blob: e27fc07214ff6565c465b32d2a93188a8d1b9c28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
public class TopGroupsTest extends LuceneTestCase {
public void testAllGroupsEmptyInSecondPass() {
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, false, false, false);
public void testSomeGroupsEmptyInSecondPass() {
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, false, false, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, false, true, false);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, false, true, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, true, false, false);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, true, false, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, true, true, false);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(false, true, true, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, false, false, false);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, false, false, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, false, true, false);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, false, true, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, true, false, false);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, true, false, true);
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, true, true, false);
public void testNoGroupsEmptyInSecondPass() {
narrativeMergeTestImplementation(true, true, true, true);
* This method implements tests for the <code>TopGroup.merge</code> method
* using a narrative approach. Use of a creative narrative may seem unusual
* or even silly but the idea behind it is to make it hopefully easier to
* reason about the documents and groups and scores in the test whilst testing
* several scenario permutations.
* Imagine:
* Each document represents (say) a picture book of an animal.
* We are searching for two books and wish to draw a picture of our own, inspired by the books.
* We think that large animals are easier to draw and therefore order the books by the featured animal's size.
* We think that different colors would make for a good drawing and therefore group the books by the featured animal's color.
* Index content:
* The documents are in 2 groups ("blue" and "red") and there are 4 documents across 2 shards:
* shard 1 (blue whale, red ant) and shard 2 (blue dragonfly, red squirrel).
* If all documents are present the "blue whale" and the "red squirrel" documents would be returned
* for our drawing since they are the largest animals in their respective groups.
* Test permutations (haveBlueWhale, haveRedAnt, haveBlueDragonfly, haveRedSquirrel) arise because
* in the first pass of the search all documents can be present, but
* in the second pass of the search some documents could be missing
* if they have been deleted 'just so' between the two phases.
* Additionally a <code>haveAnimal == false</code> condition also represents scenarios where a given
* group has documents on some but not all shards in the collection.
private void narrativeMergeTestImplementation(
boolean haveBlueWhale,
boolean haveRedAnt,
boolean haveBlueDragonfly,
boolean haveRedSquirrel) {
final String blueGroupValue = "blue";
final String redGroupValue = "red";
final Integer redAntSize = 1;
final Integer blueDragonflySize = 10;
final Integer redSquirrelSize = 100;
final Integer blueWhaleSize = 1000;
final float redAntScore = redAntSize;
final float blueDragonflyScore = blueDragonflySize;
final float redSquirrelScore = redSquirrelSize;
final float blueWhaleScore = blueWhaleSize;
final Sort sort = Sort.RELEVANCE;
final TopGroups<String> shard1TopGroups;
final GroupDocs<String> group1 = haveBlueWhale
? createSingletonGroupDocs(blueGroupValue, new Object[] { blueWhaleSize }, 1 /* docId */, blueWhaleScore, 0 /* shardIndex */)
: createEmptyGroupDocs(blueGroupValue, new Object[] { blueWhaleSize });
final GroupDocs<String> group2 = haveRedAnt
? createSingletonGroupDocs(redGroupValue, new Object[] { redAntSize }, 2 /* docId */, redAntScore, 0 /* shardIndex */)
