blob: e3d808508fc08f487276f746774d9f124c541d82 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.JettySolrRunner;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.QueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.noggit.JSONUtil;
import org.noggit.JSONWriter;
import org.noggit.JSONWriter.Writable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static;
import static;
* <p>
* A randomized test of nested facets using the <code>relatedness()</code> function, that asserts the
* results are consistent and equivalent regardless of what <code>method</code> (ie: FacetFieldProcessor)
* and/or <code>{@value RelatednessAgg#SWEEP_COLLECTION}</code> option is requested.
* </p>
* <p>
* This test is based on {@link TestCloudJSONFacetSKG} but does <em>not</em>
* force <code>refine: true</code> nor specify a <code>domain: { 'query':'*:*' }</code> for every facet,
* because this test does not attempt to prove the results with validation requests.
* </p>
* <p>
* This test only concerns itself with the equivalency of results
* </p>
* @see TestCloudJSONFacetSKG
public class TestCloudJSONFacetSKGEquiv extends SolrCloudTestCase {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
private static final String DEBUG_LABEL = MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass().getName();
private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = DEBUG_LABEL + "_collection";
private static final int DEFAULT_LIMIT = FacetField.DEFAULT_FACET_LIMIT;
private static final int MAX_FIELD_NUM = 15;
private static final int UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS = 50;
/** Multi-Valued string field suffixes that can be randomized for testing diff facet code paths */
private static final String[] MULTI_STR_FIELD_SUFFIXES = new String[]
{ "_multi_ss", "_multi_sds", "_multi_sdsS" };
/** Multi-Valued int field suffixes that can be randomized for testing diff facet code paths */
private static final String[] MULTI_INT_FIELD_SUFFIXES = new String[]
{ "_multi_is", "_multi_ids", "_multi_idsS" };
/** Single Valued string field suffixes that can be randomized for testing diff facet code paths */
private static final String[] SOLO_STR_FIELD_SUFFIXES = new String[]
{ "_solo_s", "_solo_sd", "_solo_sdS" };
/** Single Valued int field suffixes that can be randomized for testing diff facet code paths */
private static final String[] SOLO_INT_FIELD_SUFFIXES = new String[]
{ "_solo_i", "_solo_id", "_solo_idS" };
/** A basic client for operations at the cloud level, default collection will be set */
private static CloudSolrClient CLOUD_CLIENT;
/** One client per node */
private static final ArrayList<HttpSolrClient> CLIENTS = new ArrayList<>(5);
private static void createMiniSolrCloudCluster() throws Exception {
// sanity check constants
assertTrue("bad test constants: some suffixes will never be tested",
// we need DVs on point fields to compute stats & facets
if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) System.setProperty(NUMERIC_DOCVALUES_SYSPROP,"true");
// multi replicas should not matter...
final int repFactor = usually() ? 1 : 2;
// ... but we definitely want to test multiple shards
final int numShards = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, (usually() ? 2 :3));
final int numNodes = (numShards * repFactor);
final String configName = DEBUG_LABEL + "_config-set";
final Path configDir = Paths.get(TEST_HOME(), "collection1", "conf");
configureCluster(numNodes).addConfig(configName, configDir).configure();
Map<String, String> collectionProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
collectionProperties.put("config", "solrconfig-tlog.xml");
collectionProperties.put("schema", "schema_latest.xml");
CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(COLLECTION_NAME, configName, numShards, repFactor)
CLOUD_CLIENT = cluster.getSolrClient();
for (JettySolrRunner jetty : cluster.getJettySolrRunners()) {
CLIENTS.add(getHttpSolrClient(jetty.getBaseUrl() + "/" + COLLECTION_NAME + "/"));
final int numDocs = atLeast(100);
for (int id = 0; id < numDocs; id++) {
SolrInputDocument doc = sdoc("id", ""+id);
// NOTE: for each fieldNum, there are actaully 4 fields: multi(str+int) + solo(str+int)
for (int fieldNum = 0; fieldNum < MAX_FIELD_NUM; fieldNum++) {
// NOTE: Some docs may not have any value in some fields
final int numValsThisDoc = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, (usually() ? 5 : 10));
for (int v = 0; v < numValsThisDoc; v++) {
final String fieldValue = randFieldValue(fieldNum);
// multi valued: one string, and one integer
doc.addField(multiStrField(fieldNum), fieldValue);
doc.addField(multiIntField(fieldNum), fieldValue);
if (3 <= numValsThisDoc) { // use num values in multivalue to inform sparseness of single value
final String fieldValue = randFieldValue(fieldNum);
doc.addField(soloStrField(fieldNum), fieldValue);
doc.addField(soloIntField(fieldNum), fieldValue);
if (random().nextInt(100) < 1) {
CLOUD_CLIENT.commit(); // commit 1% of the time to create new segments
if (random().nextInt(100) < 5) {
CLOUD_CLIENT.add(doc); // duplicate the doc 5% of the time to create deleted docs
CLOUD_CLIENT.commit();"Created {} using numNodes={}, numShards={}, repFactor={}, numDocs={}",
COLLECTION_NAME, numNodes, numShards, repFactor, numDocs);
* Given a (random) number, and a (static) array of possible suffixes returns a consistent field name that
* uses that number and one of hte specified suffixes in it's name.
* @see #randFieldValue
private static String field(final String[] suffixes, final int fieldNum) {
assert fieldNum < MAX_FIELD_NUM;
final String suffix = suffixes[fieldNum % suffixes.length];
return "field_" + fieldNum + suffix;
/** Given a (random) number, returns a consistent field name for a multi valued string field */
private static String multiStrField(final int fieldNum) {
return field(MULTI_STR_FIELD_SUFFIXES, fieldNum);
/** Given a (random) number, returns a consistent field name for a multi valued int field */
private static String multiIntField(final int fieldNum) {
return field(MULTI_INT_FIELD_SUFFIXES, fieldNum);
/** Given a (random) number, returns a consistent field name for a single valued string field */
private static String soloStrField(final int fieldNum) {
return field(SOLO_STR_FIELD_SUFFIXES, fieldNum);
/** Given a (random) number, returns a consistent field name for a single valued int field */
private static String soloIntField(final int fieldNum) {
return field(SOLO_INT_FIELD_SUFFIXES, fieldNum);
* Given a (random) field number, returns a random (integer based) value for that field.
* NOTE: The number of unique values in each field is constant acording to {@link #UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS}
* but the precise <em>range</em> of values will vary for each unique field number, such that cross field joins
* will match fewer documents based on how far apart the field numbers are.
* @see #field
private static String randFieldValue(final int fieldNum) {
return "" + (fieldNum + TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS));
private static void afterClass() throws Exception {
if (null != CLOUD_CLIENT) {
for (HttpSolrClient client : CLIENTS) {
* Sanity check that our method of varying the <code>method</code> param
* works and can be verified by inspecting the debug output of basic requests.
public void testWhiteboxSanityMethodProcessorDebug() throws Exception {
// NOTE: json.facet debugging output can be wonky, particularly when dealing with cloud
// so for these queries we keep it simple:
// - only one "top" facet per request
// - no refinement
// even with those constraints in place, a single facet can (may/sometimes?) produce multiple debug
// blocks - aparently due to shard merging? So...
// - only inspect the "first" debug NamedList in the results
// simple individual facet that sorts on an skg stat...
final TermFacet f = new TermFacet(soloStrField(9), 10, 0, "skg desc", null);
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("str", f);
final SolrParams facetParams = params("rows","0",
"debug","true", // SOLR-14451
// *:* is the only "safe" query for this test,
// to ensure we always have at least one bucket for every facet
// so we can be confident in getting the debug we expect...
"q", "*:*",
"fore", multiStrField(7)+":11",
"back", "*:*",
"json.facet", Facet.toJSONFacetParamValue(facets));
{ // dv
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dv"),
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByArrayDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
{ // dvhash
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dvhash"),
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByHashDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
* Sanity check that our method of varying the <code>{@value RelatednessAgg#SWEEP_COLLECTION}</code> in conjunction with the
* <code>method</code> params works and can be verified by inspecting the debug output of basic requests.
public void testWhiteboxSanitySweepDebug() throws Exception {
// NOTE: json.facet debugging output can be wonky, particularly when dealing with cloud
// so for these queries we keep it simple:
// - only one "top" facet per request
// - no refinement
// even with those constraints in place, a single facet can (may/sometimes?) produce multiple debug
// blocks - aparently due to shard merging? So...
// - only inspect the "first" debug NamedList in the results
final SolrParams baseParams = params("rows","0",
"debug","true", // SOLR-14451
// *:* is the only "safe" query for this test,
// to ensure we always have at least one bucket for every facet
// so we can be confident in getting the debug we expect...
"q", "*:*",
"fore", multiStrField(7)+":11",
"back", "*:*");
// simple individual facet that sorts on an skg stat...
