blob: e3d27a92e676d7c0b03f1389b62f57af71a6b9c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.document;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
* An indexed 128-bit {@code InetAddress} field.
* <p>
* Finding all documents within a range at search time is
* efficient. Multiple values for the same field in one document
* is allowed.
* <p>
* This field defines static factory methods for creating common queries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #newExactQuery(String, InetAddress)} for matching an exact network address.
* <li>{@link #newPrefixQuery(String, InetAddress, int)} for matching a network based on CIDR prefix.
* <li>{@link #newRangeQuery(String, InetAddress, InetAddress)} for matching arbitrary network address ranges.
* <li>{@link #newSetQuery(String, InetAddress...)} for matching a set of network addresses.
* </ul>
* <p>
* This field supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses: IPv4 addresses are converted
* to <a href="">IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Addresses</a>:
* indexing {@code} is the same as indexing {@code ::FFFF:}.
* @see PointValues
public class InetAddressPoint extends Field {
// implementation note: we convert all addresses to IPv6: we expect prefix compression of values,
// so its not wasteful, but allows one field to handle both IPv4 and IPv6.
/** The number of bytes per dimension: 128 bits */
public static final int BYTES = 16;
// rfc4291 prefix
static final byte[] IPV4_PREFIX = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 };
private static final FieldType TYPE;
static {
TYPE = new FieldType();
TYPE.setDimensions(1, BYTES);
/** The minimum value that an ip address can hold. */
public static final InetAddress MIN_VALUE;
/** The maximum value that an ip address can hold. */
public static final InetAddress MAX_VALUE;
static {
MIN_VALUE = decode(new byte[BYTES]);
byte[] maxValueBytes = new byte[BYTES];
Arrays.fill(maxValueBytes, (byte) 0xFF);
MAX_VALUE = decode(maxValueBytes);
* Return the {@link InetAddress} that compares immediately greater than
* {@code address}.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the provided address is the
* {@link #MAX_VALUE maximum ip address}
public static InetAddress nextUp(InetAddress address) {
if (address.equals(MAX_VALUE)) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow: there is no greater InetAddress than "
+ address.getHostAddress());
byte[] delta = new byte[BYTES];
delta[BYTES-1] = 1;
byte[] nextUpBytes = new byte[InetAddressPoint.BYTES];
NumericUtils.add(InetAddressPoint.BYTES, 0, encode(address), delta, nextUpBytes);
return decode(nextUpBytes);
* Return the {@link InetAddress} that compares immediately less than
* {@code address}.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the provided address is the
* {@link #MIN_VALUE minimum ip address}
public static InetAddress nextDown(InetAddress address) {
if (address.equals(MIN_VALUE)) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Underflow: there is no smaller InetAddress than "
+ address.getHostAddress());
byte[] delta = new byte[BYTES];
delta[BYTES-1] = 1;
byte[] nextDownBytes = new byte[InetAddressPoint.BYTES];
NumericUtils.subtract(InetAddressPoint.BYTES, 0, encode(address), delta, nextDownBytes);
return decode(nextDownBytes);
/** Change the values of this field */
public void setInetAddressValue(InetAddress value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("point must not be null");
fieldsData = new BytesRef(encode(value));
public void setBytesValue(BytesRef bytes) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot change value type from InetAddress to BytesRef");
/** Creates a new InetAddressPoint, indexing the
* provided address.
* @param name field name
* @param point InetAddress value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name or value is null.
