blob: 15a188a0aecca4c1c48cf41997d32f64c09933e8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<jmx />
<directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory" class="${solr.directoryFactory:solr.RAMDirectoryFactory}">
<!-- used to keep RAM reqs down for HdfsDirectoryFactory -->
<bool name="solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled">${solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled:true}</bool>
<int name="solr.hdfs.blockcache.blocksperbank">${solr.hdfs.blockcache.blocksperbank:1024}</int>
<str name="solr.hdfs.home">${solr.hdfs.home:}</str>
<str name="solr.hdfs.confdir">${solr.hdfs.confdir:}</str>
<schemaFactory class="ClassicIndexSchemaFactory"/>
<xi:include href="solrconfig.snippet.randomindexconfig.xml" xmlns:xi=""/>
<updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2">
<str name="dir">${solr.ulog.dir:}</str>
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="external-version-constraint" default="true">
<!-- this chain uses the processor using the "deleteVersionParam" option
so that deleteById requests are translated into updates to preserve the
(logically) deleted document in the index with a record of its deleted
It also demonstrates how to mix in TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory and
DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory to ensure these logically deleted
documents are kept out of searches, but can be cleaned up periodically
after some amount of time has elapsed.
<processor class="solr.DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory">
<!-- give all docs a true value to denote that they are alive -->
<str name="fieldName">live_b</str>
<bool name="value">true</bool>
<!-- process the external version constraint, ignoring any updates that
don't satisfy the constraint -->
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<bool name="ignoreOldUpdates">true</bool>
<str name="versionField">my_version_l</str>
<str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version</str>
<processor class="solr.DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory">
<!-- any doc that makes it this here w/o a live value is a logically
deleted doc generated by the previous processor in place of deleteById
<str name="fieldName">live_b</str>
<bool name="value">false</bool>
<processor class="solr.TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory">
<!-- give every doc, including the logically deleted ones, a timestamp -->
<str name="fieldName">timestamp_tdt</str>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="external-version-float">
<!-- this chain uses the processor with float based versionField just
to sanity check that there are no hardcoded assumptions about the
field type used that could byte us in the ass.
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<!-- process the external version constraint, ignoring any updates that
don't satisfy the constraint
<bool name="ignoreOldUpdates">true</bool>
<str name="versionField">my_version_f</str>
<str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version</str>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="external-version-failhard">
<!-- Uses the default behavior of failing with a 409 version conflict
when the external version is too low.
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<str name="versionField">my_version_l</str>
<str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version</str>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="external-version-failhard-multiple">
<!-- Uses the default behavior of failing with a 409 version conflict
when the external version is too low.
If my_version_l is equal to the previous, then checks my_version_f.
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<str name="versionField">my_version_l,my_version_f</str>
<str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version,del_version_2</str>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="no-external-version">
<!-- this chain lets us index docs without a version field. It's to let us test the optional
'supportMissingVersionOnOldDocs' param in the 'external-version-support-missing' chain
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="external-version-support-missing">
<!-- this chain sets the supportMissingVersionOnOldDocs param to true so that we can update
docs that were originally indexed without an external version field, e.g. by using the
'no-external-version' chain.
<!-- process the external version constraint, ignoring any updates that
don't satisfy the constraint -->
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<bool name="ignoreOldUpdates">true</bool>
<str name="versionField">my_version_l</str>
<str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version</str>
<bool name="supportMissingVersionOnOldDocs">true</bool>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="tombstone-config">
<!-- process the external version constraint, ignoring any updates that
don't satisfy the constraint -->
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<str name="versionField">my_version_l</str>
<str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version</str>
<lst name="tombstoneConfig">
<bool name="foo_b">true</bool>
<int name="foo_i">1</int>
<long name="foo_l">1</long>
<float name="foo_f">1.5</float>
<str name="foo_s">bar</str>
<str name="foo_ss">bar1</str>
<str name="foo_ss">bar2</str>
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />