blob: 8993b257c7d018a0c656ff5a666f19394cb477ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.SuppressCodecs;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.schema.DoubleValueFieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.FloatValueFieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IntValueFieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.LongValueFieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.apache.solr.schema.TrieField;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
* Tests the behavior of <code>field(foo,min|max)</code> on numerious types of multivalued 'foo' fields,
* as well as the beahvior of sorting on <code>foo asc|desc</code> to implicitly choose the min|max.
@SuppressCodecs({"SimpleText"}) // see TestSortedSetSelector
public class TestMinMaxOnMultiValuedField extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
/** Initializes core and does some sanity checking of schema */
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
checkFields(new String[] {"i", "l", "f", "d"}, new String [] {"_p", "_ni_p"});
checkFields(new String[] {"ti", "tl", "tf", "td"}, new String [] {"", "_dv", "_ni_dv"});
checkFields(new String[] {"str", // no expectation on missing first/last
"str_missf_", "str_missl_",
"int_missf_", "int_missl_",
"long_missf_", "long_missl_",
"float_missf_", "float_missl_",
"double_missf_", "double_missl_",
"date_missf_", "date_missl_",
"enum_missf_", "enum_missl_",
"bool_missf_", "bool_missl_" }, new String [] {"_dv"});
checkFields(new String[] {"stxt_", // no expectation on missing first/last
"stxt_missf_", "stxt_missl_" }, new String [] { "_dv"});
checkFields(new String [] { "stxt_" }, // no expectation on missing first/last
new String [] { "_nodv", "_dv" });
checkFields(new String [] { "stxt_missf_", "stxt_missl_" }, new String [] { "_dv"});
private static void checkFields(String[] types, String[] suffixes) {
// sanity check the expected properties of our fields (ie: who broke the schema?)
IndexSchema schema = h.getCore().getLatestSchema();
for (String type : types) {
for (String suffix : suffixes) {
String f = "val_" + type + "s" + suffix;
SchemaField sf = schema.getField(f);
assertTrue(f + " is not multivalued", sf.multiValued());
assertEquals(f + " doesn't have expected docValues status",
((f.contains("dv") || f.endsWith("_p") || Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_DOCVALUES_SYSPROP))
&& !f.contains("nodv")),
assertEquals(f + " doesn't have expected index status",
! f.contains("ni"), sf.indexed());
if (f.contains("miss")) {
// if name contains "miss" assert that the missing first/last props match
// but don't make any asserts about fields w/o that in name
// (schema11.xml's strings has some preexisting silliness that don't affect us)
assertEquals(f + " sortMissingFirst is wrong",
f.contains("missf"), sf.sortMissingFirst());
assertEquals(f + " sortMissingLast is wrong",
f.contains("missl"), sf.sortMissingLast());
/** Deletes all docs (which may be left over from a previous test */
public void before() throws Exception {
public void testBasics() throws Exception {
testBasics("val_tis_dv", "val_tls_dv", "val_tfs_dv", "val_tds_dv");
testBasics("val_tis_ni_dv", "val_tls_ni_dv", "val_tfs_ni_dv", "val_tds_ni_dv");
testBasics("val_is_p", "val_ls_p", "val_fs_p", "val_ds_p");
testBasics("val_is_ni_p", "val_ls_ni_p", "val_fs_ni_p", "val_ds_ni_p");
private void testBasics(String intField, String longField, String floatField, String doubleField) throws Exception {
assertTrue("Unexpected int field", h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(intField).getType() instanceof IntValueFieldType);
assertTrue("Unexpected long field", h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(longField).getType() instanceof LongValueFieldType);
assertTrue("Unexpected float field", h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(floatField).getType() instanceof FloatValueFieldType);
assertTrue("Unexpected double field", h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(doubleField).getType() instanceof DoubleValueFieldType);
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id", "1"
// int
,intField, "42"
,intField, "9"
,intField, "-54"
// long
,longField, "420"
,longField, "90"
,longField, "-540"
// float
,floatField, "-42.5"
,floatField, "-4.5"
,floatField, "-13.5"
// double
,doubleField, "-420.5"
,doubleField, "-40.5"
,doubleField, "-130.5"
// int
,"fl","exists_min_i:exists(field(" + intField + ",min))"
,"fl","exists_max_i:exists(field(" + intField + ",max))"
,"fl","min_i:field(" + intField + ",min)"
,"fl","max_i:field(" + intField + ",max)"
// long
,"fl","exists_min_l:exists(field(" + longField + ",min))"
,"fl","exists_max_l:exists(field(" + longField + ",max))"
,"fl","min_l:field(" + longField + ",min)"
,"fl","max_l:field(" + longField + ",max)"
// float
,"fl","exists_min_f:exists(field(" + floatField + ",min))"
,"fl","exists_max_f:exists(field(" + floatField + ",max))"
,"fl","min_f:field(" + floatField + ",min)"
,"fl","max_f:field(" + floatField + ",max)"
// double
,"fl","exists_min_d:exists(field(" + doubleField + ",min))"
,"fl","exists_max_d:exists(field(" + doubleField + ",max))"
