blob: d111689989e58b712b2933c17e6d2bf42a420aff [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Templates to help reduce jq boilerplate used by many metrics in this config;
mainly intended for metrics that don't require a bunch of jq magic to work and are mostly boilerplate.
A regex with named groups is used to match template references to template + vars using the basic pattern:
For instance,
$jq:core(requests_total, endswith(".requestTimes"), count, COUNTER)
UNIQUE = requests_total (unique suffix for this metric, results in a metric named "solr_metrics_core_requests_total")
KEYSELECTOR = endswith(".requestTimes") (filter to select the specific key for this metric)
METRIC = count
Some templates may have a default type, so you can omit that from your template reference, such as:
$jq:core(requests_total, endswith(".requestTimes"), count)
Uses the defaultType=COUNTER as many uses of the core template are counts.
If a template reference omits the metric, then the unique suffix is used, for instance:
$jq:core-query(1minRate, endswith(".distrib.requestTimes"))
Creates a GAUGE metric (default type) named "solr_metrics_core_query_1minRate" using the 1minRate value from the selected JSON object.
Add templates as needed, three metrics using the same structure feels about right as the threshold for creating a new template.
<template name="core-query" defaultType="GAUGE">
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | {KEYSELECTOR} | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($category | startswith("QUERY")) |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
{METRIC} as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See:",
label_names: ["category", "searchHandler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See:",
label_names: ["category", "searchHandler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
<template name="core" defaultType="COUNTER">
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | {KEYSELECTOR} as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
{METRIC} as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
<template name="update-handler" defaultType="COUNTER">
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | {KEYSELECTOR} as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
{METRIC} as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
<template name="node" defaultType="COUNTER">
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | {KEYSELECTOR} as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
{METRIC} as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_{UNIQUE}",
type : "{TYPE}",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
<template name="cache-searcher" defaultType="GAUGE">
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
$object.value | to_entries | .[] | {KEYSELECTOR} as $target |
$target.key as $item |
{METRIC} as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_{UNIQUE}",
type: "{TYPE}",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
value: $value
<template name="node-thread-pool" defaultType="COUNTER">
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | {KEYSELECTOR} as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
{METRIC} as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_{UNIQUE}",
type : "{TYPE}",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
value : $value
<template name="jvm-item" defaultType="GAUGE">
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | {KEYSELECTOR} as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
{METRIC} as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_{UNIQUE}",
type : "{TYPE}",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/ping</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
. as $object | $object |
(if $object.status == "OK" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_ping",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/metrics</str>
<lst name="params">
trim some of these expressions as needed if you don't care about
a particular group of metrics.
<str name="expr">solr\.jetty:.*DefaultHandler.*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.jvm:.*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.node:.*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.overseer:.*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:QUERY\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:ADMIN\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:CACHE\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:UPDATE\.updateHandler\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:CORE\.fs\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:HIGHLIGHTER\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:INDEX\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:REPLICATION\.replication\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:SEARCHER\.searcher\..*</str>
<!-- Alternative expressions, which are much stricter but still provide
enough data to populate the default dashboard.
These expressions omit many unused properties of the complex metrics,
and also skip whole groups of rarely used metrics: core ADMIN, REPLICATION,
HIGHLIGHTER, and selects only the most common QUERY handlers.
In order to use these expressions remove the default list of expressions
above and the START / END lines below. -->
<!-- === START ===
<str name="expr">solr\.jetty:.*\.DefaultHandler\.(dispatches|.*-requests|.*xx-responses):count</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.jvm:(buffers|gc).*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.jvm:memory\.(heap|non-heap|pools)\.*\.usage</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.jvm:memory\.total</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.jvm:os\..*(FileDescriptorCount|Load.*|Size|processCpuTime)</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.jvm:threads\..*count</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.node:CONTAINER\.(cores|fs).*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:CORE\.fs\..*Space</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:INDEX\.sizeInBytes</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:QUERY\./(select|get|export|stream|query|graph|sql)\..*requestTimes:(count|1minRate|5minRate|median_ms|meanRate|p75_ms|p95_ms|p99_ms)</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:QUERY\./(select|get|export|stream|query|graph|sql)\.totalTime</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:QUERY\./(select|get|export|stream|query|graph|sql)\..*rrors:(count!1minRate)</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:SEARCHER\.searcher\..*Doc.*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\.core\..*:UPDATE\.updateHandler\..*</str>
<str name="expr">solr\core\..*:CACHE\..*</str>
=== END === -->
<arr name="jsonQueries">
jetty metrics
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler")) | select(.key | endswith("xx-responses")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $status |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_response_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["status"],
label_values : [$status],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.")) | select(.key | endswith("-requests")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $method |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_requests_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["method"],
label_values : [$method],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.dispatches") as $object |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_dispatches_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
jvm metrics
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("buffers.")) | select(.key | endswith(".Count")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $pool |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_buffers",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["pool"],
label_values : [$pool],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("buffers.")) | select(.key | (endswith(".MemoryUsed") or endswith(".TotalCapacity"))) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $pool |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_buffers_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["pool", "item"],
