blob: 7cfcda95e520d95983c635863caaf03e8e5ef4ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.replicator.nrt;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
/** Replica node, that pulls index changes from the primary node by copying newly flushed or merged index files.
* @lucene.experimental */
public abstract class ReplicaNode extends Node {
ReplicaFileDeleter deleter;
/** IncRef'd files in the current commit point: */
private final Collection<String> lastCommitFiles = new HashSet<>();
/** IncRef'd files in the current NRT point: */
protected final Collection<String> lastNRTFiles = new HashSet<>();
/** Currently running merge pre-copy jobs */
protected final Set<CopyJob> mergeCopyJobs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>());
/** Non-null when we are currently copying files from a new NRT point: */
protected CopyJob curNRTCopy;
/** We hold this to ensure an external IndexWriter cannot also open on our directory: */
private final Lock writeFileLock;
/** Merged segment files that we pre-copied, but have not yet made visible in a new NRT point. */
final Set<String> pendingMergeFiles = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
/** Primary gen last time we successfully replicated: */
protected long lastPrimaryGen;
public ReplicaNode(int id, Directory dir, SearcherFactory searcherFactory, PrintStream printStream) throws IOException {
super(id, dir, searcherFactory, printStream);
if (dir.getPendingDeletions().isEmpty() == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory " + dir + " still has pending deleted files; cannot initialize IndexWriter");
boolean success = false;
try {
message("top: init replica dir=" + dir);
// Obtain a write lock on this index since we "act like" an IndexWriter, to prevent any other IndexWriter or ReplicaNode from using it:
writeFileLock = dir.obtainLock(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_NAME);
state = "init";
deleter = new ReplicaFileDeleter(this, dir);
success = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
message("exc on init:");
throw t;
} finally {
if (success == false) {
/** Start up this replica, which possibly requires heavy copying of files from the primary node, if we were down for a long time */
protected synchronized void start(long curPrimaryGen) throws IOException {
if (state.equals("init") == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("already started");
message("top: now start");
try {
// Figure out what state our local index is in now:
String segmentsFileName = SegmentInfos.getLastCommitSegmentsFileName(dir);
// Also look for any pending_segments_N, in case we crashed mid-commit. We must "inflate" our infos gen to at least this, since
// otherwise we may wind up re-using the pending_segments_N file name on commit, and then our deleter can get angry because it still
// wants to delete this file:
long maxPendingGen = -1;
for(String fileName : dir.listAll()) {
if (fileName.startsWith(IndexFileNames.PENDING_SEGMENTS)) {
long gen = Long.parseLong(fileName.substring(IndexFileNames.PENDING_SEGMENTS.length()+1), Character.MAX_RADIX);
if (gen > maxPendingGen) {
maxPendingGen = gen;
SegmentInfos infos;
if (segmentsFileName == null) {
// No index here yet:
infos = new SegmentInfos(Version.LATEST.major);
message("top: init: no segments in index");
} else {
message("top: init: read existing segments commit " + segmentsFileName);
infos = SegmentInfos.readCommit(dir, segmentsFileName);
message("top: init: segments: " + infos.toString() + " version=" + infos.getVersion());
Collection<String> indexFiles = infos.files(false);
// Always protect the last commit:
message("top: commitFiles=" + lastCommitFiles);
message("top: nrtFiles=" + lastNRTFiles);
message("top: delete unknown files on init: all files=" + Arrays.toString(dir.listAll()));
message("top: done delete unknown files on init: all files=" + Arrays.toString(dir.listAll()));
String s = infos.getUserData().get(PRIMARY_GEN_KEY);
long myPrimaryGen;
if (s == null) {
assert infos.size() == 0;
myPrimaryGen = -1;
} else {
myPrimaryGen = Long.parseLong(s);
message("top: myPrimaryGen=" + myPrimaryGen);
boolean doCommit;
if (infos.size() > 0 && myPrimaryGen != -1 && myPrimaryGen != curPrimaryGen) {
assert myPrimaryGen < curPrimaryGen;
// Primary changed while we were down. In this case, we must sync from primary before opening a reader, because it's possible current
