blob: b38de13f216b56e1207fb4fe2512f5b2eee719cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests some basic functionality of Solr while demonstrating good
* Best Practices for using SolrTestCaseJ4
public class TestFunctionQuery extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
String base = "external_foo_extf";
static long start = System.nanoTime();
void makeExternalFile(String field, String contents) {
String dir = h.getCore().getDataDir();
String filename = dir + "/external_" + field + "." + (start++);
try (Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
void createIndex(String field, int... values) {
// lrf.args.put("version","2.0");
for (int val : values) {
String s = Integer.toString(val);
if (field!=null) assertU(adoc("id", s, field, s));
else assertU(adoc("id", s));
if (random().nextInt(100) < 20) {
if (field!=null) assertU(adoc("id", s, field, s));
else assertU(adoc("id", s));
if (random().nextInt(100) < 20) {
// System.out.println("added doc for " + val);
// assertU(optimize()); // squeeze out any possible deleted docs
// replace \0 with the field name and create a parsable string
public String func(String field, String template) {
int size = 7 + field.length() + template.length();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(size);
for (int i = 0; i < template.length(); i++) {
char ch = template.charAt(i);
if (ch != '\0') {
} else {
return sb.toString();
protected void singleTest(String field, String funcTemplate, List<String> args, float... results) {
// NOTE: we're abusing the "results" float[] here ...
// - even elements are ids which must be valid 'ints'
// - odd elements are the expected score values
String parseableQuery = func(field, funcTemplate);
List<String> nargs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("q", parseableQuery
,"fl", "*,score"
if (args != null) {
for (String arg : args) {
List<String> tests = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<results.length; i+=2) {
final int id = (int) results[i];
assert ((float) id) == results[i];
String xpath = "//doc[./str[@name='id']='" + id + "' "
+ " and ./float[@name='score']='" + results[i+1] + "']";
assertQ(req(nargs.toArray(new String[]{}))
, tests.toArray(new String[]{})
void singleTest(String field, String funcTemplate, float... results) {
singleTest(field, funcTemplate, null, results);
void doTest(String field) {
// lrf.args.put("version","2.0");
int[] vals = { 100,-4,0,10,25,5 };
createIndex(null, 88); // id with no value
// test identity (straight field value)
singleTest(field, "\0", 10,10);
// test constant score
singleTest(field,"1.414213", 10, 1.414213f);
singleTest(field,"-1.414213", 10, 0f);
singleTest(field,"sum(\0,1)", 10, 11);
singleTest(field,"sum(\0,\0)", 10, 20);
singleTest(field,"sum(\0,\0,5)", 10, 25);
singleTest(field,"sub(\0,1)", 10, 9);
singleTest(field,"product(\0,1)", 10, 10);
singleTest(field,"product(\0,-2,-4)", 10, 80);
singleTest(field,"log(\0)",10,1, 100,2);
singleTest(field,"sqrt(\0)",100,10, 25,5, 0,0);
singleTest(field,"abs(\0)",10,10, -4,4);
singleTest(field,"pow(\0,\0)",0,1, 5,3125);
singleTest(field,"pow(\0,0.5)",100,10, 25,5, 0,0);
singleTest(field,"div(1,\0)",-4,0f, 10,.1f, 100,.01f);
singleTest(field,"div(1,1)",-4,1, 10,1);
singleTest(field,"map(\0,0,0,500)",10,10, -4,0, 0,500);
singleTest(field,"map(\0,-4,5,500)",100,100, -4,500, 0,500, 5,500, 10,10, 25,25);
singleTest(field,"map(\0,0,0,sum(\0,500))",10,10, -4,0, 0,500);
singleTest(field,"map(\0,0,0,sum(\0,500),sum(\0,1))",10,11, -4,0, 0,500);
singleTest(field,"map(\0,-4,5,sum(\0,1))",100,100, -4,0, 0,1, 5,6, 10,10, 25,25);
singleTest(field,"scale(\0,-1,1)",-4,0, 100,1, 0,0);
singleTest(field,"scale(\0,-10,1000)",-4,0, 100,1000, 0,28.846153f);
// test that infinity doesn't mess up scale function
// test use of an ValueSourceParser plugin: nvl function
singleTest(field,"nvl(\0,1)", 0, 1, 100, 100);
// compose the ValueSourceParser plugin function with another function
singleTest(field, "nvl(sum(0,\0),1)", 0, 1, 100, 100);
// test simple embedded query
singleTest(field,"query({!func v=\0})", 10, 10, 88, 0);
// test default value for embedded query
singleTest(field,"query({!lucene v='\0:[* TO *]'},8)", 88, 8);
singleTest(field,"sum(query({!func v=\0},7.1),query({!func v=\0}))", 10, 20, 100, 200);
// test with sub-queries specified by other request args
singleTest(field,"query({!func v=$vv})", Arrays.asList("vv","\0"), 10, 10, 88, 0);
singleTest(field,"query($vv)",Arrays.asList("vv","{!func}\0"), 10, 10, 88, 0);
Arrays.asList("v1","\0:[* TO *]"), 88,12
public void testFunctions() {
doTest("foo_f"); // a sortable float field
doTest("foo_tf"); // a trie float field
public void testExternalField() throws Exception {
String field = "foo_extf";
