blob: 45bb729f18c192e0704824c55fc713187909183f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.index;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefArray;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Counter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
* This class efficiently buffers numeric and binary field updates and stores
* terms, values and metadata in a memory efficient way without creating large amounts
* of objects. Update terms are stored without de-duplicating the update term.
* In general we try to optimize for several use-cases. For instance we try to use constant
* space for update terms field since the common case always updates on the same field. Also for docUpTo
* we try to optimize for the case when updates should be applied to all docs ie. docUpTo=Integer.MAX_VALUE.
* In other cases each update will likely have a different docUpTo.
* Along the same lines this impl optimizes the case when all updates have a value. Lastly, if all updates share the
* same value for a numeric field we only store the value once.
final class FieldUpdatesBuffer {
private static final long SELF_SHALLOW_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(FieldUpdatesBuffer.class);
private static final long STRING_SHALLOW_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(String.class);
private final Counter bytesUsed;
private int numUpdates = 1;
// we use a very simple approach and store the update term values without de-duplication
// which is also not a common case to keep updating the same value more than once...
// we might pay a higher price in terms of memory in certain cases but will gain
// on CPU for those. We also save on not needing to sort in order to apply the terms in order
// since by definition we store them in order.
private final BytesRefArray termValues;
private BytesRefArray.SortState termSortState;
private final BytesRefArray byteValues; // this will be null if we are buffering numerics
private int[] docsUpTo;
private long[] numericValues; // this will be null if we are buffering binaries
private FixedBitSet hasValues;
private long maxNumeric = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long minNumeric = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private String[] fields;
private final boolean isNumeric;
private boolean finished = false;
private FieldUpdatesBuffer(Counter bytesUsed, DocValuesUpdate initialValue, int docUpTo, boolean isNumeric) {
this.bytesUsed = bytesUsed;
termValues = new BytesRefArray(bytesUsed);
fields = new String[] {initialValue.term.field};
docsUpTo = new int[] {docUpTo};
if (initialValue.hasValue == false) {
hasValues = new FixedBitSet(1);
this.isNumeric = isNumeric;
byteValues = isNumeric ? null : new BytesRefArray(bytesUsed);
private static long sizeOfString(String string) {
return STRING_SHALLOW_SIZE + (string.length() * Character.BYTES);
FieldUpdatesBuffer(Counter bytesUsed, DocValuesUpdate.NumericDocValuesUpdate initialValue, int docUpTo) {
this(bytesUsed, initialValue, docUpTo, true);
if (initialValue.hasValue()) {
numericValues = new long[] {initialValue.getValue()};
maxNumeric = minNumeric = initialValue.getValue();
} else {
numericValues = new long[] {0};
FieldUpdatesBuffer(Counter bytesUsed, DocValuesUpdate.BinaryDocValuesUpdate initialValue, int docUpTo) {
this(bytesUsed, initialValue, docUpTo, false);
if (initialValue.hasValue()) {
long getMaxNumeric() {
assert isNumeric;
if (minNumeric == Long.MAX_VALUE && maxNumeric == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
return 0; // we don't have any value;
return maxNumeric;
long getMinNumeric() {
assert isNumeric;
if (minNumeric == Long.MAX_VALUE && maxNumeric == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
return 0; // we don't have any value
return minNumeric;
void add(String field, int docUpTo, int ord, boolean hasValue) {
assert finished == false : "buffer was finished already";
if (fields[0].equals(field) == false || fields.length != 1 ) {
if (fields.length <= ord) {
String[] array = ArrayUtil.grow(fields, ord+1);
if (fields.length == 1) {
Arrays.fill(array, 1, ord, fields[0]);
bytesUsed.addAndGet((array.length - fields.length) * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);
fields = array;
if (field != fields[0]) { // that's an easy win of not accounting if there is an outlier
fields[ord] = field;
if (docsUpTo[0] != docUpTo || docsUpTo.length != 1) {
if (docsUpTo.length <= ord) {
int[] array = ArrayUtil.grow(docsUpTo, ord+1);
if (docsUpTo.length == 1) {
Arrays.fill(array, 1, ord, docsUpTo[0]);
bytesUsed.addAndGet((array.length-docsUpTo.length) * Integer.BYTES);
docsUpTo = array;
docsUpTo[ord] = docUpTo;
if (hasValue == false || hasValues != null) {
if (hasValues == null) {
hasValues = new FixedBitSet(ord+1);
hasValues.set(0, ord);
} else if (hasValues.length() <= ord) {
FixedBitSet fixedBitSet = FixedBitSet.ensureCapacity(hasValues, ArrayUtil.oversize(ord + 1, 1));
hasValues = fixedBitSet;
if (hasValue) {
void addUpdate(Term term, long value, int docUpTo) {
assert isNumeric;
final int ord = append(term);
String field = term.field;
add(field, docUpTo, ord, true);
minNumeric = Math.min(minNumeric, value);
maxNumeric = Math.max(maxNumeric, value);
if (numericValues[0] != value || numericValues.length != 1) {
if (numericValues.length <= ord) {
long[] array = ArrayUtil.grow(numericValues, ord+1);
if (numericValues.length == 1) {
Arrays.fill(array, 1, ord, numericValues[0]);
bytesUsed.addAndGet((array.length-numericValues.length) * Long.BYTES);
numericValues = array;
numericValues[ord] = value;
void addNoValue(Term term, int docUpTo) {
final int ord = append(term);
add(term.field, docUpTo, ord, false);
void addUpdate(Term term, BytesRef value, int docUpTo) {
assert isNumeric == false;
final int ord = append(term);
add(term.field, docUpTo, ord, true);
private int append(Term term) {
return numUpdates++;
void finish() {
if (finished) {
throw new IllegalStateException("buffer was finished already");
finished = true;
final boolean sortedTerms = hasSingleValue() && hasValues == null && fields.length == 1;
if (sortedTerms) {
// sort by ascending by term, then sort descending by docsUpTo so that we can skip updates with lower docUpTo.