// all results we test should be the same even if there is another 'skg_extra' stat,
// it shouldn't be involved in the sweeping at all.
for (Facet extra : Arrays.asList(null, new RelatednessFacet(multiStrField(2)+":9", null))) {
// choose a single value string so we know both 'dv' (sweep) and 'dvhash' (no sweep) can be specified
final TermFacet f = new TermFacet(soloStrField(9), 10, 0, "skg desc", null);
if (null != extra) {
f.subFacets.put("skg_extra", extra);
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("str", f);
final SolrParams facetParams
= SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dv",
"json.facet", Facet.toJSONFacetParamValue(facets)),
// both default sweep option and explicit sweep should give same results...
for (SolrParams sweepParams : Arrays.asList(params(),
params("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "true"))) {
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(sweepParams, facetParams);
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByArrayDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
final NamedList<Object> sweep_debug = (NamedList<Object>) debug.get(SWEEP_COLLECTION_DEBUG_KEY);
assertEquals("count", sweep_debug.get("base"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("skg!fg","skg!bg"), sweep_debug.get("accs"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("skg"), sweep_debug.get("mapped"));
{ // 'dv' will always *try* to sweep, but disabling on stat should mean debug is mostly empty...
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "false"),
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByArrayDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
final NamedList<Object> sweep_debug = (NamedList<Object>) debug.get(SWEEP_COLLECTION_DEBUG_KEY);
assertEquals("count", sweep_debug.get("base"));
assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), sweep_debug.get("accs"));
assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), sweep_debug.get("mapped"));
{ // if we override 'dv' with 'hashdv' which doesn't sweep, our sweep debug should be empty,
// even if the skg stat does ask for sweeping explicitly...
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dvhash",
"sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "true"),
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByHashDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
// simple facet that sorts on an skg stat but uses prelim_sort on count
// all results we test should be the same even if there is another 'skg_extra' stat,
// neither skg should be involved in the sweeping at all.
for (Facet extra : Arrays.asList(null, new RelatednessFacet(multiStrField(2)+":9", null))) {
// choose a single value string so we know both 'dv' (sweep) and 'dvhash' (no sweep) can be specified
final TermFacet f = new TermFacet(soloStrField(9), map("limit", 3, "overrequest", 0,
"sort", "skg desc",
"prelim_sort", "count asc"));
if (null != extra) {
f.subFacets.put("skg_extra", extra);
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("str", f);
final SolrParams facetParams
= SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dv",
"json.facet", Facet.toJSONFacetParamValue(facets)),
// default sweep as well as any explicit sweep=true/false values should give same results: no sweeping
for (SolrParams sweepParams : Arrays.asList(params(),
params("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "false"),
params("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "true"))) {
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(sweepParams, facetParams);
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByArrayDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
final NamedList<Object> sweep_debug = (NamedList<Object>) debug.get(SWEEP_COLLECTION_DEBUG_KEY);
assertEquals("count", sweep_debug.get("base"));
assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), sweep_debug.get("accs"));
assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), sweep_debug.get("mapped"));
{ // single facet with infinite limit + multiple skgs...
// this should trigger MultiAcc collection, causing sweeping on both skg functions
// all results we test should be the same even if there is another 'min' stat,
// in each term facet. it shouldn't affect the sweeping/MultiAcc at all.
for (Facet extra : Arrays.asList(null, new SumFacet(multiIntField(2)))) {
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final TermFacet facet = new TermFacet(soloStrField(9), -1, 0, "skg2 desc", null);
facet.subFacets.put("skg2", new RelatednessFacet(multiStrField(2)+":9", null));
if (null != extra) {
facet.subFacets.put("sum", extra);
facets.put("str", facet);
final SolrParams facetParams
= SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dv",
"json.facet", Facet.toJSONFacetParamValue(facets)),
// both default sweep option and explicit sweep should give same results...
for (SolrParams sweepParams : Arrays.asList(params(),
params("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "true"))) {
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(sweepParams, facetParams);
final NamedList<Object> debug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByArrayDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
final NamedList<Object> sweep_debug = (NamedList<Object>) debug.get(SWEEP_COLLECTION_DEBUG_KEY);
assertEquals("count", sweep_debug.get("base"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("skg!fg","skg!bg","skg2!fg","skg2!bg"), sweep_debug.get("accs"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("skg","skg2"), sweep_debug.get("mapped"));
// nested facets that both sort on an skg stat
// (set limit + overrequest tiny to keep multishard response managable)
// all results we test should be the same even if there is another 'skg_extra' stat,
// in each term facet. they shouldn't be involved in the sweeping at all.
for (Facet extra : Arrays.asList(null, new RelatednessFacet(multiStrField(2)+":9", null))) {
// choose single value strings so we know both 'dv' (sweep) and 'dvhash' (no sweep) can be specified
// choose 'id' for the parent facet so we are garunteed some child facets
final TermFacet parent = new TermFacet("id", 1, 0, "skg desc", false);
final TermFacet child = new TermFacet(soloStrField(7), 1, 0, "skg desc", false);
parent.subFacets.put("child", child);
if (null != extra) {
parent.subFacets.put("skg_extra", extra);
child.subFacets.put("skg_extra", extra);
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("parent", parent);
final SolrParams facetParams
= SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("method_val", "dv",
"json.facet", Facet.toJSONFacetParamValue(facets)),
// both default sweep option and explicit sweep should give same results...