// files we have will need to be overwritten with different ones (if index rolled back and "forked"), and we can't overwrite open
// files on Windows:
final long initSyncStartNS = System.nanoTime();
message("top: init: primary changed while we were down myPrimaryGen=" + myPrimaryGen +
" vs curPrimaryGen=" + curPrimaryGen +
"; sync now before mgr init");
// Try until we succeed in copying over the latest NRT point:
CopyJob job = null;
// We may need to overwrite files referenced by our latest commit, either right now on initial sync, or on a later sync. To make
// sure the index is never even in an "apparently" corrupt state (where an old segments_N references invalid files) we forcefully
// remove the commit now, and refuse to start the replica if this delete fails:
message("top: now delete starting commit point " + segmentsFileName);
// If this throws exc (e.g. due to virus checker), we cannot start this replica:
assert deleter.getRefCount(segmentsFileName) == 1;
if (dir.getPendingDeletions().isEmpty() == false) {
// If e.g. virus checker blocks us from deleting, we absolutely cannot start this node else there is a definite window during
// which if we carsh, we cause corruption:
throw new RuntimeException("replica cannot start: existing segments file=" + segmentsFileName + " must be removed in order to start, but the file delete failed");
// So we don't later try to decRef it (illegally) again:
boolean didRemove = lastCommitFiles.remove(segmentsFileName);
assert didRemove;
while (true) {
job = newCopyJob("sync on startup replica=" + name() + " myVersion=" + infos.getVersion(),
message("top: init: sync sis.version=" + job.getCopyState().version);
// Force this copy job to finish while we wait, now. Note that this can be very time consuming!
// NOTE: newNRTPoint detects we are still in init (mgr is null) and does not cancel our copy if a flush happens
try {
// Success!
} catch (IOException ioe) {
job.cancel("startup failed", ioe);
if (ioe.getMessage().contains("checksum mismatch after file copy")) {
// OK-ish
message("top: failed to copy: " + ioe + "; retrying");
} else {
throw ioe;
lastPrimaryGen = job.getCopyState().primaryGen;
byte[] infosBytes = job.getCopyState().infosBytes;
SegmentInfos syncInfos = SegmentInfos.readCommit(dir,
// Must always commit to a larger generation than what's currently in the index:
infos = syncInfos;
assert infos.getVersion() == job.getCopyState().version;
message(" version=" + infos.getVersion() + " segments=" + infos.toString());
message("top: init: incRef nrtFiles=" + job.getFileNames());
message("top: init: decRef lastNRTFiles=" + lastNRTFiles);
message("top: init: set lastNRTFiles=" + lastNRTFiles);
lastFileMetaData = job.getCopyState().files;
message(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "top: %d: start: done sync: took %.3fs for %s, opened NRT reader version=%d",
doCommit = true;
} else {
doCommit = false;
lastPrimaryGen = curPrimaryGen;
message("top: same primary as before");
if (infos.getGeneration() < maxPendingGen) {
message("top: move infos generation from " + infos.getGeneration() + " to " + maxPendingGen);
// Notify primary we started, to give it a chance to send any warming merges our way to reduce NRT latency of first sync:
// Finally, we are open for business, since our index now "agrees" with the primary:
mgr = new SegmentInfosSearcherManager(dir, this, infos, searcherFactory);
// Must commit after init mgr:
if (doCommit) {
// Very important to commit what we just sync'd over, because we removed the pre-existing commit point above if we had to
// overwrite any files it referenced:
message("top: done start");
state = "idle";
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (Objects.toString(t.getMessage()).startsWith("replica cannot start") == false) {
message("exc on start:");
} else {
throw IOUtils.rethrowAlways(t);
final Object commitLock = new Object();
public void commit() throws IOException {
synchronized(commitLock) {
SegmentInfos infos;
Collection<String> indexFiles;
synchronized (this) {
infos = ((SegmentInfosSearcherManager) mgr).getCurrentInfos();
indexFiles = infos.files(false);
message("top: commit primaryGen=" + lastPrimaryGen + " infos=" + infos.toString() + " files=" + indexFiles);
// fsync all index files we are now referencing
Map<String,String> commitData = new HashMap<>();
commitData.put(PRIMARY_GEN_KEY, Long.toString(lastPrimaryGen));
commitData.put(VERSION_KEY, Long.toString(getCurrentSearchingVersion()));
