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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.RangeFieldQuery.QueryType;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;
* An indexed InetAddress Range Field
* <p>
* This field indexes an {@code InetAddress} range defined as a min/max pairs. It is single
* dimension only (indexed as two 16 byte paired values).
* <p>
* Multiple values are supported.
* <p>
* This field defines the following static factory methods for common search operations over Ip Ranges
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #newIntersectsQuery newIntersectsQuery()} matches ip ranges that intersect the defined search range.
* <li>{@link #newWithinQuery newWithinQuery()} matches ip ranges that are within the defined search range.
* <li>{@link #newContainsQuery newContainsQuery()} matches ip ranges that contain the defined search range.
* <li>{@link #newCrossesQuery newCrossesQuery()} matches ip ranges that cross the defined search range
* </ul>
public class InetAddressRange extends Field {
/** The number of bytes per dimension : sync w/ {@code InetAddressPoint} */
public static final int BYTES = InetAddressPoint.BYTES;
private static final FieldType TYPE;
static {
TYPE = new FieldType();
TYPE.setDimensions(2, BYTES);
* Create a new InetAddressRange from min/max value
* @param name field name. must not be null.
* @param min range min value; defined as an {@code InetAddress}
* @param max range max value; defined as an {@code InetAddress}
public InetAddressRange(String name, final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max) {
super(name, TYPE);
setRangeValues(min, max);
* Change (or set) the min/max values of the field.
* @param min range min value; defined as an {@code InetAddress}
* @param max range max value; defined as an {@code InetAddress}
public void setRangeValues(InetAddress min, InetAddress max) {
final byte[] bytes;
if (fieldsData == null) {
bytes = new byte[BYTES*2];
fieldsData = new BytesRef(bytes);
} else {
bytes = ((BytesRef)fieldsData).bytes;
encode(min, max, bytes);
/** encode the min/max range into the provided byte array */
private static void encode(final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max, final byte[] bytes) {
// encode min and max value (consistent w/ InetAddressPoint encoding)
final byte[] minEncoded = InetAddressPoint.encode(min);
final byte[] maxEncoded = InetAddressPoint.encode(max);
// ensure min is lt max
if (FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(minEncoded, 0, BYTES, maxEncoded, 0, BYTES) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("min value cannot be greater than max value for InetAddressRange field");
System.arraycopy(minEncoded, 0, bytes, 0, BYTES);
System.arraycopy(maxEncoded, 0, bytes, BYTES, BYTES);
/** encode the min/max range and return the byte array */
private static byte[] encode(InetAddress min, InetAddress max) {
byte[] b = new byte[BYTES*2];
encode(min, max, b);
return b;
* Create a query for matching indexed ip ranges that {@code INTERSECT} the defined range.
* @param field field name. must not be null.
* @param min range min value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @param max range max value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @return query for matching intersecting ranges (overlap, within, crosses, or contains)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, {@code min} or {@code max} is invalid
public static Query newIntersectsQuery(String field, final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max) {
return newRelationQuery(field, min, max, QueryType.INTERSECTS);
* Create a query for matching indexed ip ranges that {@code CONTAINS} the defined range.
* @param field field name. must not be null.
* @param min range min value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @param max range max value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @return query for matching intersecting ranges (overlap, within, crosses, or contains)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, {@code min} or {@code max} is invalid
public static Query newContainsQuery(String field, final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max) {
return newRelationQuery(field, min, max, QueryType.CONTAINS);
* Create a query for matching indexed ip ranges that are {@code WITHIN} the defined range.
* @param field field name. must not be null.
* @param min range min value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @param max range max value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @return query for matching intersecting ranges (overlap, within, crosses, or contains)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, {@code min} or {@code max} is invalid
public static Query newWithinQuery(String field, final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max) {
return newRelationQuery(field, min, max, QueryType.WITHIN);
* Create a query for matching indexed ip ranges that {@code CROSS} the defined range.
* @param field field name. must not be null.
* @param min range min value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @param max range max value; provided as an {@code InetAddress}
* @return query for matching intersecting ranges (overlap, within, crosses, or contains)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, {@code min} or {@code max} is invalid
public static Query newCrossesQuery(String field, final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max) {
return newRelationQuery(field, min, max, QueryType.CROSSES);
/** helper method for creating the desired relational query */
private static Query newRelationQuery(String field, final InetAddress min, final InetAddress max, QueryType relation) {
return new RangeFieldQuery(field, encode(min, max), 1, relation) {
protected String toString(byte[] ranges, int dimension) {
return InetAddressRange.toString(ranges, dimension);
* Returns the String representation for the range at the given dimension
* @param ranges the encoded ranges, never null
* @param dimension the dimension of interest (not used for this field)
* @return The string representation for the range at the provided dimension
private static String toString(byte[] ranges, int dimension) {
byte[] min = new byte[BYTES];
System.arraycopy(ranges, 0, min, 0, BYTES);
byte[] max = new byte[BYTES];
System.arraycopy(ranges, BYTES, max, 0, BYTES);
return "[" + InetAddressPoint.decode(min) + " : " + InetAddressPoint.decode(max) + "]";