for (SolrParams sweepParams : Arrays.asList(params(),
params("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION,
"sweep_val", "true"))) {
final SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(sweepParams, facetParams);
final NamedList<Object> parentDebug = getFacetDebug(params);
assertEquals("id", parentDebug.get("field"));
// may be multiples from diff shards, just use first one
final NamedList<Object> childDebug = ((List<NamedList<Object>>)parentDebug.get("sub-facet")).get(0);
assertEquals(soloStrField(7), childDebug.get("field"));
// these should all be true for both the parent and the child debug..
for (NamedList<Object> debug : Arrays.asList(parentDebug, childDebug)) {
assertEquals(FacetFieldProcessorByArrayDV.class.getSimpleName(), debug.get("processor"));
final NamedList<Object> sweep_debug = (NamedList<Object>) debug.get(SWEEP_COLLECTION_DEBUG_KEY);
assertEquals("count", sweep_debug.get("base"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("skg!fg","skg!bg"), sweep_debug.get("accs"));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("skg"), sweep_debug.get("mapped"));
* returns the <b>FIRST</b> NamedList (under the implicit 'null' FacetQuery) in the "facet-trace" output
* of the request. Should not be used with multiple "top level" facets
* (the output is too confusing in cloud mode to be confident where/qhy each NamedList comes from)
private NamedList<Object> getFacetDebug(final SolrParams params) {
try {
final QueryResponse rsp = (new QueryRequest(params)).process(getRandClient(random()));
assertNotNull(params + " is null rsp?", rsp);
final NamedList topNamedList = rsp.getResponse();
assertNotNull(params + " is null topNamedList?", topNamedList);
// skip past the (implicit) top Facet query to get it's "sub-facets" (the real facets)...
final List<NamedList<Object>> facetDebug =
(List<NamedList<Object>>) topNamedList.findRecursive("debug", "facet-trace", "sub-facet");
assertNotNull(topNamedList + " ... null facet debug?", facetDebug);
assertFalse(topNamedList + " ... not even one facet debug?", facetDebug.isEmpty());
return facetDebug.get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("query failed: " + params + ": " +
e.getMessage(), e);
* Test some small, hand crafted, but non-trivial queries that are
* easier to trace/debug then a pure random monstrosity.
* (ie: if something obvious gets broken, this test may fail faster and in a more obvious way then testRandom)
public void testBespoke() throws Exception {
{ // two trivial single level facets
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("str", new TermFacet(multiStrField(9), UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS, 0, null, null));
facets.put("int", new TermFacet(multiIntField(9), UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS, 0, null, null));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // trivial single level facet w/sorting on skg and refinement explicitly disabled
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx", new TermFacet(multiStrField(9), UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS, 0, "skg desc", false));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // trivial single level facet w/ perSeg
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx", new TermFacet(multiStrField(9),
map("perSeg", true)));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // trivial single level facet w/ prefix
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx", new TermFacet(multiStrField(9),
map("prefix", "2")));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // trivial single level facet w/ 2 diff ways to request "limit = (effectively) Infinite"
// to sanity check refinement of buckets missing from other shard in both cases
// NOTE that these two queries & facets *should* effectively identical given that the
// very large limit value is big enough no shard will ever return that may terms,
// but the "limit=-1" case it actaully triggers slightly different code paths
// because it causes FacetField.returnsPartial() to be "true"
for (int limit : new int[] { 999999999, -1 }) {
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("top_facet_limit__" + limit, new TermFacet(multiStrField(9), limit, 0, "skg desc", true));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // multi-valued facet field w/infinite limit and an extra (non-SKG / non-sweeping) stat
final TermFacet xxx = new TermFacet(multiStrField(12), -1, 0, "count asc", false);
xxx.subFacets.put("sum", new SumFacet(multiIntField(4)));
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx", xxx);
buildORQuery(multiStrField(13) + ":26",
multiStrField(6) + ":33",
multiStrField(9) + ":24"),
buildORQuery(multiStrField(4) + ":27",
multiStrField(12) + ":18",
multiStrField(2) + ":28",
multiStrField(13) + ":50"),
public void testBespokeAllBuckets() throws Exception {
{ // single level facet w/sorting on skg and allBuckets
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx", new TermFacet(multiStrField(9), map("sort", "skg desc",
"allBuckets", true)));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
public void testBespokePrefix() throws Exception {
{ // trivial single level facet w/ prefix
Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx", new TermFacet(multiStrField(9),
map("sort", "skg desc",
"limit", -1,
"prefix", "2")));
assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(facets, multiStrField(7)+":11", multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
* Given a few explicit "structures" of requests, test many permutations of various params/options.