public InetAddressPoint(String name, InetAddress point) {
super(name, TYPE);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(" <");
// IPv6 addresses are bracketed, to not cause confusion with historic field:value representation
BytesRef bytes = (BytesRef) fieldsData;
InetAddress address = decode(BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes).bytes);
if (address.getAddress().length == 16) {
} else {
return result.toString();
// public helper methods (e.g. for queries)
/** Encode InetAddress value into binary encoding */
public static byte[] encode(InetAddress value) {
byte[] address = value.getAddress();
if (address.length == 4) {
byte[] mapped = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(IPV4_PREFIX, 0, mapped, 0, IPV4_PREFIX.length);
System.arraycopy(address, 0, mapped, IPV4_PREFIX.length, address.length);
address = mapped;
} else if (address.length != 16) {
// more of an assertion, how did you create such an InetAddress :)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported");
return address;
/** Decodes InetAddress value from binary encoding */
public static InetAddress decode(byte value[]) {
try {
return InetAddress.getByAddress(value);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// this only happens if value.length != 4 or 16, strange exception class
throw new IllegalArgumentException("encoded bytes are of incorrect length", e);
// static methods for generating queries
* Create a query for matching a network address.
* @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
* @param value exact value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null.
* @return a query matching documents with this exact value
public static Query newExactQuery(String field, InetAddress value) {
return newRangeQuery(field, value, value);
* Create a prefix query for matching a CIDR network range.
* @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
* @param value any host address
* @param prefixLength the network prefix length for this address. This is also known as the subnet mask in the context of IPv4 addresses.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, or prefixLength is invalid.
* @return a query matching documents with addresses contained within this network
public static Query newPrefixQuery(String field, InetAddress value, int prefixLength) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("InetAddress must not be null");
if (prefixLength < 0 || prefixLength > 8 * value.getAddress().length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal prefixLength '" + prefixLength + "'. Must be 0-32 for IPv4 ranges, 0-128 for IPv6 ranges");
// create the lower value by zeroing out the host portion, upper value by filling it with all ones.
byte lower[] = value.getAddress();
byte upper[] = value.getAddress();
for (int i = prefixLength; i < 8 * lower.length; i++) {
int m = 1 << (7 - (i & 7));
lower[i >> 3] &= ~m;
upper[i >> 3] |= m;
try {
return newRangeQuery(field, InetAddress.getByAddress(lower), InetAddress.getByAddress(upper));
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e); // values are coming from InetAddress
* Create a range query for network addresses.
* <p>
* You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
* by setting {@code lowerValue = InetAddressPoint.MIN_VALUE} or
* {@code upperValue = InetAddressPoint.MAX_VALUE}.
* <p> Ranges are inclusive. For exclusive ranges, pass {@code InetAddressPoint#nextUp(lowerValue)}
* or {@code InetAddressPoint#nexDown(upperValue)}.
* @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
* @param lowerValue lower portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null.
* @param upperValue upper portion of the range (inclusive). must not be null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} is null, {@code lowerValue} is null,
* or {@code upperValue} is null
* @return a query matching documents within this range.
public static Query newRangeQuery(String field, InetAddress lowerValue, InetAddress upperValue) {
PointRangeQuery.checkArgs(field, lowerValue, upperValue);
return new PointRangeQuery(field, encode(lowerValue), encode(upperValue), 1) {
protected String toString(int dimension, byte[] value) {
return decode(value).getHostAddress(); // for ranges, the range itself is already bracketed
* Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values. This is the points equivalent of {@code TermsQuery}.
* @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
* @param values all values to match
public static Query newSetQuery(String field, InetAddress... values) {
// We must compare the encoded form (InetAddress doesn't implement Comparable, and even if it
// did, we do our own thing with ipv4 addresses):
// NOTE: we could instead convert-per-comparison and save this extra array, at cost of slower sort:
byte[][] sortedValues = new byte[values.length][];
for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++) {
sortedValues[i] = encode(values[i]);
new Comparator<byte[]>() {
public int compare(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(a, 0, BYTES, b, 0, BYTES);
final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(new byte[BYTES]);
return new PointInSetQuery(field, 1, BYTES,
new PointInSetQuery.Stream() {
int upto;
public BytesRef next() {
if (upto == sortedValues.length) {
return null;
} else {
encoded.bytes = sortedValues[upto];
assert encoded.bytes.length == encoded.length;
return encoded;
}) {
protected String toString(byte[] value) {
assert value.length == BYTES;
return decode(value).getHostAddress();