blob: b3a415c0caff6bd06f1f1f7562f5584eba25658a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
* Virtually slices the text on both sides of every occurrence of the specified character. If the slice is 0-length
* which happens for adjacent slice characters or when they are at the beginning or end, that character is reported
* as a boundary.
* For every slice between the specified characters, it is further processed with a specified
* BreakIterator. A consequence is that the enclosed BreakIterator will never "see" the splitting character.
* <br>
* <em>Note: {@link #setText(CharacterIterator)} is unsupported. Use the string version.</em>
* @lucene.experimental
public class SplittingBreakIterator extends BreakIterator {
private final BreakIterator baseIter;
private final char sliceChar;
private String text;
private int sliceStartIdx;
private int sliceEndIdx;
private int current;
public SplittingBreakIterator(BreakIterator baseIter, char sliceChar) {
this.baseIter = baseIter;
this.sliceChar = sliceChar;
public void setText(CharacterIterator newText) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected");
public void setText(String newText) {
this.text = newText;
public CharacterIterator getText() {
StringCharacterIterator charIter = new StringCharacterIterator(text);
// API doesn't say what the state should be but it should probably be at the current index.
return charIter;
public int current() {
assert current != DONE;
return current; // MUST be updated by the other methods when result isn't DONE.
public int first() {
sliceStartIdx = 0;
sliceEndIdx = text.indexOf(sliceChar);
if (sliceEndIdx == -1) {
sliceEndIdx = text.length();
if (sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx) {
return current = sliceStartIdx;
baseIter.setText(text.substring(sliceStartIdx, sliceEndIdx));
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.current();// since setText() sets to first(), just grab current()
public int last() {
sliceEndIdx = text.length();
sliceStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(sliceChar);
if (sliceStartIdx == -1) {
sliceStartIdx = 0;
} else {
sliceStartIdx++;//past sliceChar
if (sliceEndIdx == sliceStartIdx) {
return current = sliceEndIdx;
baseIter.setText(text.substring(sliceStartIdx, sliceEndIdx));
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.last();
public int next() {
int prevCurrent = current;
current = sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx ? DONE :;
if (current != DONE) {
return current = current + sliceStartIdx;
if (sliceEndIdx >= text.length()) {
current = prevCurrent;//keep current where it is
return DONE;
sliceStartIdx = sliceEndIdx + 1;
sliceEndIdx = text.indexOf(sliceChar, sliceStartIdx);
if (sliceEndIdx == -1) {
sliceEndIdx = text.length();
if (sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx) {
return current = sliceStartIdx;
baseIter.setText(text.substring(sliceStartIdx, sliceEndIdx));
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.current();//use current() since at first() already
public int previous() { // note: closely follows next() but reversed
int prevCurrent = current;
current = sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx ? DONE : baseIter.previous();
if (current != DONE) {
return current = current + sliceStartIdx;
if (sliceStartIdx == 0) {
current = prevCurrent;//keep current where it is
return DONE;
sliceEndIdx = sliceStartIdx - 1;
sliceStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(sliceChar, sliceEndIdx - 1);
if (sliceStartIdx == -1) {
sliceStartIdx = 0;
} else {
sliceStartIdx++;//past sliceChar
if (sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx) {
return current = sliceStartIdx;
baseIter.setText(text.substring(sliceStartIdx, sliceEndIdx));
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.last();
public int following(int offset) {
// if the offset is not in this slice, update the slice
if (offset + 1 < sliceStartIdx || offset + 1 > sliceEndIdx) {
if (offset == text.length()) { // DONE condition
last(); // because
return DONE;
sliceStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(sliceChar, offset);//no +1
if (sliceStartIdx == -1) {
sliceStartIdx = 0;
} else {
sliceStartIdx++;//move past separator
sliceEndIdx = text.indexOf(sliceChar, Math.max(offset + 1, sliceStartIdx));
if (sliceEndIdx == -1) {
sliceEndIdx = text.length();
if (sliceStartIdx != sliceEndIdx) {//otherwise, adjacent separator or separator at end
baseIter.setText(text.substring(sliceStartIdx, sliceEndIdx));
// lookup following() in this slice:
if (sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx) {
return current = offset + 1;
} else {
// note: following() can never be first() if the first character is a boundary (it usually is).
// So we have to check if we should call first() instead of following():
if (offset == sliceStartIdx - 1) {
// the first boundary following this offset is the very first boundary in this slice
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.first();
} else {
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.following(offset - sliceStartIdx);
public int preceding(int offset) { // note: closely follows following() but reversed
if (offset - 1 < sliceStartIdx || offset - 1 > sliceEndIdx) {
if (offset == 0) { // DONE condition
first(); // because
return DONE;
sliceEndIdx = text.indexOf(sliceChar, offset);//no -1
if (sliceEndIdx == -1) {
sliceEndIdx = text.length();
sliceStartIdx = text.lastIndexOf(sliceChar, offset - 1);
if (sliceStartIdx == -1) {
sliceStartIdx = 0;
} else {
sliceStartIdx = Math.min(sliceStartIdx + 1, sliceEndIdx);
if (sliceStartIdx != sliceEndIdx) {//otherwise, adjacent separator or separator at end
baseIter.setText(text.substring(sliceStartIdx, sliceEndIdx));
// lookup preceding() in this slice:
if (sliceStartIdx == sliceEndIdx) {
return current = offset - 1;
} else {
// note: preceding() can never be last() if the last character is a boundary (it usually is).
// So we have to check if we should call last() instead of preceding():
if (offset == sliceEndIdx + 1) {
// the last boundary preceding this offset is the very last boundary in this slice
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.last();
} else {
return current = sliceStartIdx + baseIter.preceding(offset - sliceStartIdx);
public int next(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < -n; i++) {
if (previous() == DONE) {
return DONE;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (next() == DONE) {
return DONE;
return current();