int[] ids = {100,-4,0,10,25,5,77,23,55,-78,-45,-24,63,78,94,22,34,54321,261,-627};
// Unsorted field, largest first
makeExternalFile(field, "54321=543210\n0=-999\n25=250");
// test identity (straight field value)
singleTest(field, "\0", 54321, 543210, 0,0, 25,250, 100, 1);
Object orig = FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting;
singleTest(field, "log(\0)");
// make sure the values were cached
assertTrue(orig == FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting);
singleTest(field, "sqrt(\0)");
assertTrue(orig == FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting);
makeExternalFile(field, "0=1");
singleTest(field, "sqrt(\0)");
assertTrue(orig != FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting);
Random r = random();
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { // do more iterations for a thorough test
int len = r.nextInt(ids.length+1);
boolean sorted = r.nextBoolean();
// shuffle ids
for (int j=0; j<ids.length; j++) {
int other=r.nextInt(ids.length);
int v=ids[0];
ids[0] = ids[other];
ids[other] = v;
if (sorted) {
// sort only the first elements
// make random values
float[] vals = new float[len];
for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {
vals[j] = r.nextInt(200)-100;
// make and write the external file
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {
sb.append("" + ids[j] + "=" + vals[j]+"\n");
makeExternalFile(field, sb.toString());
// make it visible
// test it
float[] answers = new float[ids.length*2];
for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {
answers[j*2] = ids[j];
answers[j*2+1] = Math.max(0, vals[j]);
for (int j=len; j<ids.length; j++) {
answers[j*2] = ids[j];
answers[j*2+1] = 1; // the default values
singleTest(field, "\0", answers);
// System.out.println("Done test "+i);
public void testExternalFileFieldStringKeys() throws Exception {
final String extField = "foo_extfs";
final String keyField = "sfile_s";
assertU(adoc("id", "991", keyField, "AAA=AAA"));
assertU(adoc("id", "992", keyField, "BBB"));
assertU(adoc("id", "993", keyField, "CCC=CCC"));
makeExternalFile(extField, "AAA=AAA=543210\nBBB=-8\nCCC=CCC=250");
public void testExternalFileFieldNumericKey() throws Exception {
final String extField = "eff_trie";
final String keyField = "eff_tint";
assertU(adoc("id", "991", keyField, "91"));
assertU(adoc("id", "992", keyField, "92"));
assertU(adoc("id", "993", keyField, "93"));
makeExternalFile(extField, "91=543210\n92=-8\n93=250\n=67");
public void testOrdAndRordOverPointsField() throws Exception {
assumeTrue("Skipping test when points=false", Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP));
String field = "a_" + new String[] {"i","l","d","f"}[random().nextInt(4)];
assertU(adoc("id", "1", field, "1"));
Exception e = expectThrows(SolrException.class, () -> h.query(req("q", "{!func}ord(" + field + ")", "fq", "id:1")));
assertEquals(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code, ((SolrException)e).code());
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("ord() is not supported over Points based field " + field));
e = expectThrows(SolrException.class, () -> h.query(req("q", "{!func}rord(" + field + ")", "fq", "id:1")));
assertEquals(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code, ((SolrException)e).code());
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("rord() is not supported over Points based field " + field));
public void testGeneral() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id","1", "a_tdt","2009-08-31T12:10:10.123Z", "b_tdt","2009-08-31T12:10:10.124Z"));
assertU(adoc("id","2", "a_t","how now brown cow"));
assertU(commit()); // create more than one segment
assertU(adoc("id","3", "a_t","brown cow"));
assertU(commit()); // create more than one segment
assertU(adoc("id","6", "a_t","cow cow cow cow cow"));
// test relevancy functions
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}numdocs()", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='6.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}maxdoc()", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='6.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}docfreq(a_t,cow)", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='3.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}docfreq('a_t','cow')", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='3.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}docfreq($field,$value)", "fq","id:6", "field","a_t", "value","cow"), "//float[@name='score']='3.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}termfreq(a_t,cow)", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='5.0'");
// make sure it doesn't get a NPE if no terms are present in a field.
