blob: 73178c3c2a596f8665d9a6bd08fa7695425cb51e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.schema;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.FunctionValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.util.RefCounted;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class DocValuesTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
public static void beforeTests() throws Exception {
initCore("solrconfig-basic.xml", "schema-docValues.xml");
// sanity check our schema meets our expectations
final IndexSchema schema = h.getCore().getLatestSchema();
for (String f : new String[] {"floatdv", "intdv", "doubledv", "longdv", "datedv", "stringdv", "booldv"}) {
final SchemaField sf = schema.getField(f);
assertFalse(f + " is multiValued, test is useless, who changed the schema?",
assertFalse(f + " is indexed, test is useless, who changed the schema?",
assertTrue(f + " has no docValues, test is useless, who changed the schema?",
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testDocValues() throws IOException {
assertU(adoc("id", "1"));
try (SolrCore core = h.getCoreInc()) {
final RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcherRef = core.openNewSearcher(true, true);
final SolrIndexSearcher searcher = searcherRef.get();
try {
final LeafReader reader = searcher.getSlowAtomicReader();
assertEquals(1, reader.numDocs());
final FieldInfos infos = reader.getFieldInfos();
assertEquals(DocValuesType.NUMERIC, infos.fieldInfo("floatdv").getDocValuesType());
assertEquals(DocValuesType.NUMERIC, infos.fieldInfo("intdv").getDocValuesType());
assertEquals(DocValuesType.NUMERIC, infos.fieldInfo("doubledv").getDocValuesType());
assertEquals(DocValuesType.NUMERIC, infos.fieldInfo("longdv").getDocValuesType());
assertEquals(DocValuesType.SORTED, infos.fieldInfo("stringdv").getDocValuesType());
assertEquals(DocValuesType.SORTED, infos.fieldInfo("booldv").getDocValuesType());
NumericDocValues dvs = reader.getNumericDocValues("floatdv");
assertEquals(0, dvs.nextDoc());
assertEquals((long) Float.floatToIntBits(1), dvs.longValue());
dvs = reader.getNumericDocValues("intdv");
assertEquals(0, dvs.nextDoc());
assertEquals(2L, dvs.longValue());
dvs = reader.getNumericDocValues("doubledv");
assertEquals(0, dvs.nextDoc());
assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(3), dvs.longValue());
dvs = reader.getNumericDocValues("longdv");
assertEquals(0, dvs.nextDoc());
assertEquals(4L, dvs.longValue());
SortedDocValues sdv = reader.getSortedDocValues("stringdv");
assertEquals(0, sdv.nextDoc());
assertEquals("solr", sdv.binaryValue().utf8ToString());
sdv = reader.getSortedDocValues("booldv");
assertEquals(0, sdv.nextDoc());
assertEquals("T", sdv.binaryValue().utf8ToString());
final IndexSchema schema = core.getLatestSchema();
final SchemaField floatDv = schema.getField("floatdv");
final SchemaField intDv = schema.getField("intdv");
final SchemaField doubleDv = schema.getField("doubledv");
final SchemaField longDv = schema.getField("longdv");
final SchemaField boolDv = schema.getField("booldv");
FunctionValues values = floatDv.getType().getValueSource(floatDv, null).getValues(null, searcher.getSlowAtomicReader().leaves().get(0));
assertEquals(1f, values.floatVal(0), 0f);
assertEquals(1f, values.objectVal(0));
values = intDv.getType().getValueSource(intDv, null).getValues(null, searcher.getSlowAtomicReader().leaves().get(0));
assertEquals(2, values.intVal(0));
assertEquals(2, values.objectVal(0));
values = doubleDv.getType().getValueSource(doubleDv, null).getValues(null, searcher.getSlowAtomicReader().leaves().get(0));
assertEquals(3d, values.doubleVal(0), 0d);
assertEquals(3d, values.objectVal(0));
values = longDv.getType().getValueSource(longDv, null).getValues(null, searcher.getSlowAtomicReader().leaves().get(0));
assertEquals(4L, values.longVal(0));
assertEquals(4L, values.objectVal(0));
values = boolDv.getType().getValueSource(boolDv, null).getValues(null, searcher.getSlowAtomicReader().leaves().get(0));
assertEquals("true", values.strVal(0));
assertEquals(true, values.objectVal(0));
// check reversibility of created fields
tstToObj(schema.getField("floatdv"), -1.5f);
tstToObj(schema.getField("floatdvs"), -1.5f);
tstToObj(schema.getField("doubledv"), -1.5d);
tstToObj(schema.getField("doubledvs"), -1.5d);
tstToObj(schema.getField("intdv"), -7);
tstToObj(schema.getField("intdvs"), -7);
tstToObj(schema.getField("longdv"), -11L);
tstToObj(schema.getField("longdvs"), -11L);
tstToObj(schema.getField("datedv"), new Date(1000));
tstToObj(schema.getField("datedvs"), new Date(1000));
tstToObj(schema.getField("stringdv"), "foo");
tstToObj(schema.getField("stringdvs"), "foo");
tstToObj(schema.getField("booldv"), true);
tstToObj(schema.getField("booldvs"), true);
} finally {
private void tstToObj(SchemaField sf, Object o) {
List<IndexableField> fields = sf.createFields(o);
for (IndexableField field : fields) {
assertEquals( sf.getType().toObject(field), o);
public void testDocValuesSorting() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "floatdv", "2", "intdv", "3", "doubledv", "4", "longdv", "5", "datedv", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "b", "booldv", "true"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "floatdv", "5", "intdv", "4", "doubledv", "3", "longdv", "2", "datedv", "1997-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "a", "booldv", "false"));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", "floatdv", "3", "intdv", "1", "doubledv", "2", "longdv", "1", "datedv", "1996-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "c", "booldv", "true"));