,"fl","min_d:field(" + doubleField + ",min)"
,"fl","max_d:field(" + doubleField + ",max)"
// int
// long
// float
// double
public void testBasicStrings() {
public void testBasicSortableText() {
private void checkBasicStrings(final String field) {
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id", "1",
field, "dog",
field, "xyz",
field, "cat")));
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id", "2"))); // 2 has no values in tested field
// id=1: has values
// id=2: no values
public void testExpectedSortOrderingStrings() {
testExpectedSortOrdering("val_strs_dv", false,
null, "a", "cat", "dog", "wako", "xyz", "zzzzz");
public void testExpectedSortOrderingSortableText() {
testExpectedSortOrdering("val_stxt_s_dv", false,
null, "a", "cat", "dog", "wako", "xyz", "zzzzz");
public void testExpectedSortMissingOrderings() {
// NOTE: we never test the "true" min/max value for a type, because
// (in this simple test) we aren't using a secondary sort, so there is no way to disambiguate
// docs that have those values from docs that have those *effective* sort values
testSortMissingMinMax("val_str", "a", "aaaaaa", "xxxxx", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz");
testSortMissingMinMax("val_stxt", "a", "aaaaaa", "xxxxx", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz");
Integer.MIN_VALUE+1L, -9999, 0, 99999, Integer.MAX_VALUE-1L);
Long.MIN_VALUE+1L, -99999999L, 0, 9999999999L, Long.MAX_VALUE-1L);
Math.nextAfter(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0F), -99.99F,
0F, 99.99F, Math.nextAfter(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0F));
Math.nextAfter(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0D), -99.99D,
0D, 99.99D, Math.nextAfter(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0F));
"-1000000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "NOW-1YEAR", "NOW", "NOW+1YEAR", "+1000000-01-01T00:00:00Z");
testSortMissingMinMax("val_bool", false, true);
testSortMissingMinMax("val_enum", "Not Available", "Low", "High", "Critical");
@AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "")
public void testIntFieldCache() {
testExpectedSortOrderingInt("val_tis", true);
public void testPointInt() {
testExpectedSortOrderingInt("val_is_p", false);
testExpectedSortOrderingInt("val_is_ni_p", false);
public void testIntDocValues() {
testExpectedSortOrderingInt("val_tis_dv", true);
testExpectedSortOrderingInt("val_tis_ni_dv", true);
@AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "")
public void testLongFieldCache() {
testExpectedSortOrderingLong("val_tls", true);
public void testLongDocValues() {
testExpectedSortOrderingLong("val_tls_dv", true);
testExpectedSortOrderingLong("val_tls_ni_dv", true);
public void testPointLong() {
testExpectedSortOrderingLong("val_ls_p", false);
testExpectedSortOrderingLong("val_ls_ni_p", false);
@AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "")
public void testFloatFieldCache() {
testExpectedSortOrderingFloat("val_tfs", true);
public void testFloatDocValues() {
testExpectedSortOrderingFloat("val_tfs_dv", true);
testExpectedSortOrderingFloat("val_tfs_ni_dv", true);
public void testPointFloat() {
testExpectedSortOrderingFloat("val_fs_p", false);
testExpectedSortOrderingFloat("val_fs_ni_p", false);
@AwaitsFix(bugUrl = "")
public void testDoubleFieldCache() {
testExpectedSortOrderingDouble("val_tds", true);
public void testDoubleDocValues() {
testExpectedSortOrderingDouble("val_tds_dv", true);
testExpectedSortOrderingDouble("val_tds_ni_dv", true);
public void testPointDouble() {
testExpectedSortOrderingDouble("val_ds_p", false);
testExpectedSortOrderingDouble("val_ds_ni_p", false);
public void testBadRequests() {
// useful error msg when bogus selector is requested (ie: not min or max)
assertQEx("no error asking for bogus selector",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_tds_dv,'hoss')"),
assertQEx("no error asking for bogus selector",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_ds_p,'hoss')"),
// useful error until/unless LUCENE-6709
assertQEx("no error asking for max on a non docVals field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_is_ndv_p,'max')"),
assertQEx("no error asking for max on a non docVals field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_is_ndv_p,'max')"),
assertQEx("no error asking for max on a non docVals field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_is_ndv_p,'max')"),
// useful error if min/max is unsupported for fieldtype
assertQEx("no error mentioning field name when asking for max on type that doesn't support it",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(cat_length,'max')"),
assertQEx("no error mentioning type when asking for max on type that doesn't support it",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(cat_length,'max')"),
// type supports, but field doesn't have docValues
assertQEx("no error mentioning field name when asking for max on a non-dv str field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(cat,'max')"),
assertQEx("no error mentioning 'docValues' when asking for max on a non-dv str field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(cat,'max')"),