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}termfreq(nofield_t,cow)", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='0.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}docfreq(nofield_t,cow)", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='0.0'");
// test that ord and rord are working on a global index basis, not just
// at the segment level (since Lucene 2.9 has switched to per-segment searching)
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ord(id)", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='5.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}top(ord(id))", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='5.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}rord(id)", "fq","id:1"),"//float[@name='score']='5.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}top(rord(id))", "fq","id:1"),"//float[@name='score']='5.0'");
// test that we can subtract dates to millisecond precision
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(a_tdt,b_tdt)", "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(b_tdt,a_tdt)", "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='1.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(2009-08-31T12:10:10.125Z,2009-08-31T12:10:10.124Z)", "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='1.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(2009-08-31T12:10:10.124Z,a_tdt)", "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='1.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(2009-08-31T12:10:10.125Z,b_tdt)", "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='1.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(2009-08-31T12:10:10.125Z/SECOND,2009-08-31T12:10:10.124Z/SECOND)", "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.0'");
// test that we can specify "NOW"
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ms(NOW)", "NOW","1000"), "//float[@name='score']='1000.0'");
for (int i=100; i<112; i++) {
assertU(adoc("id",""+i, "text","batman"));
assertU(adoc("id","120", "text","batman superman")); // in a smaller segment
assertU(adoc("id","121", "text","superman junkterm"));
// superman has a higher df (thus lower idf) in one segment, but reversed in the complete index
String q ="{!func}query($qq)";
String fq="id:120";
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", q, "qq","text:batman", "fq",fq), "//float[@name='score']<'0.6'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", q, "qq","text:superman", "fq",fq), "//float[@name='score']>'0.6'");
// test weighting through a function range query
assertQ(req("fl","*,score", "fq",fq, "q", "{!frange l=0.6 u=10}query($qq)", "qq","text:superman"), "//*[@numFound='1']");
// test weighting through a complex function
q ="{!func}sub(div(sum(0.0,product(1,query($qq))),1),0)";
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", q, "qq","text:batman", "fq",fq), "//float[@name='score']<'0.6'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", q, "qq","text:superman", "fq",fq), "//float[@name='score']>'0.6'");
// test full param dereferencing
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}add($v1,$v2)", "v1","add($v3,$v4)", "v2","1", "v3","2", "v4","5"
, "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='8.0'");
// test ability to parse multiple values
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}dist(2,vector(1,1),$pt)", "pt","3,1"
, "fq","id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='2.0'");
// test that extra stuff after a function causes an error
try {
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}10 wow dude ignore_exception"));
} catch (Exception e) {
// OK
// test that sorting by function query weights correctly. superman should sort higher than batman due to idf of the whole index
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "fq","id:120 OR id:121", "sort","{!func v=$sortfunc} desc", "sortfunc","query($qq)", "qq","text:(batman OR superman)")
// test a query that doesn't specify nested query val
assertQEx("Should fail because of missing qq",
"Missing param qq while parsing function 'query($qq)'",
req("q", "*:*", "fq","id:120 OR id:121", "defType","edismax", "boost","query($qq)"),
assertQEx("Should fail because of missing sortfunc in sort",
"Can't determine a Sort Order (asc or desc) in sort spec '{!func v=$sortfunc} desc'",
req("q", "*:*", "fq","id:120 OR id:121", "sort","{!func v=$sortfunc} desc", "sortfunc","query($qq)"),
assertQEx("Should fail because of missing qq in boost",
"Nested local params must have value in v parameter. got 'query({!dismax v=$qq})",
req("q", "*:*", "fq","id:120 OR id:121", "defType","edismax", "boost","query({!dismax v=$qq})"),
assertQEx("Should fail as empty value is specified for v",
"Nested function query returned null for 'query({!v=})'",
req("q", "*:*", "defType","edismax", "boost","query({!v=})"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST
assertQEx("Should fail as v's value contains only spaces",
"Nested function query returned null for 'query({!v= })'",
req("q", "*:*", "defType","edismax", "boost","query({!v= })"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST
// no field specified in ord()
assertQEx("Should fail as no field is specified in ord func",
"Expected identifier instead of 'null' for function 'ord()'",
