blob: 3f297d1100fb49d8665016fc578060b53e5b54ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseHS;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestJsonFacetsWithNestedObjects extends SolrTestCaseHS{
public static void beforeTests() throws Exception {
private static void indexBooksAndReviews() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
private static void indexDocs(final Client client) throws IOException, SolrServerException, Exception {
client.deleteByQuery("*:*", null);
SolrInputDocument book1 = sdoc(
"id", "book1",
"type_s", "book",
"title_t", "The Way of Kings",
"author_s", "Brandon Sanderson",
"cat_s", "fantasy",
"pubyear_i", "2010",
"id", "book1_c1",
"type_s", "review",
"review_dt", "2015-01-03T14:30:00Z",
"stars_i", "5",
"author_s", "yonik",
"comment_t", "A great start to what looks like an epic series!"));
"id", "book1_c2",
"type_s", "review",
"review_dt", "2014-03-15T12:00:00Z",
"stars_i", "3",
"author_s", "dan",
"comment_t", "This book was too long."));
client.add(book1, null);
if (rarely()) {
SolrInputDocument book2 = sdoc(
"id", "book2",
"type_s", "book",
"title_t", "Snow Crash",
"author_s", "Neal Stephenson",
"cat_s", "sci-fi",
"pubyear_i", "1992",
"id", "book2_c1",
"type_s", "review",
"review_dt", "2015-01-03T14:30:00Z",
"stars_i", "5",
"author_s", "yonik",
"comment_t", "Ahead of its time... I wonder if it helped inspire The Matrix?"));
"id", "book2_c2",
"type_s", "review",
"review_dt", "2015-04-10T9:00:00Z",
"stars_i", "2",
"author_s", "dan",
"comment_t", "A pizza boy for the Mafia franchise? Really?"));
"id", "book2_c3",
"type_s", "review",
"review_dt", "2015-06-02T00:00:00Z",
"stars_i", "4",
"author_s", "mary",
"comment_t", "Neal is so creative and detailed! Loved the metaverse!"));
client.add(book2, null);
* Example from
* The main query gives us a document list of reviews by author_s:yonik
* If we want to facet on the book genre (cat_s field) then we need to
* switch the domain from the children (type_s:reviews) to the parents (type_s:books).
* And we get a facet over the books which yonik reviewed
* Note that regardless of which direction we are mapping
* (parents to children or children to parents),
* we provide a query that defines the complete set of parents in the index.
* In these examples, the parent filter is “type_s:book”.
public void testFacetingOnParents() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","10");
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "author_s:yonik", "fl", "id", "fl" , "comment_t"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" genres: {" +
" type:terms," +
" field:cat_s," +
" domain: { blockParent : \"type_s:book\" }" +
" }" +
, "response=={numFound:2,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[" +
" {id:book1_c1," +
" comment_t:\"A great start to what looks like an epic series!\"}," +
" {id:book2_c1," +
" comment_t:\"Ahead of its time... I wonder if it helped inspire The Matrix?\"}]}"
, "facets=={ count:2," +
"genres:{buckets:[ {val:fantasy, count:1}," +
" {val:sci-fi, count:1}]}}"
* Example from
* Now lets say we’re displaying the top sci-fi and fantasy books,
* and we want to find out who reviews the most books out of our selection.
* Since our root implicit facet bucket (formed by the query and filters)
* consists of parent documents (books),
* we need to switch the facet domain to the children for the author facet.
* Note that regardless of which direction we are mapping
* (parents to children or children to parents),
* we provide a query that defines the complete set of parents in the index.