assertU(adoc("id", "4"));
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "floatdv desc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "intdv desc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "doubledv desc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "longdv desc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "datedv desc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id,datedv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "stringdv desc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "floatdv asc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "intdv asc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "doubledv asc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "longdv asc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "datedv asc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "stringdv asc", "rows", "1", "fl", "id"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "sort", "booldv asc", "rows", "10", "fl", "booldv,stringdv"),
public void testDocValuesSorting2() {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "doubledv", "12"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "doubledv", "50.567"));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", "doubledv", "+0"));
assertU(adoc("id", "4", "doubledv", "4.9E-324"));
assertU(adoc("id", "5", "doubledv", "-0.1"));
assertU(adoc("id", "6", "doubledv", "-5.123"));
assertU(adoc("id", "7", "doubledv", "1.7976931348623157E308"));
assertQ(req("fl", "id", "q", "*:*", "sort", "doubledv asc"),
public void testDocValuesFaceting() {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
assertU(adoc("id", "" + i));
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
if (rarely()) {
assertU(commit()); // to have several segments
switch (i % 3) {
case 0:
assertU(adoc("id", "1000" + i, "floatdv", "" + i, "intdv", "" + i, "doubledv", "" + i, "longdv", "" + i,
"datedv", (1900 + i) + "-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "abc" + i, "booldv", "false"));
case 1:
assertU(adoc("id", "1000" + i, "floatdv", "" + i, "intdv", "" + i, "doubledv", "" + i, "longdv", "" + i,
"datedv", (1900 + i) + "-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "abc" + i, "booldv", "true"));
case 2:
assertU(adoc("id", "1000" + i, "floatdv", "" + i, "intdv", "" + i, "doubledv", "" + i, "longdv", "" + i,
"datedv", (1900 + i) + "-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "abc" + i));
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "longdv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.limit", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "longdv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.offset", "1", "facet.limit", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "longdv", "facet.sort", "index", "facet.offset", "33", "facet.limit", "1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "floatdv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.limit", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "floatdv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.offset", "1", "facet.limit", "-1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "floatdv", "facet.sort", "index", "facet.offset", "33", "facet.limit", "1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "doubledv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.limit", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "doubledv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.offset", "1", "facet.limit", "-1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "doubledv", "facet.sort", "index", "facet.offset", "33", "facet.limit", "1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "intdv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.limit", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "intdv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.offset", "1", "facet.limit", "-1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "intdv", "facet.sort", "index", "facet.offset", "33", "facet.limit", "1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "datedv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.limit", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "datedv", "facet.sort", "count", "facet.offset", "1", "facet.limit", "-1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "datedv", "facet.sort", "index", "facet.offset", "33", "facet.limit", "1", "facet.mincount", "1"),
assertQ(req("q", "booldv:true"),
assertQ(req("q", "booldv:false"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "facet", "true", "rows", "0", "facet.field", "booldv", "facet.sort", "index", "facet.mincount", "1"),
public void testDocValuesStats() {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
assertU(adoc("id", "1000" + i, "floatdv", "" + i%2, "intdv", "" + i%3, "doubledv", "" + i%4, "longdv", "" + i%5, "datedv", (1900+i%6) + "-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "abc" + i%7));
if (rarely()) {
assertU(commit()); // to have several segments