* This is more complex then {@link #testBespoke} but should still be easier to trace/debug then
* a pure random monstrosity.
public void testBespokeStructures() throws Exception {
// we don't need to test every field, just make sure we test enough fields to hit every suffix..
final int maxFacetFieldNum = Collections.max(Arrays.asList(MULTI_STR_FIELD_SUFFIXES.length,
for (int facetFieldNum = 0; facetFieldNum < maxFacetFieldNum; facetFieldNum++) {
for (String facetFieldName : Arrays.asList(soloStrField(facetFieldNum), multiStrField(facetFieldNum))) {
for (int limit : Arrays.asList(10, -1)) {
for (String sort : Arrays.asList("count desc", "skg desc", "index asc")) {
for (Boolean refine : Arrays.asList(false, true)) {
{ // 1 additional (non-SKG / non-sweeping) stat
final TermFacet xxx = new TermFacet(facetFieldName, map("limit", limit,
"overrequest", 0,
"sort", sort,
"refine", refine));
xxx.subFacets.put("sum", new SumFacet(soloIntField(3)));
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx1", xxx);
buildORQuery(multiStrField(11) + ":55",
multiStrField(0) + ":46"),
multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // multiple SKGs
final TermFacet xxx = new TermFacet(facetFieldName, map("limit", limit,
"overrequest", 0,
"sort", sort,
"refine", refine));
xxx.subFacets.put("skg2", new RelatednessFacet(multiStrField(2)+":9", "*:*"));
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx2", xxx);
buildORQuery(multiStrField(11) + ":55",
multiStrField(0) + ":46"),
multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
{ // multiple SKGs and a multiple non-SKG / non-sweeping stats
final TermFacet xxx = new TermFacet(facetFieldName, map("limit", limit,
"overrequest", 0,
"sort", sort,
"refine", refine));
xxx.subFacets.put("minAAA", new SumFacet(soloIntField(3)));
xxx.subFacets.put("skg2", new RelatednessFacet(multiStrField(2)+":9", "*:*"));
xxx.subFacets.put("minBBB", new SumFacet(soloIntField(2)));
final Map<String,TermFacet> facets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
facets.put("xxx3", xxx);
buildORQuery(multiStrField(11) + ":55",
multiStrField(0) + ":46"),
multiStrField(5)+":9", "*:*");
public void testRandom() throws Exception {
final int numIters = atLeast(10);
for (int iter = 0; iter < numIters; iter++) {
buildRandomQuery(), buildRandomQuery(), buildRandomQuery());
* Generates a random query string across the randomized fields/values in the index
* @see #randFieldValue
* @see #field
private static String buildRandomQuery() {
if (0 == TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0,10)) {
return "*:*";
final int numClauses = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 3, 10);
return buildRandomORQuery(numClauses);
/** The more clauses, the more docs it's likely to match */
private static String buildRandomORQuery(final int numClauses) {
final String[] clauses = new String[numClauses];
for (int c = 0; c < numClauses; c++) {
final int fieldNum = random().nextInt(MAX_FIELD_NUM);
// keep queries simple, just use str fields - not point of test
clauses[c] = multiStrField(fieldNum) + ":" + randFieldValue(fieldNum);
return buildORQuery(clauses);
private static String buildORQuery(String... clauses) {
assert 0 < clauses.length;
return "(" + String.join(" OR ", clauses) + ")";
* Given a set of term facets, and top level query strings, asserts that
* the results of these queries are identical even when varying the <code>method_val</code> param
* and when varying the <code>{@value RelatednessAgg#SWEEP_COLLECTION}</code> param; either by explicitly setting to
* <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> or by changing the param key to not set it at all.
private void assertFacetSKGsAreConsistent(final Map<String,TermFacet> facets,
final String query,
final String foreQ,
final String backQ) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
final SolrParams basicParams = params("rows","0",
"q", query, "fore", foreQ, "back", backQ,
"json.facet", Facet.toJSONFacetParamValue(facets));"Doing full run: {}", basicParams);
try {
// start by recording the results of the purely "default" behavior...
final NamedList expected = getFacetResponse(basicParams);
// now loop over all permutations of processors and sweep values and and compare them to the "default"...
for (FacetMethod method : EnumSet.allOf(FacetMethod.class)) {
for (Boolean sweep : Arrays.asList(true, false, null)) {
final ModifiableSolrParams options = params("method_val", method.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
if (null != sweep) {
options.add("sweep_key", RelatednessAgg.SWEEP_COLLECTION);
options.add("sweep_val", sweep.toString());
final NamedList actual = getFacetResponse(SolrParams.wrapAppended(options, basicParams));
// we can't rely on a trivial assertEquals() comparison...
