blob: bfc583f009f978f3184f62252be394fdfe96f8f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LongValues;
* Implemented by extensions of doc iterators (i.e., {@link DocIdSetIterator}, {@link DocIterator} over one or
* more domain, to support facet count accumulation corresponding to each domain (and via {@link #collectBase()}
* to inform the necessity of "collection" for a single optional backing "base" set).
interface SweepCountAware {
* Returns true if one of the domains underlying this iterator is the "base" domain, and if that base domain
* contains the doc on which this iterator is currently positioned. If "true", then "collection" may be necessary
* for the current doc.
* For each iterator position (each doc), {@link #registerCounts(SegCounter)} must be called before this method.
boolean collectBase();
* Called on a positioned doc iterator to register array index mappings for domains that contain the current
* doc. Implementations register these mappings by calling {@link SegCounter#map(int, int)} on the specified
* segCounts param.
* For each iterator position, this method must be called before {@link #collectBase()}
* @param segCounts - to register mappings of array indices for domains that contain this doc
* @return - the max index of an array representing the domains that contain the current doc. If "n" domains
* contain the current doc, the return value would be "n - 1"
* @throws IOException - if thrown by advancing an underlying doc iterator
int registerCounts(SegCounter segCounts) throws IOException;
* Used to coordinate multiple count accumulations over multiple domains. Implementers will have "n" backing term-ord-indexed
* counts -- one for each domain over which count accumulation is to be performed. For each doc, count accumulation
* takes place in two phases, invoked by a "driver" (e.g., {@link FacetFieldProcessor}) that manages iteration over the
* union of doc domains:
* First, the driver passes this object as the param to {@link SweepCountAware#registerCounts(SegCounter)}, which
* calls {@link #map(int, int)} on "this" to map the static "allIdx" (allIdx < n) for each active backing domain to
* a transient "activeIdx" for counts corresponding to active domains (activeIdx < count(allIdx) <= n). (The return value
* of {@link SweepCountAware#registerCounts(SegCounter)} indicates to the "driver" the max "active counts" index (for
* domains that contain the current doc).
* The driver then calls {@link #incrementCount(int, int, int)}, passing the term ord, increment amount (usually "1"),
* and the max "active counts" index returned from {@link SweepCountAware#registerCounts(SegCounter)} in the first
* phase. The "max active counts index" param is used as the limit (inclusive) to iterate count accumulation over each
* of the "active" domains for the current doc.
* @see SweepCountAware#registerCounts(SegCounter)
static interface SegCounter {
* Mark/map a given domain/CountSlotAcc as active (eligible for count accumulation) for the current doc.
* @param allIdx - the static index of the domain/CountSlotAcc to be "activated" for the current doc
* @param activeIdx - the transient "active index" (for the purpose of actual count accumulation) to which to map
* the domain/CountSlotAcc indicated by "allIdx".
void map(int allIdx, int activeIdx);
* Increments counts for active domains/CountSlotAccs.
* @param ord - the term ord (either global ord per-seg) for which to increment counts
* @param inc - the amount by which to increment the count for the specified term ord
* @param maxIdx - the max index (inclusive) of active domains/CountSlotAccs to be incremented for the current doc
void incrementCount(int ord, int inc, int maxIdx);
* This class is designed to count over global term ords ({@link SegCountPerSeg} provides equivalent functionality for
* per-segment term ords).
* @see SegCountPerSeg
static class SegCountGlobal implements SegCounter {
private final CountSlotAcc[] allCounts;
private final CountSlotAcc[] activeCounts;
public SegCountGlobal(CountSlotAcc[] allCounts) {
this.allCounts = allCounts;
this.activeCounts = Arrays.copyOf(allCounts, allCounts.length);
public void map(int allIdx, int activeIdx) {
activeCounts[activeIdx] = allCounts[allIdx];
public final void incrementCount(int globalOrd, int inc, int maxIdx) {
int i = maxIdx;
do {
activeCounts[i].incrementCount(globalOrd, inc);
} while (i-- > 0);
* This class is designed to count over per-segment term ords ({@link SegCountGlobal} provides equivalent functionality for
* global term ords).
* @see SegCountGlobal
static class SegCountPerSeg implements SegCounter {
protected final int[][] allSegCounts;
private final int[][] activeSegCounts;
private final boolean[] seen;
public SegCountPerSeg(int[][] allSegCounts, boolean[] seen, int segMax, int size) {
this.allSegCounts = allSegCounts;
this.activeSegCounts = Arrays.copyOf(this.allSegCounts, size);
this.seen = seen;
public final void map(int allIdx, int activeIdx) {
activeSegCounts[activeIdx] = allSegCounts[allIdx];
public final void incrementCount(int segOrd, int inc, int maxIdx) {
seen[segOrd] = true;
int i = maxIdx;
do {
activeSegCounts[i][segOrd] += inc;
} while (i-- > 0);
* Maps accumulated per-segment term ords to global term ords and increments global slots on the specified countAccs
* accordingly. The index of each CountSlotAcc in the specified countAccs array must correspond to the
* the static index of its associated count accumulation doc domain and per-seg count array.
* @param countAccs - global-scope CountSlotAccs (one for each domain) to be incremented for the most recently accumulated
* segment
* @param toGlobal - mapping of per-segment term ords to global term ords for the most recently accumulated segment
* @param maxSegOrd - the max per-seg term ord for the most recently accumulated segment
public void register(CountSlotAcc[] countAccs, LongValues toGlobal, int maxSegOrd) {
int segOrd = maxSegOrd;
final int maxIdx = countAccs.length - 1;
for (;;) {
if (seen[segOrd]) {
int i = maxIdx;
int slot = toGlobal == null ? segOrd : (int)toGlobal.get(segOrd);
do {
final int inc = allSegCounts[i][segOrd];
if (inc > 0) {
countAccs[i].incrementCount(slot, inc);
} while (i-- > 0);
if (--segOrd < 0) {