infos.setUserData(commitData, false);
// write and fsync a new segments_N
// Notify current infos (which may have changed while we were doing dir.sync above) what generation we are up to; this way future
// commits are guaranteed to go to the next (unwritten) generations:
if (mgr != null) {
((SegmentInfosSearcherManager) mgr).getCurrentInfos().updateGeneration(infos);
String segmentsFileName = infos.getSegmentsFileName();
message("top: commit wrote segments file " + segmentsFileName + " version=" + infos.getVersion() + " sis=" + infos.toString() + " commitData=" + commitData);
message("top: commit decRef lastCommitFiles=" + lastCommitFiles);
message("top: commit version=" + infos.getVersion() + " files now " + lastCommitFiles);
protected void finishNRTCopy(CopyJob job, long startNS) throws IOException {
CopyState copyState = job.getCopyState();
message("top: finishNRTCopy: version=" + copyState.version + (job.getFailed() ? " FAILED" : "") + " job=" + job);
// NOTE: if primary crashed while we were still copying then the job will hit an exc trying to read bytes for the files from the primary node,
// and the job will be marked as failed here:
synchronized (this) {
if ("syncing".equals(state)) {
state = "idle";
if (curNRTCopy == job) {
message("top: now clear curNRTCopy; job=" + job);
curNRTCopy = null;
} else {
assert job.getFailed();
message("top: skip clear curNRTCopy: we were cancelled; job=" + job);
if (job.getFailed()) {
// Does final file renames:
// Turn byte[] back to SegmentInfos:
byte[] infosBytes = copyState.infosBytes;
SegmentInfos infos = SegmentInfos.readCommit(dir,
assert infos.getVersion() == copyState.version;
message(" version=" + infos.getVersion() + " segments=" + infos.toString());
// Cutover to new searcher:
if (mgr != null) {
((SegmentInfosSearcherManager) mgr).setCurrentInfos(infos);
// Must first incRef new NRT files, then decRef old ones, to make sure we don't remove an NRT file that's in common to both:
Collection<String> newFiles = copyState.files.keySet();
message("top: incRef newNRTFiles=" + newFiles);
// If any of our new files were previously copied merges, we clear them now, so we don't try to later delete a non-existent file:
message("top: after remove from pending merges pendingMergeFiles=" + pendingMergeFiles);
message("top: decRef lastNRTFiles=" + lastNRTFiles);
message("top: set lastNRTFiles=" + lastNRTFiles);
// At this point we can remove any completed merge segment files that we still do not reference. This can happen when a merge
// finishes, copies its files out to us, but is then merged away (or dropped due to 100% deletions) before we ever cutover to it
// in an NRT point:
if (copyState.completedMergeFiles.isEmpty() == false) {
message("now remove-if-not-ref'd completed merge files: " + copyState.completedMergeFiles);
for(String fileName : copyState.completedMergeFiles) {
if (pendingMergeFiles.contains(fileName)) {
lastFileMetaData = copyState.files;
int markerCount;
IndexSearcher s = mgr.acquire();
try {
markerCount = s.count(new TermQuery(new Term("marker", "marker")));
} finally {
message(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "top: done sync: took %.3fs for %s, opened NRT reader version=%d markerCount=%d",
private ChecksumIndexInput toIndexInput(byte[] input) {
return new BufferedChecksumIndexInput(
new ByteBuffersIndexInput(
new ByteBuffersDataInput(
Arrays.asList(ByteBuffer.wrap(input))), "SegmentInfos"));
/** Start a background copying job, to copy the specified files from the current primary node. If files is null then the latest copy
* state should be copied. If prevJob is not null, then the new copy job is replacing it and should 1) cancel the previous one, and
* 2) optionally salvage e.g. partially copied and, shared with the new copy job, files. */
protected abstract CopyJob newCopyJob(String reason, Map<String,FileMetaData> files, Map<String,FileMetaData> prevFiles,
boolean highPriority, CopyJob.OnceDone onceDone) throws IOException;
/** Runs this job async'd */
protected abstract void launch(CopyJob job);
/** Tell primary we (replica) just started, so primary can tell us to warm any already warming merges. This lets us keep low nrt refresh
* time for the first nrt sync after we started. */
protected abstract void sendNewReplica() throws IOException;
/** Call this to notify this replica node that a new NRT infos is available on the primary.