// the order of the sub-facet keys can change between
// processors. (notably: method:enum vs method:smart when sort:"index asc")
// NOTE: this doesn't ignore the order of the buckets,
// it ignores the order of the keys in each bucket...
final String pathToMismatch =
(expected, actual, 0,
Collections.singletonMap("buckets", BaseDistributedSearchTestCase.UNORDERED));
if (null != pathToMismatch) {
log.error("{}: expected = {}", options, expected);
log.error("{}: actual = {}", options, actual);
fail("Mismatch: " + pathToMismatch + " using " + options);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
throw new AssertionError(basicParams + " ===> " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {"Ending full run");
* We ignore {@link QueryResponse#getJsonFacetingResponse()} because it isn't as useful for
* doing a "deep equals" comparison across requests
private NamedList getFacetResponse(final SolrParams params) {
try {
final QueryResponse rsp = (new QueryRequest(params)).process(getRandClient(random()));
assertNotNull(params + " is null rsp?", rsp);
final NamedList topNamedList = rsp.getResponse();
assertNotNull(params + " is null topNamedList?", topNamedList);
final NamedList facetResponse = (NamedList) topNamedList.get("facets");
assertNotNull("null facet results?", facetResponse);
assertEquals("numFound mismatch with top count?",
rsp.getResults().getNumFound(), ((Number)facetResponse.get("count")).longValue());
return facetResponse;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("query failed: " + params + ": " +
e.getMessage(), e);
private static interface Facet { // Mainly just a Marker Interface
* Given a set of (possibly nested) facets, generates a suitable <code>json.facet</code> param value to
* use for testing them against in a solr request.
public static String toJSONFacetParamValue(final Map<String,? extends Facet> facets) {
assert null != facets;
assert ! facets.isEmpty();
return JSONUtil.toJSON(facets, -1); // no newlines
* trivial facet that is not SKG (and doesn't have any of it's special behavior) for the purposes
* of testing how TermFacet behaves with a mix of sub-facets.
private static final class SumFacet implements Facet {
private final String field;
public SumFacet(final String field) {
this.field = field;
public String toString() { // used in JSON by default
return "sum(" + field + ")";
public static SumFacet buildRandom() {
final int fieldNum = random().nextInt(MAX_FIELD_NUM);
final boolean multi = random().nextBoolean();
return new SumFacet(multi ? multiIntField(fieldNum) : soloIntField(fieldNum));
* Trivial data structure for modeling a simple <code>relatedness()</code> facet that can be written out as a json.facet param.
* Doesn't do any string escaping or quoting, so don't use whitespace or reserved json characters
* The specified fore/back queries will be wrapped in localparam syntax in the resulting json,
* unless they are 'null' in which case <code>$fore</code> and <code>$back</code> refs will be used
* in their place, and must be set as request params (this allows "random" facets to still easily
* trigger the "nested facets re-using the same fore/back set for SKG situation)
* The JSON for all of these facets includes a <code>${sweep_key:xxx}</code> (which will be ignored
* by default) and <code>${sweep_val:yyy}</code> which may be set as params on each request to override the
* implicit default sweeping behavior of the underlying SKGAcc.
private static final class RelatednessFacet implements Facet, Writable {
public final Map<String,Object> jsonData = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Assumes null for fore/back queries w/no options */
public RelatednessFacet() {
this(null, null, map());
/** Assumes no options */
public RelatednessFacet(final String foreQ, final String backQ) {
this(foreQ, backQ, map());
public RelatednessFacet(final String foreQ, final String backQ,
final Map<String,Object> options) {
assert null != options;
final String f = null == foreQ ? "$fore" : "{!v='"+foreQ+"'}";
final String b = null == backQ ? "$back" : "{!v='"+backQ+"'}";
// we don't allow these to be overridden by options, so set them now...
jsonData.put("type", "func");
jsonData.put("func", "relatedness("+f+","+b+")");
public void write(JSONWriter writer) {
public static RelatednessFacet buildRandom() {
final Map<String,Object> options = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
options.put("min_popularity", "0.001");
// bias this in favor of null fore/back since that's most realistic for typical nested facets
final boolean simple = random().nextBoolean();
final String fore = simple ? null : buildRandomORQuery(TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 5));
final String back = simple ? null : buildRandomORQuery(TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 9));
return new RelatednessFacet(fore, back, options);
* Trivial data structure for modeling a simple terms facet that can be written out as a json.facet param.