assertQEx("no error mentioning field name when asking for max on a non-dv sortable text field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_stxt_s_nodv,'max')"),
assertQEx("no error mentioning 'docValues' when asking for max on a non-dv sortable field",
req("q","*:*", "fl", "field(val_stxt_s_nodv,'max')"),
public void testRandom() throws Exception {
Comparable[] vals = new Comparable[TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 17)];
// random ints
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
vals[i] = random().nextInt();
testSimpleValues("val_tis_dv", int.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_is_p", int.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_tis_ni_dv", int.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_is_ni_p", int.class, vals);
// random longs
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
vals[i] = random().nextLong();
testSimpleValues("val_tls_dv", long.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_ls_p", long.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_tls_ni_dv", long.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_ls_ni_p", long.class, vals);
// random floats
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
// Random.nextFloat is lame
Float f = Float.NaN;
while (f.isNaN()) {
f = Float.intBitsToFloat(random().nextInt());
vals[i] = f;
testSimpleValues("val_tfs_dv", float.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_fs_p", float.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_tfs_ni_dv", float.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_fs_ni_p", float.class, vals);
// random doubles
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
// Random.nextDouble is lame
Double d = Double.NaN;
while (d.isNaN()) {
d = Double.longBitsToDouble(random().nextLong());
vals[i] = d;
testSimpleValues("val_tds_dv", double.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_ds_p", double.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_tds_ni_dv", double.class, vals);
testSimpleValues("val_ds_ni_p", double.class, vals);
/** @see #testSimpleValues */
protected void testSimpleInt(final String fieldname) {
// most basic case
testSimpleValues(fieldname, int.class, 0);
// order of values shouldn't matter
testSimpleValues(fieldname, int.class, -42, 51, 3);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, int.class, 51, 3, -42);
// extreme's of the data type
testSimpleValues(fieldname, int.class, Integer.MIN_VALUE, 42, -550);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, int.class, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
testSimpleSort(fieldname, -42, 666);
/** @see #testSimpleValues */
protected void testSimpleLong(final String fieldname) {
// most basic case
testSimpleValues(fieldname, long.class, 0);
// order of values shouldn't matter
testSimpleValues(fieldname, long.class, -42L, 51L, 3L);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, long.class, 51L, 3L, -42L);
// extreme's of the data type
testSimpleValues(fieldname, long.class, Long.MIN_VALUE, 42L, -550L);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, long.class, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0L, Long.MIN_VALUE);
testSimpleSort(fieldname, -42, 666);
/** @see #testSimpleValues */
protected void testSimpleFloat(final String fieldname) {
// most basic case
testSimpleValues(fieldname, float.class, 0.0F);
// order of values shouldn't matter
testSimpleValues(fieldname, float.class, -42.5F, 51.3F, 3.1415F);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, float.class, 51.3F, 3.1415F, -42.5F);
// extreme's of the data type
testSimpleValues(fieldname, float.class, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 42.5F, -550.4F);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, float.class, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0F, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
testSimpleSort(fieldname, -4.2, 6.66);
/** @see #testSimpleValues */
protected void testSimpleDouble(final String fieldname) {
// most basic case
testSimpleValues(fieldname, double.class, 0.0D);
// order of values shouldn't matter
testSimpleValues(fieldname, double.class, -42.5D, 51.3D, 3.1415D);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, double.class, 51.3D, 3.1415D, -42.5D);
// extreme's of the data type
testSimpleValues(fieldname, double.class, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 42.5D, -550.4D);
testSimpleValues(fieldname, double.class, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0D, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
testSimpleSort(fieldname, -4.2, 6.66);
/** Tests a single doc with a few explicit values, as well as testing exists with and w/o values */
protected void testSimpleValues(final String fieldname, final Class<?> clazz,
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})final Comparable... vals) {
assert 0 < vals.length;
Comparable min = vals[0];
Comparable max = vals[0];
final String type = clazz.getName();
final SolrInputDocument doc1 = sdoc("id", "1");
for (@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})Comparable v : vals) {
doc1.addField(fieldname, v);
if (0 < min.compareTo(v)) {