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "stringdv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "floatdv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "intdv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "doubledv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "longdv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "datedv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "floatdv", "stats.facet", "intdv"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*", "stats", "true", "rows", "0", "stats.field", "floatdv", "stats.facet", "datedv"),
/** Tests the ability to do basic queries (without scoring, just match-only) on
* docvalues fields that are not inverted (indexed "forward" only)
public void testDocValuesMatch() throws Exception {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "floatdv", "2", "intdv", "3", "doubledv", "3.1", "longdv", "5", "datedv", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "b", "booldv", "false"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "floatdv", "-5", "intdv", "4", "doubledv", "-4.3", "longdv", "2", "datedv", "1997-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "a", "booldv", "true"));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", "floatdv", "3", "intdv", "1", "doubledv", "2.1", "longdv", "1", "datedv", "1996-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "c", "booldv", "false"));
assertU(adoc("id", "4", "floatdv", "3", "intdv", "-1", "doubledv", "1.5", "longdv", "1", "datedv", "1996-12-31T23:59:59.999Z", "stringdv", "car"));
// string: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "stringdv:car", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// string: range query
assertQ(req("q", "stringdv:[b TO d]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// string: prefix query
assertQ(req("q", "stringdv:c*", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// string: wildcard query
assertQ(req("q", "stringdv:c?r", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// string: regexp query
assertQ(req("q", "stringdv:/c[a-b]r/", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// float: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "floatdv:3", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// float: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "floatdv:[2 TO 3]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (neg) float: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "floatdv:\"-5\"", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (neg) float: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "floatdv:[-6 TO -4]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (cross zero bounds) float: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "floatdv:[-6 TO 2.1]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// int: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "intdv:1", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// int: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "intdv:[3 TO 4]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (neg) int: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "intdv:\"-1\"", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (neg) int: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "intdv:[-1 TO 1]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// long: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "longdv:1", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// long: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "longdv:[1 TO 2]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// double: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "doubledv:3.1", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// double: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "doubledv:[2 TO 3.3]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (neg) double: termquery
assertQ(req("q", "doubledv:\"-4.3\"", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (neg) double: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "doubledv:[-6 TO -4]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// (cross zero bounds) double: rangequery
assertQ(req("q", "doubledv:[-6 TO 2.0]", "sort", "id_i asc"),
// boolean basic queries:
assertQ(req("q", "booldv:false", "sort", "id_i asc"),
assertQ(req("q", "booldv:true", "sort", "id_i asc"),
public void testFloatAndDoubleRangeQueryRandom() throws Exception {
String fieldName[] = new String[] {"floatdv", "doubledv"};
Number largestNegative[] = new Number[] {0f-Float.MIN_NORMAL, 0f-Double.MIN_NORMAL};
Number smallestPositive[] = new Number[] {Float.MIN_NORMAL, Double.MIN_NORMAL};
Number positiveInfinity[] = new Number[] {Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY};
Number negativeInfinity[] = new Number[] {Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY};
Number largestValue[] = new Number[] {Float.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE};
Number zero[] = new Number[] {0f, 0d};
Function<Supplier<Number>,Number> noNaN = (next)
-> { Number num; while (String.valueOf(num = next.get()).equals("NaN")); return num; };
List<Supplier<Number>> nextRandNoNaN = Arrays.asList(
() -> noNaN.apply(() -> Float.intBitsToFloat(random().nextInt())),
() -> noNaN.apply(() -> Double.longBitsToDouble(random().nextLong())));
List<Function<Number,Long>> toSortableLong = Arrays.asList(
(num) -> (long)NumericUtils.floatToSortableInt(num.floatValue()),
(num) -> NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(num.doubleValue()));