* We kick off a job (runs in the background) to copy files across, and open a new reader once that's done. */
public synchronized CopyJob newNRTPoint(long newPrimaryGen, long version) throws IOException {
if (isClosed()) {
throw new AlreadyClosedException("this replica is closed: state=" + state);
// Cutover (possibly) to new primary first, so we discard any pre-copied merged segments up front, before checking for which files need
// copying. While it's possible the pre-copied merged segments could still be useful to us, in the case that the new primary is either
// the same primary (just e.g. rebooted), or a promoted replica that had a newer NRT point than we did that included the pre-copied
// merged segments, it's still a bit risky to rely solely on checksum/file length to catch the difference, so we defensively discard
// here and re-copy in that case:
// Caller should not "publish" us until we have finished .start():
assert mgr != null;
if ("idle".equals(state)) {
state = "syncing";
long curVersion = getCurrentSearchingVersion();
message("top: start sync sis.version=" + version);
if (version == curVersion) {
// Caller releases the CopyState:
message("top: new NRT point has same version as current; skipping");
return null;
if (version < curVersion) {
// This can happen, if two syncs happen close together, and due to thread scheduling, the incoming older version runs after the newer version
message("top: new NRT point (version=" + version + ") is older than current (version=" + curVersion + "); skipping");
return null;
final long startNS = System.nanoTime();
message("top: newNRTPoint");
CopyJob job = null;
try {
job = newCopyJob("NRT point sync version=" + version,
new CopyJob.OnceDone() {
public void run(CopyJob job) {
try {
finishNRTCopy(job, startNS);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
} catch (NodeCommunicationException nce) {
// E.g. primary could crash/close when we are asking it for the copy state:
message("top: ignoring communication exception creating CopyJob: " + nce);
if (state.equals("syncing")) {
state = "idle";
return null;
assert newPrimaryGen == job.getCopyState().primaryGen;
Collection<String> newNRTFiles = job.getFileNames();
message("top: newNRTPoint: job files=" + newNRTFiles);
if (curNRTCopy != null) {
assert curNRTCopy.getFailed();
curNRTCopy = job;
for(String fileName : curNRTCopy.getFileNamesToCopy()) {
assert lastCommitFiles.contains(fileName) == false: "fileName=" + fileName + " is in lastCommitFiles and is being copied?";
synchronized (mergeCopyJobs) {
for (CopyJob mergeJob : mergeCopyJobs) {
if (mergeJob.getFileNames().contains(fileName)) {
// TODO: we could maybe transferAndCancel here? except CopyJob can't transferAndCancel more than one currently
message("top: now cancel merge copy job=" + mergeJob + ": file " + fileName + " is now being copied via NRT point");
mergeJob.cancel("newNRTPoint is copying over the same file", null);
try {
} catch (NodeCommunicationException nce) {
// E.g. primary could crash/close when we are asking it for the copy state:
message("top: ignoring exception starting CopyJob: " + nce);
if (state.equals("syncing")) {
state = "idle";
return null;
// Runs in the background jobs thread, maybe slowly/throttled, and calls finishSync once it's done:
return curNRTCopy;
public synchronized boolean isCopying() {
return curNRTCopy != null;
public boolean isClosed() {
return "closed".equals(state) || "closing".equals(state) || "crashing".equals(state) || "crashed".equals(state);
public void close() throws IOException {
message("top: now close");
synchronized (this) {
state = "closing";
if (curNRTCopy != null) {
curNRTCopy.cancel("closing", null);
synchronized (this) {
message("top: close mgr");
message("top: decRef lastNRTFiles=" + lastNRTFiles);
// NOTE: do not decRef these!
message("top: delete if no ref pendingMergeFiles=" + pendingMergeFiles);
for(String fileName : pendingMergeFiles) {
message("top: close dir");
IOUtils.close(writeFileLock, dir);
message("top: done close");
state = "closed";
/** Called when the primary changed */
protected synchronized void maybeNewPrimary(long newPrimaryGen) throws IOException {
if (newPrimaryGen != lastPrimaryGen) {
message("top: now change lastPrimaryGen from " + lastPrimaryGen + " to " + newPrimaryGen + " pendingMergeFiles=" + pendingMergeFiles);
message("top: delete if no ref pendingMergeFiles=" + pendingMergeFiles);
for(String fileName : pendingMergeFiles) {
assert newPrimaryGen > lastPrimaryGen: "newPrimaryGen=" + newPrimaryGen + " vs lastPrimaryGen=" + lastPrimaryGen;
lastPrimaryGen = newPrimaryGen;
} else {
message("top: keep current lastPrimaryGen=" + lastPrimaryGen);
protected synchronized CopyJob launchPreCopyMerge(AtomicBoolean finished, long newPrimaryGen, Map<String,FileMetaData> files) throws IOException {
CopyJob job;
final long primaryGenStart = lastPrimaryGen;
Set<String> fileNames = files.keySet();
message("now pre-copy warm merge files=" + fileNames + " primaryGen=" + newPrimaryGen);
for(String fileName : fileNames) {
assert pendingMergeFiles.contains(fileName) == false: "file \"" + fileName + "\" is already being warmed!";
assert lastNRTFiles.contains(fileName) == false: "file \"" + fileName + "\" is already NRT visible!";
job = newCopyJob("warm merge on " + name() + " filesNames=" + fileNames,
files, null, false,
new CopyJob.OnceDone() {
public void run(CopyJob job) throws IOException {
// Signals that this replica has finished
message("done warming merge " + fileNames + " failed?=" + job.getFailed());
synchronized(this) {
if (job.getFailed() == false) {
if (lastPrimaryGen != primaryGenStart) {
message("merge pre copy finished but primary has changed; cancelling job files=" + fileNames);
job.cancel("primary changed during merge copy", null);
} else {
boolean abort = false;
for (String fileName : fileNames) {
if (lastNRTFiles.contains(fileName)) {
message("abort merge finish: file " + fileName + " is referenced by last NRT point");
abort = true;
if (lastCommitFiles.contains(fileName)) {
message("abort merge finish: file " + fileName + " is referenced by last commit point");
abort = true;
if (abort) {
// Even though in newNRTPoint we have similar logic, which cancels any merge copy jobs if an NRT point
// shows up referencing the files we are warming (because primary got impatient and gave up on us), we also
// need it here in case replica is way far behind and fails to even receive the merge pre-copy request
// until after the newNRTPoint referenced those files:
job.cancel("merged segment was separately copied via NRT point", null);
} else {
message("merge pre copy finished files=" + fileNames);
for(String fileName : fileNames) {
assert pendingMergeFiles.contains(fileName) == false : "file \"" + fileName + "\" is already in pendingMergeFiles";
message("add file " + fileName + " to pendingMergeFiles");
} else {
message("merge copy finished with failure");
// When warming a merge we better not already have any of these files copied!
assert job.getFileNamesToCopy().size() == files.size();
return job;
public IndexOutput createTempOutput(String prefix, String suffix, IOContext ioContext) throws IOException {
return dir.createTempOutput(prefix, suffix, IOContext.DEFAULT);
/** Compares incoming per-file identity (id, checksum, header, footer) versus what we have locally and returns the subset of the incoming
* files that need copying */
public List<Map.Entry<String,FileMetaData>> getFilesToCopy(Map<String,FileMetaData> files) throws IOException {
List<Map.Entry<String,FileMetaData>> toCopy = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String,FileMetaData> ent : files.entrySet()) {
String fileName = ent.getKey();
FileMetaData fileMetaData = ent.getValue();
if (fileIsIdentical(fileName, fileMetaData) == false) {
return toCopy;
/** Carefully determine if the file on the primary, identified by its {@code String fileName} along with the {@link FileMetaData}
* "summarizing" its contents, is precisely the same file that we have locally. If the file does not exist locally, or if its header
* (includes the segment id), length, footer (including checksum) differ, then this returns false, else true. */
private boolean fileIsIdentical(String fileName, FileMetaData srcMetaData) throws IOException {
FileMetaData destMetaData = readLocalFileMetaData(fileName);
if (destMetaData == null) {
// Something went wrong in reading the file (it's corrupt, truncated, does not exist, etc.):
return false;
if (Arrays.equals(destMetaData.header, srcMetaData.header) == false ||
Arrays.equals(destMetaData.footer, srcMetaData.footer) == false) {
// Segment name was reused! This is rare but possible and otherwise devastating:
message("file " + fileName + ": will copy [header/footer is different]");
return false;
} else {
return true;
private ConcurrentMap<String,Boolean> copying = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// Used only to catch bugs, ensuring a given file name is only ever being copied bye one job:
public void startCopyFile(String name) {
if (copying.putIfAbsent(name, Boolean.TRUE) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("file " + name + " is being copied in two places!");
public void finishCopyFile(String name) {
if (copying.remove(name) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("file " + name + " was not actually being copied?");