min = v;
if (0 > max.compareTo(v)) {
max = v;
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id", "2"))); // fieldname doesn't exist
// doc with values
// doc w/o values
// sanity check no sort error when there are missing values
for (String dir : new String[] { "asc", "desc" }) {
for (String mm : new String[] { "min", "max" }) {
for (String func : new String[] { "field("+fieldname+","+mm+")",
"sum(32,field("+fieldname+","+mm+"))" }) {
"fl", "id",
"sort", func + " " + dir)
// no assumptions about order for now, see bug: SOLR-8005
* Tests sort order of min/max realtive to other docs w/o any values.
* @param fieldname The field to test
* @param negative a "negative" value for this field (ie: in a function context, is less then the "0")
* @param positive a "positive" value for this field (ie: in a function context, is more then the "0")
protected void testSimpleSort(final String fieldname,
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})final Comparable negative,
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})final Comparable positive) {
int numDocsExpected = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { // pos docids
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id",i))); // fieldname doesn't exist
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id", "0",
fieldname, negative,
fieldname, positive)));
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { // neg docids
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
assertU(adoc(sdoc("id",-i))); // fieldname doesn't exist
// need to wrap with "def" until SOLR-8005 is resolved
assertDocWithValsIsFirst(numDocsExpected, "def(field("+fieldname+",min),0) asc");
assertDocWithValsIsLast(numDocsExpected, "def(field("+fieldname+",min),0) desc");
assertDocWithValsIsFirst(numDocsExpected, "def(field("+fieldname+",max),0) desc");
assertDocWithValsIsLast(numDocsExpected, "def(field("+fieldname+",max),0) asc");
// def wrapper shouldn't be needed since it's already part of another function
assertDocWithValsIsFirst(numDocsExpected, "sum(32,field("+fieldname+",max)) desc");
assertDocWithValsIsLast(numDocsExpected, "sum(32,field("+fieldname+",max)) asc");
assertDocWithValsIsFirst(numDocsExpected, "sum(32,field("+fieldname+",min)) asc");
assertDocWithValsIsLast(numDocsExpected, "sum(32,field("+fieldname+",min)) desc");
/** helper for testSimpleSort */
private static void assertDocWithValsIsFirst(final int numDocs, final String sort) {
req("q","*:*", "rows", ""+numDocs, "sort", sort)
/** helper for testSimpleSort */
private static void assertDocWithValsIsLast(final int numDocs, final String sort) {
req("q","*:*", "rows", ""+numDocs, "sort", sort)
/** @see #testExpectedSortOrdering */
private void testExpectedSortOrderingInt(final String f, final boolean trieFieldHack) {
// first a quick test where every doc has a value
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Integer.MIN_VALUE, -9999, 0, 1000, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// now where one doc has no values
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Integer.MIN_VALUE, -9999, -42, -15, -3,
null, 7, 53, 1000, 121212112, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
/** @see #testExpectedSortOrdering */
private void testExpectedSortOrderingLong(final String f, final boolean trieFieldHack) {
// first a quick test where every doc has a value
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Long.MIN_VALUE, -4200L, 0, 121212112, Long.MAX_VALUE);
// now where one doc has no values
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Long.MIN_VALUE, ((long)Integer.MIN_VALUE)-1L, -4200L,
-150L, -3L, null, 70L, 530L, 121212112,
1L+(long)Integer.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
/** @see #testExpectedSortOrdering */
private void testExpectedSortOrderingFloat(final String f, final boolean trieFieldHack) {
// first a quick test where every doc has a value
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -15.0, 0F, 121212.112, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
// now where one doc has no values
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -9999.999, -42.3, -15.0, -0.3,
null, 0.7, 5.3, 1000, 121212.112, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
/** @see #testExpectedSortOrdering */
private void testExpectedSortOrderingDouble(final String f, final boolean trieFieldHack) {
// first a quick test where every doc has a value
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -9999.999D,
0D, 121212.112D, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
// now where one doc has no values
testExpectedSortOrdering(f, trieFieldHack,
Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -9999.999D, -42.3D, -15.0D, -0.3D,
null, 0.7D, 5.3D, 1000, 121212.112D, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
* Given a <code>fieldPrefix</code> and a list of sorted values which may <em>not</em> contain null, this method tests that sortMissingLast and sortMissingFirst fields using those prefixes sort correctly when {@link #buildMultiValueSortedDocuments} is used to generate documents containing these values <em>and</em> an additional document with no values in the field.
