == SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO);
//test something not in the spell checker
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions is not null and it should be", suggestions == null);
return null;
* No indexDir location set
public void testRAMDirectory() throws Exception {
FileBasedSpellChecker checker = new FileBasedSpellChecker();
NamedList spellchecker = new NamedList();
spellchecker.add("classname", FileBasedSpellChecker.class.getName());
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.DICTIONARY_NAME, "external");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.LOCATION, "spellings.txt");
spellchecker.add(FileBasedSpellChecker.SOURCE_FILE_CHAR_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.FIELD, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(SolrSpellChecker.FIELD_TYPE, "teststop");
spellchecker.add(AbstractLuceneSpellChecker.SPELLCHECKER_ARG_NAME, spellchecker);
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
String dictName = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
assertTrue(dictName + " is not equal to " + "external", dictName.equals("external") == true);, null);
h.getCore().withSearcher(searcher -> {
Collection<Token> tokens = queryConverter.convert("solar");
SpellingOptions spellOpts = new SpellingOptions(tokens, searcher.getIndexReader());
SpellingResult result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
//should be lowercased, b/c we are using a lowercasing analyzer
Map<String, Integer> suggestions = result.get(tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions Size: " + suggestions.size() + " is not: " + 1, suggestions.size() == 1);
Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = suggestions.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertTrue(entry.getKey() + " is not equal to " + "solr", entry.getKey().equals("solr") == true);
assertTrue(entry.getValue() + " does not equal: " + SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO, entry.getValue() == SpellingResult.NO_FREQUENCY_INFO);
spellOpts.tokens = queryConverter.convert("super");
result = checker.getSuggestions(spellOpts);
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
suggestions = result.get(spellOpts.tokens.iterator().next());
assertTrue("suggestions size should be 0", suggestions.size()==0);
return null;