* In these examples, the parent filter is “type_s:book”.
public void testFacetingOnChildren() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","10");
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "cat_s:(sci-fi OR fantasy)", "fl", "id", "fl" , "title_t"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" top_reviewers: {" +
" type:terms," +
" field:author_s," +
" domain: { blockChildren : \"type_s:book\" }" +
" }" +
, "response=={numFound:2,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[" +
" {id:book1," +
" title_t:\"The Way of Kings\"}," +
" {id:book2," +
" title_t:\"Snow Crash\"}]}"
, "facets=={ count:2," +
"top_reviewers:{buckets:[ {val:dan, count:2}," +
" {val:yonik, count:2}," +
" {val:mary, count:1} ]}}"
* Explicit filter exclusions for rolled up child facets
public void testExplicitFilterExclusions() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","10");
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "{!parent which=type_s:book}comment_t:* %2Bauthor_s:yonik %2Bstars_i:(5 3)"
, "fl", "id", "fl" , "title_t"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" comments_for_author: {" +
" type:query," +
//note: author filter is excluded
" q:\"comment_t:* +stars_i:(5 3)\"," +
" domain: { blockChildren : \"type_s:book\" }," +
" facet:{" +
" authors:{" +
" type:terms," +
" field:author_s," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }}}}," +
" comments_for_stars: {" +
" type:query," +
//note: stars_i filter is excluded
" q:\"comment_t:* +author_s:yonik\"," +
" domain: { blockChildren : \"type_s:book\" }," +
" facet:{" +
" stars:{" +
" type:terms," +
" field:stars_i," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }}}}}" )
, "response=={numFound:2,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[" +
" {id:book1," +
" title_t:\"The Way of Kings\"}," +
" {id:book2," +
" title_t:\"Snow Crash\"}]}"
, "facets=={ count:2," +
"comments_for_author:{" +
" count:3," +
" authors:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:yonik, count:2, in_books:2}," +
" {val:dan, count:1, in_books:1} ]}}," +
"comments_for_stars:{" +
" count:2," +
" stars:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:5, count:2, in_books:2} ]}}}"
* Child level facet exclusions
public void testChildLevelFilterExclusions() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","10");
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "{!parent filters=$child.fq which=type_s:book v=$childquery}"
, "childquery", "comment_t:*"
, "child.fq", "{!tag=author}author_s:yonik"
, "child.fq", "{!tag=stars}stars_i:(5 3)"
, "fl", "id", "fl" , "title_t"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" comments_for_author: {" +
" type:query," +
//note: author filter is excluded
" q:\"{!filters param=$child.fq excludeTags=author v=$childquery}\"," +
" domain: { blockChildren : \"type_s:book\", excludeTags:author }," +
" facet:{" +
" authors:{" +
" type:terms," +
" field:author_s," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }}}}," +
" comments_for_stars: {" +
" type:query," +
//note: stars_i filter is excluded
" q:\"{!filters param=$child.fq excludeTags=stars v=$childquery}\"," +
" domain: { blockChildren : \"type_s:book\" }," +
" facet:{" +
" stars:{" +
" type:terms," +
" field:stars_i," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }}}}}" )
, "response=={numFound:2,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[" +
" {id:book1," +
" title_t:\"The Way of Kings\"}," +
" {id:book2," +
" title_t:\"Snow Crash\"}]}"
, "facets=={ count:2," +
"comments_for_author:{" +
" count:3," +
" authors:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:yonik, count:2, in_books:2}," +
" {val:dan, count:1, in_books:1} ]}}," +
"comments_for_stars:{" +
" count:2," +
" stars:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:5, count:2, in_books:2} ]}}}"
public void testDomainFilterExclusionsInFilters() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","10");
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "{!parent tag=top filters=$child.fq which=type_s:book v=$childquery}"
, "childquery", "comment_t:*"
, "child.fq", "{!tag=author}author_s:dan"
, "child.fq", "{!tag=stars}stars_i:4"
, "fq", "{!tag=top}title_t:Snow\\ Crash"
, "fl", "id", "fl" , "title_t"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" comments_for_author: {" +