req("q", "*:*", "defType","edismax","boost","ord()"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST
assertQEx("Should fail as no field is specified in rord func",
"Expected identifier instead of 'null' for function 'rord()'",
req("q", "*:*", "defType","edismax","boost","rord()"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST
// test parseFloat
assertQEx("Should fail as less args are specified for recip func",
"Expected float instead of 'null' for function 'recip(1,2)'",
req("q", "*:*","defType","edismax", "boost","recip(1,2)"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST
assertQEx("Should fail as invalid value is specified for recip func",
"Expected float instead of 'f' for function 'recip(1,2,3,f)'",
req("q", "*:*","defType","edismax", "boost","recip(1,2,3,f)"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST
// this should pass
assertQ(req("q", "*:*","defType","edismax", "boost","recip(1, 2, 3, 4)"));
// for undefined field NPE shouldn't be thrown
assertQEx("Should Fail as the field is undefined", "undefined field a",
req("q", "*:*", "fl", "x:payload(a,b)"), SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST);
public void testTFIDFFunctions() {
TFIDFSimilarity similarity = null;
Similarity sim = h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getFieldType("a_tfidf").getSimilarity();
assertNotNull("Test needs *_tfidf to use a TFIDFSimilarity ... who broke the config?", sim);
assertTrue("Test needs *_tfidf to use a TFIDFSimilarity ... who broke the config: " + sim.getClass(),
sim instanceof TFIDFSimilarity);
similarity = (TFIDFSimilarity) sim;
assertU(adoc("id","1", "a_tdt","2009-08-31T12:10:10.123Z", "b_tdt","2009-08-31T12:10:10.124Z"));
assertU(adoc("id","2", "a_tfidf","how now brown cow"));
assertU(commit()); // create more than one segment
assertU(adoc("id","3", "a_tfidf","brown cow"));
assertU(commit()); // create more than one segment
assertU(adoc("id","6", "a_tfidf","cow cow cow cow cow"));
// make sure it doesn't get a NPE if no terms are present in a field.
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}idf(nofield_tfidf,cow)", "fq","id:6"),
"//float[@name='score']='" + similarity.idf(0,6) + "'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}tf(nofield_tfidf,cow)", "fq","id:6"),
"//float[@name='score']='" + + "'");
// fields with real values
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}idf(a_tfidf,cow)", "fq","id:6"),
"//float[@name='score']='" + similarity.idf(3,6) + "'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}tf(a_tfidf,cow)", "fq","id:6"),
"//float[@name='score']='" + + "'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}norm(a_tfidf)", "fq","id:2"),
"//float[@name='score']='0.5'"); // 1/sqrt(4)==1/2==0.5
* test collection-level term stats (new in 4.x indexes)
public void testTotalTermFreq() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id","1", "a_tdt","2009-08-31T12:10:10.123Z", "b_tdt","2009-08-31T12:10:10.124Z"));
assertU(adoc("id","2", "a_t","how now brown cow"));
assertU(commit()); // create more than one segment
assertU(adoc("id","3", "a_t","brown cow"));
assertU(commit()); // create more than one segment
assertU(adoc("id","6", "a_t","cow cow cow cow cow"));
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}totaltermfreq('a_t','cow')", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='7.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}ttf(a_t,'cow')", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='7.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}sumtotaltermfreq('a_t')", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='11.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}sttf(a_t)", "fq","id:6"), "//float[@name='score']='11.0'");
public void testPayloadFunction() {
assertU(adoc("id","1", "vals_dpf","A|1.0 B|2.0 C|3.0 mult|50 mult|100 x|22 x|37 x|19", "default_f", "42.0"));
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,A)"), "//float[@name='score']='1.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,B)"), "//float[@name='score']='2.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,C,0)"), "//float[@name='score']='3.0'");
// Test defaults, constant, field, and function value sources
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,D,37.0)"), "//float[@name='score']='37.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,E,default_f)"), "//float[@name='score']='42.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,E,mul(2,default_f))"), "//float[@name='score']='84.0'");
// Test PayloadFunction's for multiple terms, average being the default
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,mult,0.0,min)"), "//float[@name='score']='50.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,mult,0.0,max)"), "//float[@name='score']='100.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,mult,0.0,average)"), "//float[@name='score']='75.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,mult)"), "//float[@name='score']='75.0'");
// Test special "first" function, by checking the other functions with same term too
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,x,0.0,min)"), "//float[@name='score']='19.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,x,0.0,max)"), "//float[@name='score']='37.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,x,0.0,average)"), "//float[@name='score']='26.0'");