label_values : [$pool, $item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("gc.")) | select(.key | endswith(".count")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_gc_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("gc.")) | select(.key | endswith(".time")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
($object.value / 1000) as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_gc_seconds_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
select(.key | startswith("memory.heap.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not),
select(.key | startswith("memory.non-heap.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not),
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.pools.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $space |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_pools_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["space", "item"],
label_values : [$space, $item],
value : $value
$jq:jvm-item(memory_bytes, select(.key | startswith("")), object.value)
select(.key == "os.committedVirtualMemorySize" or .key == "os.freePhysicalMemorySize" or .key == "os.freeSwapSpaceSize" or .key =="os.totalPhysicalMemorySize" or .key == "os.totalSwapSpaceSize"),
$jq:jvm-item(os_file_descriptors, select(.key == "os.maxFileDescriptorCount" or .key == "os.openFileDescriptorCount"), object.value)
$jq:jvm-item(os_cpu_load, select(.key == "os.processCpuLoad" or .key == "os.systemCpuLoad"), object.value)
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.processCpuTime") as $object |
($object.value / 1000.0) as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_cpu_time_seconds",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : ["processCpuTime"],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.systemLoadAverage") as $object |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_load_average",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : ["systemLoadAverage"],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("threads.")) | select(.key | endswith(".count")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_threads",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
overseer metrics
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.overseer")) as $object |
$object.value as $value | $value | to_entries | .[] |
select(.key | startswith("queue.") and endswith("collectionWorkQueueSize")) as $object |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_overseer_collectionWorkQueueSize",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.overseer")) as $object |
$object.value as $value | $value | to_entries | .[] |
select(.key | startswith("queue.") and endswith("stateUpdateQueueSize")) as $object |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_overseer_stateUpdateQueueSize",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
node metrics
$jq:node(client_errors_total, select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")), count)
$jq:node(errors_total, select(.key | endswith(".errors")), count)
$jq:node(requests_total, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), count)
$jq:node(server_errors_total, select(.key | endswith(".serverErrors")), count)
$jq:node(timeouts_total, select(.key | endswith(".timeouts")), count)
$jq:node(time_seconds_total, select(.key | endswith(".local.totalTime")), ($object.value / 1000))
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CONTAINER.cores.")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_cores",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["category", "item"],
label_values : [$category, $item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CONTAINER.fs.coreRoot.")) | select(.key | endswith(".totalSpace") or endswith(".usableSpace")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
$key_items[3] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_core_root_fs_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["category", "item"],
label_values : [$category, $item],
value : $value
$jq:node-thread-pool(completed_total, select(.key | endswith(".completed")), count)
$jq:node-thread-pool(running, select(.key | endswith(".running")), object.value, GAUGE)
$jq:node-thread-pool(submitted_total, select(.key | endswith(".submitted")), count)
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("Connections")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
$key_items[1] as $handler |
$key_items[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_connections",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["category", "handler", "item"],
label_values : [$category, $handler, $item],
value : $value
Query related core metrics; see jq-templates for details on the core-query template used below
$jq:core-query(errors_1minRate, select(.key | endswith(".errors")), 1minRate)
$jq:core-query(client_errors_1minRate, select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")), 1minRate)
$jq:core-query(1minRate, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), 1minRate)
$jq:core-query(5minRate, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), 5minRate)
$jq:core-query(median_ms, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), median_ms)
$jq:core-query(p75_ms, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), p75_ms)
$jq:core-query(p95_ms, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), p95_ms)
$jq:core-query(p99_ms, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), p99_ms)
$jq:core-query(mean_rate, select(.key | endswith(".distrib.requestTimes")), meanRate)
<!-- Local (non-distrib) query metrics -->
$jq:core-query(local_1minRate, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), 1minRate)
$jq:core-query(local_5minRate, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), 5minRate)
$jq:core-query(local_median_ms, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), median_ms)
$jq:core-query(local_p75_ms, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), p75_ms)
$jq:core-query(local_p95_ms, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), p95_ms)
$jq:core-query(local_p99_ms, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), p99_ms)
$jq:core-query(local_mean_rate, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), meanRate)
$jq:core-query(local_count, select(.key | endswith(".local.requestTimes")), count, COUNTER)
<!-- core metrics other than query -->
$jq:core(client_errors_total, select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")), count)
$jq:core(errors_total, select(.key | endswith(".errors")) | select (.value | type == "object"), count)
$jq:core(requests_total, select(.key | endswith(".requestTimes")) | select (.value | type == "object"), count)
$jq:core(server_errors_total, select(.key | endswith(".serverErrors")) | select (.value | type == "object"), count)
$jq:core(timeouts_total, select(.key | endswith(".timeouts")) | select (.value | type == "object"), count)
$jq:core(time_seconds_total, select(.key | endswith(".totalTime")), ($object.value / 1000))