* Since the point of this test is SKG, every TermFacet implicitly has one fixed "skg" subFacet, but that
* can be overridden by the caller
* Doesn't do any string escaping or quoting, so don't use whitespace or reserved json characters
* The resulting facets all specify a <code>method</code> of <code>${method_val:smart}</code> which may be
* overridden via request params.
private static final class TermFacet implements Facet, Writable {
public final Map<String,Object> jsonData = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public final Map<String,Facet> subFacets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* @param field must be non null
* @param options can set any of options used in a term facet other then field or (sub) facets
public TermFacet(final String field, final Map<String,Object> options) {
assert null != field;
jsonData.put("method", "${method_val:smart}");
// we don't allow these to be overridden by options, so set them now...
jsonData.put("type", "terms");
jsonData.put("facet", subFacets);
subFacets.put("skg", new RelatednessFacet());
/** all params except field can be null */
public TermFacet(String field, Integer limit, Integer overrequest, String sort, Boolean refine) {
this(field, map("limit", limit, "overrequest", overrequest, "sort", sort, "refine", refine));
public void write(JSONWriter writer) {
* Generates a random TermFacet that does not contai nany random sub-facets
* beyond a single consistent "skg" stat)
public static TermFacet buildRandom() {
final String sort = randomSortParam(random());
final String facetField = randomFacetField(random());
return new TermFacet(facetField,
map("limit", randomLimitParam(random()),
"overrequest", randomOverrequestParam(random(), sort),
"prefix", randomPrefixParam(random(), facetField),
"perSeg", randomPerSegParam(random()),
"sort", sort,
"prelim_sort", randomPrelimSortParam(random(), sort),
"allBuckets", randomAllBucketsParam(random(), sort),
"refine", randomRefineParam(random())));
* Factory method for generating some random facets.
* For simplicity, each facet will have a unique key name.
public static Map<String,TermFacet> buildRandomFacets() {
// for simplicity, use a unique facet key regardless of depth - simplifies verification
// and let's us enforce a hard limit on the total number of facets in a request
AtomicInteger keyCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
final int maxDepth = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, (usually() ? 2 : 3));
return buildRandomFacets(keyCounter, maxDepth);
* picks a random field to facet on.
* @see #field
* @return field name, never null
public static String randomFacetField(final Random r) {
final int fieldNum = r.nextInt(MAX_FIELD_NUM);
switch(r.nextInt(4)) {
case 0: return multiStrField(fieldNum);
case 1: return multiIntField(fieldNum);
case 2: return soloStrField(fieldNum);
case 3: return soloIntField(fieldNum);
default: throw new RuntimeException("Broken case statement");
* picks a random value for the "allBuckets" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases
* This bucket should be ignored by relatedness, but inclusion should not cause any problems
* (or change the results)
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> allBuckets is meaningless in conjunction with the <code>STREAM</code> processor, so
* this method always returns null if sort is <code>index asc</code>.
* </p>
* @return a Boolean, may be null
public static Boolean randomAllBucketsParam(final Random r, final String sort) {
switch(r.nextInt(4)) {
case 0: return true;
case 1: return false;
case 2:
case 3: return null;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Broken case statement");
* picks a random value for the "refine" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases
* @return a Boolean, may be null
public static Boolean randomRefineParam(final Random r) {
switch(r.nextInt(3)) {
case 0: return null;
case 1: return true;
case 2: return false;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Broken case statement");
* picks a random value for the "perSeg" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases
* @return a Boolean, may be null
public static Boolean randomPerSegParam(final Random r) {
switch(r.nextInt(4)) {
case 0: return true;
case 1: return false;
case 2:
case 3: return null;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Broken case statement");
* picks a random value for the "prefix" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases
* @return a valid prefix value, may be null
public static String randomPrefixParam(final Random r, final String facetField) {
if (facetField.contains("multi_i") || facetField.contains("solo_i")) {
// never used a prefix on a numeric field
return null;
assert (facetField.contains("multi_s") || facetField.contains("solo_s"))
: "possible facet fields have changed, breaking test";
switch(r.nextInt(5)) {
case 0: return "2";
case 1: return "3";
case 2:
case 3:
case 4: return null;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Broken case statement");
* picks a random value for the "sort" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases.
* Assumes every TermFacet will have at least one "skg" stat
* @return a sort string (w/direction), or null to specify nothing (trigger default behavior)
* @see #randomAllBucketsParam
* @see #randomPrelimSortParam
public static String randomSortParam(final Random r) {
final String dir = random().nextBoolean() ? "asc" : "desc";
switch(r.nextInt(4)) {
case 0: return null;
case 1: return "count " + dir;
case 2: return "skg " + dir;
case 3: return "index " + dir;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Broken case statement");
* picks a random value for the "prelim_sort" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases.