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,x,0.0,first)"), "//float[@name='score']='22.0'");
// Test with debug
assertQ(req("fl","*,score","q", "{!func}payload(vals_dpf,A)", CommonParams.DEBUG, "true"), "//float[@name='score']='1.0'");
public void testRetrievePayloads() throws Exception {
int numDocs = 100 + random().nextInt(100);
int numLocations = 1000 + random().nextInt(2000);
for (int docNum = 0 ; docNum < numDocs ; ++docNum) {
StringBuilder amountsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int location = 1 ; location <= numLocations ; ++location) {
String amount = "" + location + '.' + random().nextInt(100);
amountsBuilder.append(location).append('|').append(amount).append(' ');
assertU(adoc("id","" + docNum,
"default_amount_f", "" + (10000 + random().nextInt(10000)) + ".0",
"amounts_dpf", amountsBuilder.toString()));
"sort","$amount asc",
"/response/numFound==" + numDocs);
public void testSortByFunc() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "const_s", "xx",
"x_i", "100", "1_s", "a",
"x:x_i", "100", "1-1_s", "a"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "const_s", "xx",
"x_i", "300", "1_s", "c",
"x:x_i", "300", "1-1_s", "c"));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", "const_s", "xx",
"x_i", "200", "1_s", "b",
"x:x_i", "200", "1-1_s", "b"));
String desc = "/response/docs==[{'x_i':300},{'x_i':200},{'x_i':100}]";
String asc = "/response/docs==[{'x_i':100},{'x_i':200},{'x_i':300}]";
String threeonetwo = "/response/docs==[{'x_i':200},{'x_i':100},{'x_i':300}]";
String q = "id_i:[1 TO 3]";
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort","add(x_i,x_i) desc")
// param sub of entire function
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "const_s asc, $x asc", "x","add(x_i,x_i)")
// multiple functions
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "$x asc, const_s asc, $y desc", "x", "5", "y","add(x_i,x_i)")
// multiple functions inline
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "add( 10 , 10 ) asc, const_s asc, add(x_i , $const) desc", "const","50")
// test function w/ local params + func inline
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i",
"sort", "const_s asc, {!key=foo}add(x_i,x_i) desc")
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i",
"sort", "{!key=foo}add(x_i,x_i) desc, const_s asc")
// test multiple functions w/ local params + func inline
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "{!key=bar}add(10,20) asc, const_s asc, {!key=foo}add(x_i,x_i) desc")
// test multiple functions w/ local param value not inlined
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "{!key=bar v=$s1} asc, {!key=foo v=$s2} desc", "s1","add(3,4)", "s2","add(x_i,5)")
// no space between inlined localparams and sort order
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "{!key=bar v=$s1}asc,const_s asc,{!key=foo v=$s2}desc", "s1","add(3,4)", "s2","add(x_i,5)")
// field name that isn't a legal java Identifier
// and starts with a number to trick function parser
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "1_s asc")
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "x:x_i desc")
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i", "sort", "1-1_s asc")
// really ugly field name that isn't a java Id, and can't be
// parsed as a func, but sorted fine in Solr 1.4
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i",
"sort", "[]_s asc, {!key=foo}add(x_i,x_i) desc")
// use localparms to sort by a lucene query, then a function
assertJQ(req("q",q, "fl","x_i",
"sort", "{!lucene v='id:3'}desc, {!key=foo}add(x_i,x_i) asc")
public void testDegreeRads() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "x_td", "0", "y_td", "0"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "x_td", "90", "y_td", String.valueOf(Math.PI / 2)));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", "x_td", "45", "y_td", String.valueOf(Math.PI / 4)));
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}rad(x_td)", "fq", "id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.0'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}rad(x_td)", "fq", "id:2"), "//float[@name='score']='" + (float) (Math.PI / 2) + "'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}rad(x_td)", "fq", "id:3"), "//float[@name='score']='" + (float) (Math.PI / 4) + "'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}deg(y_td)", "fq", "id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.0'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}deg(y_td)", "fq", "id:2"), "//float[@name='score']='90.0'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}deg(y_td)", "fq", "id:3"), "//float[@name='score']='45.0'");
public void testStrDistance() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "x_s", "foil"));
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}strdist(x_s, 'foit', edit)", "fq", "id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.75'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}strdist(x_s, 'foit', jw)", "fq", "id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.8833333'");
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "q", "{!func}strdist(x_s, 'foit', ngram, 2)", "fq", "id:1"), "//float[@name='score']='0.875'");
// strdist on a missing valuesource should itself by missing, so the ValueSourceAugmenter
// should supress it...