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select (.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "CACHE.core.fieldCache") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.value.entries_count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_field_cache_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_field_cache_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_adds, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.adds"), object.value, GAUGE)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_auto_commits_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.autoCommits"), object.value)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_commits_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.commits"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_adds_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeAdds"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_deletes_by_id_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeDeletesById"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_deletes_by_query_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeDeletesByQuery"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_errors_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeErrors"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_deletes_by_id, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.deletesById"), object.value, GAUGE)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_deletes_by_query, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.deletesByQuery"), object.value, GAUGE)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_pending_docs, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.docsPending"), object.value, GAUGE)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_errors, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.errors"), object.value, GAUGE)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_expunge_deletes_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.expungeDeletes"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_merges_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.merges"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_optimizes_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.optimizes"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_rollbacks_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.rollbacks"), count)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_soft_auto_commits_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.softAutoCommits"), object.value)
$jq:update-handler(update_handler_splits_total, select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.splits"), count)
$jq:cache-searcher(cache, select(.key == "lookups" or .key == "hits" or .key == "size" or .key == "evictions" or .key == "inserts"), $target.value)
$jq:cache-searcher(cache_ratio, select(.key == "hitratio"), $target.value)
$jq:cache-searcher(warmup_time_seconds, select(.key == "warmupTime"), ($target.value / 1000))
select(.key == "cumulative_lookups" or .key == "cumulative_hits" or .key == "cumulative_evictions" or .key == "cumulative_inserts"),
$jq:cache-searcher(cumulative_cache_ratio, select(.key == "cumulative_hitratio"), $target.value)
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CORE.fs.")) | select (.key | endswith(".totalSpace") or endswith(".usableSpace")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_fs_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_fs_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("HIGHLIGHTER.")) | select (.key | endswith(".requests")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $name |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_highlighter_request_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "name", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $name, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_highlighter_request_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "name", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $name, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "INDEX.sizeInBytes") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_index_size_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_index_size_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "REPLICATION./replication.isMaster") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
(if $object.value == true then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_master",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_master",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "REPLICATION./replication.isSlave") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
(if $object.value == true then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_slave",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_slave",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs" or .key == "SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc" or .key == "SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_documents",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_documents",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL:",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $item],
value: $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/collections</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="action">CLUSTERSTATUS</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.cluster.live_nodes | length as $value|
name : "solr_collections_live_nodes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.pullReplicas | tonumber as $value |
name : "solr_collections_pull_replicas",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["collection"],
label_values : [$collection],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.nrtReplicas | tonumber as $value |
name : "solr_collections_nrt_replicas",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["collection"],
label_values : [$collection],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.tlogReplicas | tonumber as $value |
name : "solr_collections_tlog_replicas",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["collection"],
label_values : [$collection],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
$shard_obj.key as $shard |
(if $shard_obj.value.state == "active" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_collections_shard_state",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["collection","shard"],
label_values : [$collection,$shard],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
$shard_obj.key as $shard |
$shard_obj.value.replicas | to_entries | .[] | . as $replica_obj |
$replica_obj.key as $replica_name |
$replica_obj.value.core as $core |
$core[$collection + "_" + $shard + "_" | length:] as $replica |
$replica_obj.value.base_url as $base_url |
$replica_obj.value.node_name as $node_name |
$replica_obj.value.type as $type |
$replica_obj.value.state as $state |
(if $state == "active" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_collections_replica_state",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["collection", "shard", "replica", "replica_name", "core", "base_url", "node_name", "type", "state"],
label_values : [$collection, $shard, $replica, $replica_name, $core, $base_url, $node_name, $type, $state],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
$shard_obj.key as $shard |
$shard_obj.value.replicas | to_entries | .[] | . as $replica_obj |
$replica_obj.key as $replica_name |
$replica_obj.value.core as $core |
$core[$collection + "_" + $shard + "_" | length:] as $replica |
$replica_obj.value.base_url as $base_url |
$replica_obj.value.node_name as $node_name |
$replica_obj.value.type as $type |
(if $replica_obj.value.leader == "true" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_collections_shard_leader",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["collection", "shard", "replica", "replica_name", "core", "base_url", "node_name", "type"],
label_values : [$collection, $shard, $replica, $replica_name, $core, $base_url, $node_name, $type],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/zookeeper/status</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.zkStatus.ensembleSize as $value |
.zkStatus.mode as $mode |
name : "solr_zookeeper_ensemble_size",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
.zkStatus.details[] as $object |
$ as $host |
$object.ok as $ok |
(if $object.clientPort != null and $ok then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_zookeeper_nodestatus",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["host"],
label_values : [$host],
value : $value
.zkStatus.status as $statusText |
(if $statusText == "green" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_zookeeper_status",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL:",
label_names : ["status"],
label_values : [$statusText],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="collection">collection1</str>
<str name="path">/select</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="q">*:*</str>
<str name="start">0</str>
<str name="rows">0</str>
<str name="json.facet">
category: {
type: terms,
field: cat
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.facets.category.buckets[] as $object |
$object.val as $term |
$object.count as $value |
name : "solr_facets_category",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "Category facets",
label_names : ["term"],
label_values : [$term],
value : $value