* <p>
* Permutations tested:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li><code>fieldPrefix</code> + <code>"_missf_s_dv"</code> asc</li>
* <li><code>fieldPrefix</code> + <code>"_missf_s_dv"</code> desc</li>
* <li><code>fieldPrefix</code> + <code>"_missl_s_dv"</code> asc</li>
* <li><code>fieldPrefix</code> + <code>"_missl_s_dv"</code> desc</li>
* </ul>
* @see #buildMultiValueSortedDocuments
* @see #testExpectedSortOrdering(String,List)
private void testSortMissingMinMax(final String fieldPrefix,
Object... sortedValues) {
for (Object obj : sortedValues) { // sanity check
assertNotNull("this helper method can't be used with 'null' values", obj);
for (String suffix : Arrays.asList("_missf_s_dv", "_missl_s_dv")) {
final String f = fieldPrefix + suffix;
final boolean first = f.contains("missf");
final List<Object> asc_vals = new ArrayList<>(sortedValues.length + 1);
Collections.addAll(asc_vals, sortedValues);
final List<Object> desc_vals = new ArrayList<>(sortedValues.length + 1);
Collections.addAll(desc_vals, sortedValues);
asc_vals.add(first ? 0 : sortedValues.length, null);
desc_vals.add(first ? 0 : sortedValues.length, null);
testExpectedSortOrdering(f + " asc", buildMultiValueSortedDocuments(f, asc_vals));
testExpectedSortOrdering(f + " desc", buildMultiValueSortedDocuments(f, desc_vals));
* Given a (multivalued) field name and an (ascending) sorted list of values, this method uses {@link #buildMultiValueSortedDocuments} to generate and test multiple function &amp; sort permutations ...
* <ul>
* <li><code>f asc</code> (implicitly min)</li>
* <li><code>field(f,min) asc</code></li>
* <li><code>field(f,min) desc</code></li>
* <li><code>f desc</code> (implicitly max)</li>
* <li><code>field(f,max) desc</code></li>
* <li><code>field(f,max) asc</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> if the sortedValues includes "null" then the field must <em>NOT</em> use <code>sortMissingFirst</code> or <code>sortMissingLast</code></b>
* </p>
* @param f the field to test
* @param trieFieldHack if this param and {@link #NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP} are both true, then the <code>field(f,min|max)</code> functions will be wrapped in <code>def(...,0)</code> and the implicit <code>f asc|desc</code> syntax will not be tested -- see SOLR-8005 for the reason.