assertQ(req("q", "id:1",
"fl", "good:strdist(x_s, 'toil', edit)",
"fl", "bad1:strdist(missing1_s, missing2_s, edit)",
"fl", "bad2:strdist(missing1_s, 'something', edit)",
"fl", "bad3:strdist(missing1_s, x_s, edit)")
, "//float[@name='good']='0.75'"
, "count(//float[starts-with(@name,'bad')])=0"
// in a query context, there is always a number...
// if a ValueSource is missing, it is maximally distant from every other
// value source *except* for another missing value source
// ie: strdist(null,null)==1 but strdist(null,anything)==0
assertQ(req("fl","score","fq", "id:1", "q", "{!func}strdist(missing1_s, missing2_s, edit)"),
assertQ(req("fl","score","fq", "id:1", "q", "{!func}strdist(missing1_s, x_s, edit)"),
assertQ(req("fl","score","fq", "id:1", "q", "{!func}strdist(missing1_s, 'const', edit)"),
public void dofunc(String func, double val) throws Exception {
// String sval = Double.toString(val);
String sval = Float.toString((float)val);
assertQ(req("fl", "*,score", "defType","func", "fq","id:1", "q",func),
"//float[@name='score']='" + sval + "'");
public void testFuncs() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "foo_d", "9"));
dofunc("1.0", 1.0);
dofunc("e()", Math.E);
dofunc("pi()", Math.PI);
dofunc("add(2,3)", 2+3);
dofunc("mul(2,3)", 2*3);
dofunc("rad(45)", Math.toRadians(45));
dofunc("deg(.5)", Math.toDegrees(.5));
dofunc("sqrt(9)", Math.sqrt(9));
dofunc("cbrt(8)", Math.cbrt(8));
dofunc("max(0,1)", Math.max(0,1));
dofunc("max(10,3,8,7,5,4)", Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(10,3),8),7),5),4));
dofunc("min(0,1)", Math.min(0,1));
dofunc("min(10,3,8,7,5,4)", Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(10,3),8),7),5),4));
dofunc("log(100)", Math.log10(100));
dofunc("ln(3)", Math.log(3));
dofunc("exp(1)", Math.exp(1));
dofunc("sin(.5)", Math.sin(.5));
dofunc("cos(.5)", Math.cos(.5));
dofunc("tan(.5)", Math.tan(.5));
dofunc("asin(.5)", Math.asin(.5));
dofunc("acos(.5)", Math.acos(.5));
dofunc("atan(.5)", Math.atan(.5));
dofunc("sinh(.5)", Math.sinh(.5));
dofunc("cosh(.5)", Math.cosh(.5));
dofunc("tanh(.5)", Math.tanh(.5));
dofunc("ceil(2.3)", Math.ceil(2.3));
dofunc("floor(2.3)", Math.floor(2.3));
dofunc("rint(2.3)", Math.rint(2.3));
dofunc("pow(2,0.5)", Math.pow(2,0.5));
dofunc("hypot(3,4)", Math.hypot(3,4));
dofunc("atan2(.25,.5)", Math.atan2(.25,.5));
* verify that both the field("...") value source parser as well as
* ExternalFileField work with esoteric field names
public void testExternalFieldValueSourceParser() {
String field = "CoMpleX fieldName _extf";
String fieldAsFunc = "field(\"CoMpleX fieldName _extf\")";
int[] ids = {100,-4,0,10,25,5,77,23,55,-78,-45,-24,63,78,94,22,34,54321,261,-627};
// Unsorted field, largest first
makeExternalFile(field, "54321=543210\n0=-999\n25=250");
// test identity (straight field value)
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "\0", 54321, 543210, 0,0, 25,250, 100, 1);
Object orig = FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting;
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "log(\0)");
// make sure the values were cached
assertTrue(orig == FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting);
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "sqrt(\0)");
assertTrue(orig == FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting);
makeExternalFile(field, "0=1");
assertU(adoc("id", "10000")); // will get same reader if no index change
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "sqrt(\0)");
assertTrue(orig != FileFloatSource.onlyForTesting);
* some platforms don't allow quote characters in filenames, so
* in addition to testExternalFieldValueSourceParser above, test a field
* name with quotes in it that does NOT use ExternalFileField
* @see #testExternalFieldValueSourceParser
public void testFieldValueSourceParser() {
String field = "CoMpleX \" fieldName _f";
String fieldAsFunc = "field(\"CoMpleX \\\" fieldName _f\")";
int[] ids = {100,-4,0,10,25,5,77,1};
createIndex(field, ids);
// test identity (straight field value)
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "\0",
100,100, -4,0, 0,0, 10,10, 25,25, 5,5, 77,77, 1,1);
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "sqrt(\0)",
100,10, 25,5, 0,0, 1,1);
singleTest(fieldAsFunc, "log(\0)", 1,0);
public void testBooleanFunctions() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "text", "hello", "foo_s","A", "foo_ti", "0", "foo_tl","0", "foo_tf", "0.00001"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2" , "foo_ti","10", "foo_tl","11"));
// test weighting of functions
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:testfunc(1)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':1}");
// true and false functions and constants
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "t:true(),f:false(),tt:{!func}true,ff:{!func}false")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'t':true,'f':false,'tt':true,'ff':false}");
// test that exists(query) depends on the query matching the document
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "t:exists(query($q1)),f:exists(query($q2))", "q1","text:hello", "q2","text:there")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'t':true,'f':false}");