// Number minusZero[] = new Number[] {-0f, -0d}; // -0 == 0, so we should not treat them differently (and we should not guarantee that sign is preserved... we should be able to index both as 0)
for (int i=0; i<fieldName.length; i++) {
Number specialValues[] = new Number[] {largestNegative[i], smallestPositive[i], negativeInfinity[i],
largestValue[i], positiveInfinity[i], zero[i]};
List<Number> values = new ArrayList<>();
int numDocs = 1 + random().nextInt(10);
for (int j=0; j<numDocs; j++) {
if (random().nextInt(100) < 5) { // Add a boundary value with 5% probability
} else
if (fieldName[i].equals("floatdv")) { // Add random values with 95% probability
} else {
// Indexing
for (int j=0; j<values.size(); j++) {
assertU(adoc("id", String.valueOf(j+1), fieldName[i], String.valueOf(values.get(j))));
assertU(commit());"Indexed values: {}", values);
// Querying
int numQueries = 10000;
for (int j=0; j<numQueries; j++) {
boolean minInclusive = random().nextBoolean();
boolean maxInclusive = random().nextBoolean();
Number minVal, maxVal;
String min = String.valueOf(minVal = nextRandNoNaN.get(i).get());
String max = String.valueOf(maxVal = nextRandNoNaN.get(i).get());
// randomly use boundary values for min, 15% of the time
int r = random().nextInt(100);
if (r<5) {
minVal = negativeInfinity[i]; min = "*";
} else if (r<10) {
minVal = specialValues[random().nextInt(specialValues.length)]; min = String.valueOf(minVal);
} else if (r<15) {
minVal = values.get(random().nextInt(values.size())); min = String.valueOf(minVal);
// randomly use boundary values for max, 15% of the time
r = random().nextInt(100);
if (r<5) {
maxVal = positiveInfinity[i]; max = "*";
} else if (r<10) {
maxVal = specialValues[random().nextInt(specialValues.length)]; max = String.valueOf(maxVal);
} else if (r<15) {
// Don't pick a NaN for the range query
Number tmp = values.get(random().nextInt(values.size()));
if (!Double.isNaN(tmp.doubleValue()) && !Float.isNaN(tmp.floatValue())) {
maxVal = tmp; max = String.valueOf(maxVal);
List<String> tests = new ArrayList<>();
int counter = 0;
for (int k=0; k<values.size(); k++) {
Number val = values.get(k);
long valSortable = toSortableLong.get(i).apply(val);
long minSortable = toSortableLong.get(i).apply(minVal);
long maxSortable = toSortableLong.get(i).apply(maxVal);
if((minInclusive && minSortable<=valSortable || !minInclusive && minSortable<valSortable || (min.equals("*") && val == negativeInfinity[i])) &&
(maxInclusive && maxSortable>=valSortable || !maxInclusive && maxSortable>valSortable || (max.equals("*") && val == positiveInfinity[i]))) {
tests.add(0, "//*[@numFound='"+counter+"']");
String testsArr[] = new String[tests.size()];
for (int k=0; k<tests.size(); k++) {
testsArr[k] = tests.get(k);
}"Expected: {}", tests);
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i] + ":" + (minInclusive? '[': '{') + min + " TO " + max + (maxInclusive? ']': '}'),
"sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
public void testFloatAndDoubleRangeQuery() throws Exception {
String fieldName[] = new String[] {"floatdv", "doubledv"};
String largestNegative[] = new String[] {String.valueOf(0f-Float.MIN_NORMAL), String.valueOf(0f-Double.MIN_NORMAL)};
String negativeInfinity[] = new String[] {String.valueOf(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), String.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)};
String largestValue[] = new String[] {String.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE), String.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE)};
for (int i=0; i<fieldName.length; i++) {
assertU(adoc("id", "1", fieldName[i], "2"));
assertU(adoc("id", "2", fieldName[i], "-5"));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", fieldName[i], "3"));
assertU(adoc("id", "4", fieldName[i], "3"));
assertU(adoc("id", "5", fieldName[i], largestNegative[i]));
assertU(adoc("id", "6", fieldName[i], negativeInfinity[i]));
assertU(adoc("id", "7", fieldName[i], largestValue[i]));
// Negative Zero to Positive
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[-0.0 TO 2.5]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
// Negative to Positive Zero
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[-6 TO 0]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
// Negative to Positive
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[-6 TO 2.5]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
// Positive to Positive
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[2 TO 3]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
// Positive to POSITIVE_INF
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[2 TO *]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
// NEGATIVE_INF to Negative
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[* TO -1]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),
// NEGATIVE_INF to Positive
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[* TO 2]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]),
// NEGATIVE_INF to Positive (non-inclusive)
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[* TO 2}", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]),
// Negative to POSITIVE_INF
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[-6 TO *]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]),
assertQ(req("q", fieldName[i]+":[* TO *]", "sort", "id_i asc", "fl", "id,"+fieldName[i]+",score"),