* @param sortedValues the values to use when building the docs and validating the sort
* @see #buildMultiValueSortedDocuments
* @see #testExpectedSortOrdering(String,List)
* @see #clearIndex
private void testExpectedSortOrdering(final String f, boolean trieFieldHack,
Object... sortedValues) {
SchemaField sf = h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(f);
assertFalse("this utility method does not work with fields that are sortMissingFirst|Last: " + f,
sf.sortMissingFirst() || sf.sortMissingLast());
// make a copy we can re-order later
final List<Object> vals = new ArrayList<Object>(sortedValues.length);
Collections.addAll(vals, sortedValues);
String minFunc = "field("+f+",min)";
String maxFunc = "field("+f+",max)";
if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) {
// we don't need to mess with this hack at all if we're using all point numerics
trieFieldHack = false;
if (trieFieldHack // SOLR-8005
// if this line of code stops compiling, then trie fields have been removed from solr
// and the entire trieFieldHack param should be removed from this method (and callers)
&& null != TrieField.class) {
// the SOLR-8005 hack is only needed if/when a doc has no value...
trieFieldHack = false; // assume we're safe
for (Object val : vals) {
if (null == val) { // we're not safe
trieFieldHack = true;
if (trieFieldHack) {
// if we've made it this far, and we still need the hack, we have to wrap our
// functions with a default...
minFunc = "def(" + minFunc + ",0)";
maxFunc = "def(" + maxFunc + ",0)";
// and we can't test implicit min/max default behavior...
// // // // min
final List<SolrInputDocument> min_asc = buildMultiValueSortedDocuments(f, vals);
// explicit min + asc
testExpectedSortOrdering(minFunc + " asc", min_asc);
// implicit: asc -> min
if (!trieFieldHack) testExpectedSortOrdering(f + " asc", min_asc);
final List<SolrInputDocument> min_desc = new ArrayList<>(min_asc);
// explicit min + desc
testExpectedSortOrdering(minFunc + " desc", min_desc);
// // // // max
final List<SolrInputDocument> max_desc = buildMultiValueSortedDocuments(f, vals);
// explicit: max + desc
testExpectedSortOrdering(maxFunc +" desc", max_desc);
// implicit: desc -> max
if (!trieFieldHack) testExpectedSortOrdering(f + " desc", max_desc);
final List<SolrInputDocument> max_asc = new ArrayList<>(max_desc);
// explicit max + asc
testExpectedSortOrdering(maxFunc + " asc", max_asc);
* Given a sort clause, and a list of documents in sorted order, this method will clear the index
* and then add the documents in a random order (to ensure the index insertion order is not a factor)
* and then validate that a <code>*:*</code> query returns the documents in the original order.
* @see #buildMultiValueSortedDocuments
* @see #clearIndex
private void testExpectedSortOrdering(final String sort,
final List<SolrInputDocument> sortedDocs) {
// shuffle a copy of the doc list (to ensure index order isn't linked to uniqueKey order)
List<SolrInputDocument> randOrderedDocs = new ArrayList<>(sortedDocs);
Collections.shuffle(randOrderedDocs, random());
for (SolrInputDocument doc : randOrderedDocs) {
// now use the original sorted docs to build up the expected sort order as a list of xpath
List<String> xpaths = new ArrayList<>(sortedDocs.size() + 1);
int seq = 0;
for (SolrInputDocument doc : sortedDocs) {
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "" + sortedDocs.size(), "sort", sort),
xpaths.toArray(new String[xpaths.size()]));
* Given a (multivalued) field name and an (ascending) sorted list of values, this method will generate a List of Solr Documents of the same size such that:
* <ul>
* <li>For each non-null value in the original list, the corrisponding document in the result will have that value in the specified field.</li>
* <li>For each null value in the original list, the corrisponding document in teh result will have <em>NO</em> values in the specified field.</li>
* <li>If a document has a value in the field, then some random number of values that come <em>after</em> that value in the original list may also be included in the specified field.</li>
* <li>Every document in the result will have a randomly asssigned 'id', unique realitive to all other documents in the result.</li>
* </ul>
private static final List<SolrInputDocument> buildMultiValueSortedDocuments(final String f,
final List<Object> vals) {
// build a list of docIds that we can shuffle (so the id order doesn't match the value order)
List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>(vals.size());
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
Collections.shuffle(ids, random());
final List<SolrInputDocument> docs = new ArrayList<>(vals.size());
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", ids.get(i));
Object primaryValue = vals.get(i);
if (null != primaryValue) {
doc.addField(f, primaryValue);
final int extraValCount = random().nextInt(vals.size() - i);
for (int j = 0; j < extraValCount; j++) {
Object extraVal = vals.get(TestUtil.nextInt(random(), i+1, vals.size() - 1));
if (null != extraVal) {
doc.addField(f, extraVal);
return docs;