// test if()
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a1:if(true,'A','B')", "fl","b1:if(false,'A',testfunc('B'))")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a1':'A', 'b1':'B'}");
// queries with positive scores < 1 should still evaluate to 'true' in boolean context
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "nested", "*:*^=0.00001",
"fl", "a1:if(query($nested),'A','B')", "fl","b1:if(not(query($nested)),'A','B')")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a1':'A', 'b1':'B'}");
// test boolean operators
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "t1:and(testfunc(true),true)", "fl","f1:and(true,false)", "fl","f2:and(false,true)", "fl","f3:and(false,false)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'t1':true, 'f1':false, 'f2':false, 'f3':false}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "t1:or(testfunc(true),true)", "fl","t2:or(true,false)", "fl","t3:or(false,true)", "fl","f1:or(false,false)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'t1':true, 't2':true, 't3':true, 'f1':false}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "f1:xor(testfunc(true),true)", "fl","t1:xor(true,false)", "fl","t2:xor(false,true)", "fl","f2:xor(false,false)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'t1':true, 't2':true, 'f1':false, 'f2':false}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "t:not(testfunc(false)),f:not(true)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'t':true, 'f':false}");
// test fields evaluated as booleans in wrapping functions
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:not(foo_ti), b:if(foo_tf,'TT','FF'), c:and(true,foo_tf)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':true, 'b':'TT', 'c':true}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:2", "fl", "a:not(foo_ti), b:if(foo_tf,'TT','FF'), c:and(true,foo_tf)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':false, 'b':'FF', 'c':false}");
// def(), the default function that returns the first value that exists
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "x:def(id,testfunc(123)), y:def(foo_f,234.0)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'x':'1', 'y':234.0}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "x:def(foo_s,'Q'), y:def(missing_s,'W')")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'x':'A', 'y':'W'}");
// test constant conversion to boolean
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:not(0), b:not(1), c:not(0.0), d:not(1.1), e:not('A'), f:not(0.001)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':true, 'b':false, 'c':true, 'd':false, 'e':false, 'f':false}");
public void testConcatFunction() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "field1_t", "buzz", "field2_t", "word"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "field1_t", "1", "field2_t", "2","field4_t", "4"));
" //str[@name='field']='buzzword'");
" //str[@name='field']='124'");
"fl","field:def(concat(field3_t, field4_t), 'defValue')"),
" //str[@name='field']='defValue'");
public void testPseudoFieldFunctions() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "text", "hello", "foo_s","A", "yak_i", "32"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2"));
// if exists() is false, no pseudo-field should be added
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:1,b:2.0,c:'X',d:{!func}foo_s,e:{!func}bar_s")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':1, 'b':2.0,'c':'X','d':'A'}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:sum(yak_i,bog_i),b:mul(yak_i,bog_i),c:min(yak_i,bog_i)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={ 'c':32.0 }");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:sum(yak_i,def(bog_i,42)), b:max(yak_i,bog_i)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={ 'a': 74.0, 'b':32.0 }");
public void testMissingFieldFunctionBehavior() throws Exception {
// add a doc that has no values in any interesting fields
assertU(adoc("id", "1"));
// it's important that these functions not only use fields that
// our doc has no values for, but also that no other doc ever added
// to the index might have ever had a value for, so that the segment
// term metadata doesn't exist
for (String suffix : new String[] {"s", "b", "dt", "tdt",
"i", "l", "f", "d",
"ti", "tl", "tf", "td" }) {
final String field = "no__vals____" + suffix;
public void testNumericComparisons() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "age_i", "35"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "age_i", "25"));
// test weighting of functions
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:gt(age_i,30),b:lt(age_i,30)")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':true,'b':false}");
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1", "fl", "a:exists(gt(foo_i,30))")
, "/response/docs/[0]=={'a':false}");