termSortState = termValues.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder(),
(i1, i2) ->
docsUpTo[getArrayIndex(docsUpTo.length, i2)],
docsUpTo[getArrayIndex(docsUpTo.length, i1)]));
BufferedUpdateIterator iterator() {
if (finished == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("buffer is not finished yet");
return new BufferedUpdateIterator();
boolean isNumeric() {
assert isNumeric || byteValues != null;
return isNumeric;
boolean hasSingleValue() {
// we only do this optimization for numerics so far.
return isNumeric && numericValues.length == 1;
long getNumericValue(int idx) {
if (hasValues != null && hasValues.get(idx) == false) {
return 0;
return numericValues[getArrayIndex(numericValues.length, idx)];
* Struct like class that is used to iterate over all updates in this buffer
static class BufferedUpdate {
private BufferedUpdate() {};
* the max document ID this update should be applied to
int docUpTo;
* a numeric value or 0 if this buffer holds binary updates
long numericValue;
* a binary value or null if this buffer holds numeric updates
BytesRef binaryValue;
* <code>true</code> if this update has a value
boolean hasValue;
* The update terms field. This will never be null.
String termField;
* The update terms value. This will never be null.
BytesRef termValue;
public int hashCode() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"this struct should not be use in map or other data-structures that use hashCode / equals");
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"this struct should not be use in map or other data-structures that use hashCode / equals");
* An iterator that iterates over all updates in insertion order
class BufferedUpdateIterator {
private final BytesRefArray.IndexedBytesRefIterator termValuesIterator;
private final BytesRefArray.IndexedBytesRefIterator lookAheadTermIterator;
private final BytesRefIterator byteValuesIterator;
private final BufferedUpdate bufferedUpdate = new BufferedUpdate();
private final Bits updatesWithValue;
BufferedUpdateIterator() {
this.termValuesIterator = termValues.iterator(termSortState);
this.lookAheadTermIterator = termSortState != null ? termValues.iterator(termSortState) : null;
this.byteValuesIterator = isNumeric ? null : byteValues.iterator();
updatesWithValue = hasValues == null ? new Bits.MatchAllBits(numUpdates) : hasValues;
* If all updates update a single field to the same value, then we can apply these
* updates in the term order instead of the request order as both will yield the same result.
* This optimization allows us to iterate the term dictionary faster and de-duplicate updates.
boolean isSortedTerms() {
return termSortState != null;
* Moves to the next BufferedUpdate or return null if all updates are consumed.
* The returned instance is a shared instance and must be fully consumed before the next call to this method.
BufferedUpdate next() throws IOException {
BytesRef next = nextTerm();
if (next != null) {
final int idx = termValuesIterator.ord();
bufferedUpdate.termValue = next;
bufferedUpdate.hasValue = updatesWithValue.get(idx);
bufferedUpdate.termField = fields[getArrayIndex(fields.length, idx)];
bufferedUpdate.docUpTo = docsUpTo[getArrayIndex(docsUpTo.length, idx)];
if (bufferedUpdate.hasValue) {
if (isNumeric) {
bufferedUpdate.numericValue = numericValues[getArrayIndex(numericValues.length, idx)];
bufferedUpdate.binaryValue = null;
} else {
bufferedUpdate.binaryValue =;
} else {
bufferedUpdate.binaryValue = null;
bufferedUpdate.numericValue = 0;
return bufferedUpdate;
} else {
return null;
BytesRef nextTerm() throws IOException {
if (lookAheadTermIterator != null) {
final BytesRef lastTerm = bufferedUpdate.termValue;
BytesRef lookAheadTerm;
while ((lookAheadTerm = != null && lookAheadTerm.equals(lastTerm)) {
BytesRef discardedTerm =; // discard as the docUpTo of the previous update is higher
assert discardedTerm.equals(lookAheadTerm) : "[" + discardedTerm + "] != [" + lookAheadTerm + "]";
assert docsUpTo[getArrayIndex(docsUpTo.length, termValuesIterator.ord())] <= bufferedUpdate.docUpTo :
docsUpTo[getArrayIndex(docsUpTo.length, termValuesIterator.ord())] + ">" + bufferedUpdate.docUpTo;
private static int getArrayIndex(int arrayLength, int index) {
assert arrayLength == 1 || arrayLength > index : "illegal array index length: " + arrayLength + " index: " + index;
return Math.min(arrayLength-1, index);