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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.solr.core;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
* This class started life as a test for SOLR-749 to prove that value source plugins were properly
* intialized, but it has since evolved to also help prove that ValueSource's are not asked to compute
* values for documents unneccessarily.
* @see CountUsageValueSourceParser
* @see <a href="">SOLR-749</a>
public class SOLR749Test extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
public void testConstruction() throws Exception {
SolrCore core = h.getCore();
assertTrue("core is null and it shouldn't be", core != null);
QParserPlugin parserPlugin = core.getQueryPlugin(QParserPlugin.DEFAULT_QTYPE);
assertTrue("parserPlugin is null and it shouldn't be", parserPlugin != null);
assertTrue("parserPlugin is not an instanceof " + FooQParserPlugin.class, parserPlugin instanceof FooQParserPlugin);
ValueSourceParser vsp = core.getValueSourceParser("boost");
assertTrue("vsp is null and it shouldn't be", vsp != null);
assertTrue("vsp is not an instanceof " + DummyValueSourceParser.class, vsp instanceof DummyValueSourceParser);
public void testHowManyDocsHaveBoostFunctionComputed() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// NOTE: we can't rely on the default lucene syntax because "FooQParser" is registered as "lucene"
assertQ(req("q","{!notfoo}*:*"), "//result[@numFound=100]");
assertQ(req("q","{!notfoo}id_i1:[* TO 49]"), "//result[@numFound=50]");
try {
assertQ("query wrapped in boost func should only eval func for query matches",
req("q","{!boost b=$boostFunc defType=notfoo}id_i1:[* TO 49]",
"boostFunc", "countUsage('boost_func',3.4)"),
assertEquals(50, CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("boost_func"));
assertQ("func query that is filtered should be evaled only for filtered docs",
"fq", "{!notfoo}id_i1:[30 TO 59]"),
assertEquals(30, CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("func_q"));
assertQ("func query that wraps a query which is also used as a should be evaled only for filtered docs",
"qq", "{!notfoo}id_i1:[20 TO 39]",
"fq", "{!query v=$qq}"),
assertEquals(20, CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("func_q_wrapping_fq"));
assertQ("frange in complex boolean query w/ other mandatory clauses to check skipping",
req("q","{!notfoo}(+id_i1:[20 TO 39] -id:25 +{!frange l=4.5 u=4.5 v='countUsage(frange_in_bq,4.5)'})"),
// don't assume specific clause evaluation ordering.
// ideally this is 19, but could be as high as 20 depending on whether frange's
// scorer has next() called on it before other clauses skipTo
int count = CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("frange_in_bq");
assertTrue("frange_in_bq: " + count, (19 <= count && count <= 20));
assertQ("func in complex boolean query w/ constant scoring mandatory clauses",
req("q","{!notfoo}(+id_i1:[20 TO 29]^0 +{!frange l=4.5 u=4.5 v='countUsage(func_in_bq,4.5)'})"),
// don't assume specific clause evaluation ordering.
// ideally this is 10, but could be as high as 11 depending on whether func's
// scorer has next() called on it before other clauses skipTo
count = CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("func_in_bq");
assertTrue("func_in_bq: " + count, (10 <= count && count <= 11));
// non-cached frange queries should default to post-filtering
// (ie: only be computed on candidates of other q/fq restrictions)
// regardless of how few/many docs match the frange
assertQ("query matching 1 doc w/ implicitly post-filtered frange matching all docs",
req("q","{!notfoo cache=false}*:*", // match all...
"fq","{!frange cache=false l=30 u=30}abs(id_i1)", // ...restrict to 1 match
// post filter will happily match all docs, but should only be asked about 1...
"fq","{!frange cache=false l=4.5 u=4.5 v='countUsage(postfilt_match_all,4.5)'})"),
assertEquals(1, CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("postfilt_match_all"));
assertQ("query matching all docs w/ implicitly post-filtered frange matching no docs",
req("q","{!notfoo cache=false}id_i1:[20 TO 39]", // match some...
"fq","{!frange cache=false cost=0 l=50}abs(id_i1)", // ...regular conjunction filter rules out all
// post filter will happily match all docs, but should never be asked...
"fq","{!frange cache=false l=4.5 u=4.5 v='countUsage(postfilt_match_all,4.5)'})"),
assertEquals(0, CountUsageValueSourceParser.getAndClearCount("postfilt_match_all"));
} finally {