* @return a sort string (w/direction), or null to specify nothing (trigger default behavior)
* @see #randomSortParam
public static String randomPrelimSortParam(final Random r, final String sort) {
if (null != sort && sort.startsWith("skg") && 1 == TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, 3)) {
return "count desc";
return null;
* picks a random value for the "limit" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases
* @return a number to specify in the request, or null to specify nothing (trigger default behavior)
public static Integer randomLimitParam(final Random r) {
final int limit = 1 + r.nextInt((int) (UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS * 1.5F));
if (1 == TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, 3)) {
// bias in favor of just using default
return null;
if (limit >= UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS && r.nextBoolean()) {
return -1; // unlimited
return limit;
* picks a random value for the "overrequest" param, biased in favor of interesting test cases.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> due to variations in overrequest behavior betewen <code>metod:enum<code> and other
* processors (see <a href="">SOLR-14595</a>) this
* method takes in the "sort" param and returns a constant value of <code>0</code> if the sort is
* <code>index asc</code> to ensure that the set of candidate buckets considered during merging
* (and refinement) is consistent regardless of what processor is used (and/or what sort is used
* on the parent facet)
* </p>
* @return a number to specify in the request, or null to specify nothing (trigger default behavior)
* @see <a href="">SOLR-14595</a>
public static Integer randomOverrequestParam(final Random r, final String sort) {
if ("index asc".equals(sort)) {
return 0; // test work around for SOLR-14595
switch(r.nextInt(10)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
return 0; // 40% of the time, disable overrequest to better stress refinement
case 4:
case 5:
return r.nextInt(UNIQUE_FIELD_VALS); // 20% ask for less them what's needed
case 6:
return r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // 10%: completley random value, statisticaly more then enough
default: break;
// else.... either leave param unspecified (or redundently specify the -1 default)
return r.nextBoolean() ? null : -1;
* recursive helper method for building random facets
* @param keyCounter used to ensure every generated facet has a unique key name
* @param maxDepth max possible depth allowed for the recusion, a lower value may be used depending on how many facets are returned at the current level.
private static Map<String,TermFacet> buildRandomFacets(AtomicInteger keyCounter, int maxDepth) {
final int numFacets = Math.max(1, TestUtil.nextInt(random(), -1, 3)); // 3/5th chance of being '1'
Map<String,TermFacet> results = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numFacets; i++) {
if (keyCounter.get() < 3) { // a hard limit on the total number of facets (regardless of depth) to reduce OOM risk
final TermFacet facet = TermFacet.buildRandom();
results.put("facet_" + keyCounter.incrementAndGet(), facet);
if (0 < maxDepth) {
// if we're going wide, don't go deep
final int nextMaxDepth = Math.max(0, maxDepth - numFacets);
facet.subFacets.putAll(buildRandomFacets(keyCounter, TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, nextMaxDepth)));
// we get one implicit RelatednessFacet automatically,
// randomly add 1 or 2 more ... 3/5th chance of being '0'
final int numExtraSKGStats = Math.max(0, TestUtil.nextInt(random(), -2, 2));
for (int skgId = 0; skgId < numExtraSKGStats; skgId++) {
// sometimes we overwrite the trivial defualt "skg" with this one...
final String key = (0 == skgId && 0 == TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, 5)) ? "skg" : "skg" + skgId;
facet.subFacets.put(key, RelatednessFacet.buildRandom());
if (1 == TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, 4)) {
// occasionally add in a non-SKG related stat...
facet.subFacets.put("sum", SumFacet.buildRandom());
return results;
* returns a random SolrClient -- either a CloudSolrClient, or an HttpSolrClient pointed
* at a node in our cluster
public static SolrClient getRandClient(Random rand) {
int numClients = CLIENTS.size();
int idx = TestUtil.nextInt(rand, 0, numClients);
return (idx == numClients) ? CLOUD_CLIENT : CLIENTS.get(idx);
* Uses a random SolrClient to execture a request and returns only the numFound
* @see #getRandClient
public static long getNumFound(final SolrParams req) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
return getRandClient(random()).query(req).getResults().getNumFound();
public static void waitForRecoveriesToFinish(CloudSolrClient client) throws Exception {
assert null != client.getDefaultCollection();
true, true, 330);
/** helper macro: fails on null keys, skips pairs with null values */
public static Map<String,Object> map(Object... pairs) {
if (0 != pairs.length % 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("uneven number of arguments");
final Map<String,Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i+=2) {
final Object key = pairs[i];
final Object val = pairs[i+1];
if (null == key) throw new NullPointerException("arguemnt " + i);
if (null == val) continue;
map.put(key.toString(), val);
return map;