singleTest("age_i", "if(gt(age_i,30),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("age_i", "if(lt(age_i,30),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/2,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("age_i", "if(lt(age_i,34.5),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/2,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("age_i", "if(lte(age_i,35),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("age_i", "if(gte(age_i,25),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("age_i", "if(lte(age_i,25),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/2,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("age_i", "if(gte(age_i,35),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("age_i", "if(eq(age_i,30),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/2,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("age_i", "if(eq(age_i,35),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
public void testLongComparisons() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "number_of_atoms_in_universe_l", Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE)));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "number_of_atoms_in_universe_l", Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1)));
singleTest("number_of_atoms_in_universe_l", "if(gt(number_of_atoms_in_universe_l," + Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1) + "),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("number_of_atoms_in_universe_l", "if(lt(number_of_atoms_in_universe_l," + Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE) + "),5,2)",
/*id*/2, /*score*/5,
/*id*/1, /*score*/2);
public void testQueryAsFlParam() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "age_i", "35"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "age_i", "25"));
// some docs match the query func but some doesn't
// if doc doesn't match, it should use default value
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "fl", "*,score,bleh:query($qq,5.0)", "qq", "id:2"),
"//result/doc[2]/float[@name='bleh']" // since score can't be known, doing existing match
// when the doc match the query func condition default value shouldn't be used
// when no def val is passed in query func, 0.0 would be used
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "fl", "*,score,bleh:query($qq)", "qq", "id:*"),
public void testEqualFunction() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "field1_s", "value1", "field2_s", "value1",
"field1_s_dv", "value1", "field2_s_dv", "value2", "field_b", "true"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "field1_s", "value1", "field2_s", "value2",
"field1_s_dv", "value1", "field2_s_dv", "value1", "field_b", "false"));
singleTest("field1_s", "if(eq(field1_s,field2_s),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field1_s_dv", "if(eq(field1_s_dv,field2_s_dv),5,2)",
/*id*/2, /*score*/5,
/*id*/1, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field1_s", "if(eq(field1_s,field1_s_dv),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("field2_s", "if(eq(field2_s,field2_s_dv),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/2,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field2_s", "if(eq(field2_s,'value1'),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field1_s", "if(eq('value1','value1'),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("field_b", "if(eq(if(field_b,'value1','value2'),'value1'),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
public void testEqualNumericComparisons() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "field_d", "5.0", "field_i", "5"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "field_d", "3.0", "field_i", "3"));
singleTest("field_d", "if(eq(field_d,5),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_d", "if(eq(field_d,5.0),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_d", "if(eq(5,def(field_d,5)),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_i", "if(eq(5.0,def(field_i,5)),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_not_existed_i", "if(def(field_not_existed_i,5.0),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
singleTest("field_not_existed_i", "if(def(field_not_existed_i,5),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/5);
public void testDifferentTypesComparisons() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "field_s", "value"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2"));
singleTest("field_s", "if(eq(field_s,'value'),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/5,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_s", "if(eq(def(field_s,5),5),5,2)",
/*id*/2, /*score*/5,
/*id*/1, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_s", "if(eq(def(field_s,5),5.0),5,2)",
/*id*/2, /*score*/5,
/*id*/1, /*score*/2);
singleTest("field_s", "if(eq(def(field_s,'5'),5),5,2)",
/*id*/1, /*score*/2,
/*id*/2, /*score*/2);
* Tests a specific (edge) case where a subQuery is null, because no terms are
* found in the query. Below such subQuery is created from a field query on a
* query text containing only stopwords. Feeding the resulting null-subQuery
* into a QueryValueSource (and then using it in for example an if function)
* may not produce NullPointerExceptions.
public void testNullSubQuery() throws Exception {
assertJQ(req("q", "{!func}if($subQuery,1,0)", "subQuery", "{!field f=text v='stopworda'}"));