: createEmptyGroupDocs(redGroupValue, new Object[] { redAntSize });
shard1TopGroups = new TopGroups<String>(
sort.getSort() /* groupSort */,
sort.getSort() /* withinGroupSort */,
group1.scoreDocs.length + group2.scoreDocs.length /* totalHitCount */,
group1.scoreDocs.length + group2.scoreDocs.length /* totalGroupedHitCount */,
combineGroupDocs(group1, group2) /* groups */,
(haveBlueWhale ? blueWhaleScore : (haveRedAnt ? redAntScore : Float.NaN)) /* maxScore */);
final TopGroups<String> shard2TopGroups;
final GroupDocs<String> group1 = haveBlueDragonfly
? createSingletonGroupDocs(blueGroupValue, new Object[] { blueDragonflySize }, 3 /* docId */, blueDragonflyScore, 1 /* shardIndex */)
: createEmptyGroupDocs(blueGroupValue, new Object[] { blueDragonflySize });
final GroupDocs<String> group2 = haveRedSquirrel
? createSingletonGroupDocs(redGroupValue, new Object[] { redSquirrelSize }, 4 /* docId */, redSquirrelScore, 1 /* shardIndex */)
: createEmptyGroupDocs(redGroupValue, new Object[] { redSquirrelSize });
shard2TopGroups = new TopGroups<String>(
sort.getSort() /* groupSort */,
sort.getSort() /* withinGroupSort */,
group1.scoreDocs.length + group2.scoreDocs.length /* totalHitCount */,
group1.scoreDocs.length + group2.scoreDocs.length /* totalGroupedHitCount */,
combineGroupDocs(group1, group2) /* groups */,
(haveRedSquirrel ? redSquirrelScore : (haveBlueDragonfly ? blueDragonflyScore : Float.NaN)) /* maxScore */);
final TopGroups<String> mergedTopGroups = TopGroups.<String>merge(
combineTopGroups(shard1TopGroups, shard2TopGroups),
sort /* groupSort */,
sort /* docSort */,
0 /* docOffset */,
2 /* docTopN */,
final int expectedCount =
(haveBlueWhale ? 1 : 0) +
(haveRedAnt ? 1 : 0) +
(haveBlueDragonfly ? 1 : 0) +
(haveRedSquirrel ? 1 : 0);
assertEquals(expectedCount, mergedTopGroups.totalHitCount);
assertEquals(expectedCount, mergedTopGroups.totalGroupedHitCount);
assertEquals(2, mergedTopGroups.groups.length);
assertEquals(blueGroupValue, mergedTopGroups.groups[0].groupValue);
final float expectedBlueMaxScore =
(haveBlueWhale ? blueWhaleScore : (haveBlueDragonfly ? blueDragonflyScore : Float.NaN));
checkMaxScore(expectedBlueMaxScore, mergedTopGroups.groups[0].maxScore);
assertEquals(redGroupValue, mergedTopGroups.groups[1].groupValue);
final float expectedRedMaxScore =
(haveRedSquirrel ? redSquirrelScore : (haveRedAnt ? redAntScore : Float.NaN));
checkMaxScore(expectedRedMaxScore, mergedTopGroups.groups[1].maxScore);
final float expectedMaxScore =
(haveBlueWhale ? blueWhaleScore
: (haveRedSquirrel ? redSquirrelScore
: (haveBlueDragonfly ? blueDragonflyScore
: (haveRedAnt ? redAntScore
: Float.NaN))));
checkMaxScore(expectedMaxScore, mergedTopGroups.maxScore);
private static void checkMaxScore(float expected, float actual) {
if (Float.isNaN(expected)) {
} else {
assertEquals(expected, actual, 0.0);
// helper methods
private static GroupDocs<String> createEmptyGroupDocs(String groupValue, Object[] groupSortValues) {
return new GroupDocs<String>(
Float.NaN /* score */,
Float.NaN /* maxScore */,
new TotalHits(0, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO),
new ScoreDoc[0],
private static GroupDocs<String> createSingletonGroupDocs(String groupValue, Object[] groupSortValues,
int docId, float docScore, int shardIndex) {
return new GroupDocs<String>(
Float.NaN /* score */,
docScore /* maxScore */,
new TotalHits(1, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO),
new ScoreDoc[] { new ScoreDoc(docId, docScore, shardIndex) },
private static GroupDocs<String>[] combineGroupDocs(GroupDocs<String> group0, GroupDocs<String> group1) {
final GroupDocs<String>[] groups = new GroupDocs[2];
groups[0] = group0;
groups[1] = group1;
return groups;
private static TopGroups<String>[] combineTopGroups(TopGroups<String> group0, TopGroups<String> group1) {
final TopGroups<String>[] groups = new TopGroups[2];
groups[0] = group0;
groups[1] = group1;
return groups;