" domain: { excludeTags:\"top\"," + // 1. throwing current parent docset,
" filter:[\"{!filters param=$child.fq " + // compute children docset from scratch
" excludeTags=author v=$childquery}\"]"// 3. filter children with exclusions
+ " }," +
" type:terms," +
" field:author_s," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }"+//}}," +
" }" +
//note: stars_i filter is excluded
" ,comments_for_stars: {" +
" domain: { excludeTags:top, " +
" filter:\"{!filters param=$child.fq excludeTags=stars v=$childquery}\" }," +
" type:terms," +
" field:stars_i," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }}"+
" ,comments_for_stars_parent_filter: {" +
" domain: { excludeTags:top, " +
" filter:[\"{!filters param=$child.fq excludeTags=stars v=$childquery}\","
+ " \"{!child of=type_s:book filters=$fq}type_s:book\"] }," +
" type:terms," +
" field:stars_i," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books: \"unique(_root_)\" }}"+
"}" )
, "response=={numFound:0,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[]}"
, "facets=={ count:0," +
"comments_for_author:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:mary, count:1, in_books:1} ]}," +
"comments_for_stars:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:2, count:1, in_books:1}," +
" {val:3, count:1, in_books:1} ]}," +
"comments_for_stars_parent_filter:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:2, count:1, in_books:1}" +
" ]}}"
public void testBoolExclusion() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows", "0");
"json.queries", "{'childquery':'comment_t:*'," +
"'parentquery':'type_s:book'," +
"'child.fq':[ {'#author':{'field':{'f':'author_s','query':'dan'}}}," +
"{'#stars':{'field':{'f':'stars_i','query':'4'}}}]," +
"'snowcrash':{'field':{'f':'title_t','query':'Snow Crash'}}" +
"json.query", "{'#top':{'parent':{'which':{'param':'parentquery'}," +
"'query':{'bool':{'filter':{'param':'child.fq'}," +
"'must':{'param':'childquery'}" +
"json.facet", "{" +
"'comments_for_author':{'domain':{" +
"'excludeTags':'top', " +
"'blockChildren':'{!v=$parentquery}'," +
"'filter':'{!bool filter=$child.fq filter=$childquery excludeTags=author}'" +
"}," +
"'type':'terms', 'field':'author_s'" +
"}" +
" ,comments_for_stars: {" +
" domain: { excludeTags:top, " +
"'blockChildren':'{!v=$parentquery}'," +
" filter:\"{!bool filter=$child.fq excludeTags=stars filter=$childquery}\" }," +
"type:terms, field:stars_i" +
"}" +
",comments_for_stars_parent_filter: {" +
"domain: { " +
"excludeTags:top, " +
"'blockChildren':'{!v=$parentquery}'," +
"filter:[\"{!bool filter=$child.fq excludeTags=stars filter=$childquery}\","
+ "\"{!child of=$parentquery}{!bool filter=$snowcrash}}\"] }," +
"type:terms, field:stars_i"+
" }" +
"json.fields", "'id,title_t'")
, "response=={numFound:0,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[]}"
, "facets=={ count:0," +
"comments_for_author:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:mary, count:1} ]}" +
"," +
"comments_for_stars:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:2, count:1}," +
" {val:3, count:1} ]}," +
"comments_for_stars_parent_filter:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:2, count:1} ]}" +
public void testUniqueBlock() throws Exception {
final Client client = Client.localClient();
ModifiableSolrParams p = params("rows","0");
// unique block using field and query logic
client.testJQ(params(p, "q", "{!parent tag=top which=type_s:book v=$childquery}"
, "childquery", "comment_t:*"
, "fl", "id", "fl" , "title_t"
, "root", "_root_"
, "parentQuery", "type_s:book"
, "json.facet", "{" +
" types: {" +
" domain: { blockChildren:\"type_s:book\"" +
" }," +
" type:terms," +
" field:type_s," +
" limit:-1," +
" facet: {" +
" in_books1: \"uniqueBlock(_root_)\"," + // field logic
" in_books2: \"uniqueBlock($root)\"," + // field reference logic
" via_query1:\"uniqueBlock({!v=type_s:book})\", " + // query logic
" via_query2:\"uniqueBlock({!v=$parentQuery})\" ," + // query reference logic
" partial_query:\"uniqueBlock({!v=cat_s:fantasy})\" ," + // first doc hit only, never count afterwards
" query_no_match:\"uniqueBlock({!v=cat_s:horor})\" }" +
" }" +
"}" )
, "response=={numFound:2,start:0,'numFoundExact':true,docs:[]}"
, "facets=={ count:2," +
"types:{" +
" buckets:[ {val:review, count:5, in_books1:2, in_books2:2, "
+ " via_query1:2, via_query2:2, "
+ " partial_query:1, query_no_match:0} ]}" +