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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.solr.request.macro;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCase;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests for the MacroExpander
public class TestMacroExpander extends SolrTestCase {
public void testExamples() {
final Map<String,String[]> testParams = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
final MacroExpander me;
// example behavior unaffected by absence or value of failOnMissingParams
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
me = new MacroExpander(testParams);
} else {
final boolean failOnMissingParams = random().nextBoolean();
me = new MacroExpander(testParams, failOnMissingParams);
//default examples:
// and
//using params
String[] lowParams = {"50"};
String[] highParams = {"100"};
String testQuery = "q=popularity:[ ${low} TO ${high} ]";
assertEquals("q=popularity:[ 50 TO 100 ]", me.expand(testQuery));
//using default values
testQuery = "q=popularity:[ ${low:10} TO ${high:20} ]";
assertEquals("q=popularity:[ 50 TO 100 ]", me.expand(testQuery));
assertEquals("q=popularity:[ 10 TO 20 ]", me.expand(testQuery));
//multiple levels of substitutions
testQuery = "q=${pop_query}";
String[] popQueryParams = {"${pop_field}:[ ${low} TO ${high} ] AND inStock:true"};
String[] popFieldParams = {"popularity"};
assertEquals("q=popularity:[ 50 TO 100 ] AND inStock:true", me.expand(testQuery));
//end default examples
public void testOnMissingParams() {
final Map<String,String[]> testParams = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
final MacroExpander meSkipOnMissingParams = new MacroExpander(testParams);
final MacroExpander meFailOnMissingParams = new MacroExpander(testParams, true);
final String low = "50";
final String high = "100";
testParams.put("low", new String[]{ low });
testParams.put("high", new String[]{ high });
final String testQuery = "q=popularity:[ ${low} TO ${high} ]";
//when params all present the expansion results match
final String expandedQuery = "q=popularity:[ "+low+" TO "+high+" ]";
assertEquals(expandedQuery, meSkipOnMissingParams.expand(testQuery));
assertEquals(expandedQuery, meFailOnMissingParams.expand(testQuery));
//when param(s) missing and have no default the expansion results differ
final String expandedLow;
final String expandedHigh;
if (random().nextBoolean()) { // keep low
expandedLow = low;
} else {
expandedLow = "";
if (random().nextBoolean()) { // keep high
expandedHigh = high;
} else {
expandedHigh = "";
assertEquals("q=popularity:[ "+expandedLow+" TO "+expandedHigh+" ]",
if (testParams.size() < 2) { // at least one of the two parameters missing
assertEquals(null, meFailOnMissingParams.expand(testQuery));
public void testMap() { // see SOLR-9740, the second fq param was being dropped.
final Map<String,String[]> request = new HashMap<>();
request.put("fq", new String[] {"zero", "${one_ref}", "two", "${three_ref}"});
request.put("expr", new String[] {"${one_ref}"}); // expr is for streaming expressions, no replacement by default
request.put("one_ref",new String[] {"one"});
request.put("three_ref",new String[] {"three"});
Map<String, String[]> expanded = MacroExpander.expand(request);
assertEquals("zero", expanded.get("fq")[0]);
assertEquals("one", expanded.get("fq")[1]);
assertEquals("two", expanded.get("fq")[2]);
assertEquals("three", expanded.get("fq")[3]);
assertEquals("${one_ref}", expanded.get("expr")[0]);
public void testMapExprExpandOn() {
final Map<String,String[]> request = new HashMap<>();
request.put("fq", new String[] {"zero", "${one_ref}", "two", "${three_ref}"});
request.put("expr", new String[] {"${one_ref}"}); // expr is for streaming expressions, no replacement by default
request.put("one_ref",new String[] {"one"});
request.put("three_ref",new String[] {"three"});
// I believe that so long as this is sure to be reset before the end of the test we should
// be fine with respect to other tests.
String oldVal = System.getProperty("StreamingExpressionMacros","false");
System.setProperty("StreamingExpressionMacros", "true");
try {
Map<String, String[]> expanded = MacroExpander.expand(request);
assertEquals("zero", expanded.get("fq")[0]);
assertEquals("one", expanded.get("fq")[1]);
assertEquals("two", expanded.get("fq")[2]);
assertEquals("three", expanded.get("fq")[3]);
assertEquals("one", expanded.get("expr")[0]);
} finally {
System.setProperty("StreamingExpressionMacros", oldVal);
public void testUnbalanced() { // SOLR-13181
final Map<String, String[]> request = Collections.singletonMap("answer", new String[]{ "42" });
final MacroExpander meSkipOnMissingParams = new MacroExpander(request);
final MacroExpander meFailOnMissingParams = new MacroExpander(request, true);
assertEquals("${noClose", meSkipOnMissingParams.expand("${noClose"));
assertEquals("42 ${noClose", meSkipOnMissingParams.expand("${answer} ${noClose"));
assertEquals("42 ${noClose fooBar", meSkipOnMissingParams.expand("${answer} ${noClose fooBar"));
assertNull(meFailOnMissingParams.expand("${answer} ${noClose"));
assertNull(meFailOnMissingParams.expand("${answer} ${noClose fooBar"));
assertEquals("${${b}}", meSkipOnMissingParams.expand("${${b}}"));
// Does not register as a syntax failure, although may subjectively look like it.
// Consequently, the expression is replaced with nothing in default mode.
// It'd be nice if there was a mode to leave un-resolved macros as-is when they don't resolve.
assertEquals("preamble ", meSkipOnMissingParams.expand("preamble ${exp${bad}"));
assertNull(meFailOnMissingParams.expand("preamble ${exp${bad}"));