blob: 4d457e1f30686352cf2d7afaf3f5a3a57ba0f2c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.analysis.hunspell;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntsRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntsRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.IntSequenceOutputs;
* A data structure for memory-efficient word storage and fast lookup/enumeration. Each dictionary
* entry is stored as:
* <ol>
* <li>the last character
* <li>pointer to a similar entry for the prefix (all characters except the last one)
* <li>value data: a list of ints representing word flags and morphological data, and a pointer to
* hash collisions, if any
* </ol>
* There's only one entry for each prefix, so it's like a trie/{@link
* org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST}, but a reversed one: each node points to a single previous node
* instead of several following ones. For example, "abc" and "abd" point to the same prefix entry
* "ab" which points to "a" which points to 0.<br>
* <br>
* The entries are stored in a contiguous byte array, identified by their offsets, using {@link
* DataOutput#writeVInt} ()} VINT} format for compression.
class WordStorage {
private static final int OFFSET_BITS = 25;
private static final int OFFSET_MASK = (1 << OFFSET_BITS) - 1;
private static final int COLLISION_MASK = 0x40;
private static final int MAX_STORED_LENGTH = COLLISION_MASK - 1;
* A map from word's hash (modulo array's length) into an int containing:
* <ul>
* <li>lower {@link #OFFSET_BITS}: the offset in {@link #wordData} of the last entry with this
* hash
* <li>the remaining highest bits: COLLISION+LENGTH info for that entry, i.e. one bit indicating
* whether there are other entries with the same hash, and the length of the entry in chars,
* or {@link #MAX_STORED_LENGTH} if the length exceeds that limit (next highest bits)
* </ul>
private final int[] hashTable;
* An array of word entries:
* <ul>
* <li>VINT: the word's last character
* <li>VINT: a delta pointer to the entry for the same word without the last character.
* Precisely, it's the difference of this entry's start and the prefix's entry start. 0 for
* single-character entries
* <li>(Optional, for hash-colliding entries only)
* <ul>
* <li>BYTE: COLLISION+LENGTH info (see {@link #hashTable}) for the previous entry with
* the same hash
* <li>VINT: (delta) pointer to the previous entry
* </ul>
* <li>(Optional, for non-leaf entries only) VINT+: word form data, returned from {@link
* #lookupWord}, preceded by its length
* </ul>
private final byte[] wordData;
private WordStorage(int[] hashTable, byte[] wordData) {
this.hashTable = hashTable;
this.wordData = wordData;
IntsRef lookupWord(char[] word, int offset, int length) {
assert length > 0;
int hash = Math.abs(CharsRef.stringHashCode(word, offset, length) % hashTable.length);
int entryCode = hashTable[hash];
if (entryCode == 0) {
return null;
int pos = entryCode & OFFSET_MASK;
int mask = entryCode >>> OFFSET_BITS;
char lastChar = word[offset + length - 1];
ByteArrayDataInput in = new ByteArrayDataInput(wordData);
while (true) {
char c = (char) in.readVInt();
int prevPos = pos - in.readVInt();
boolean last = !hasCollision(mask);
boolean mightMatch = c == lastChar && hasLength(mask, length);
if (!last) {
mask = in.readByte();
pos -= in.readVInt();
if (mightMatch) {
int beforeForms = in.getPosition();
if (isSameString(word, offset, length - 1, prevPos, in)) {
int formLength = in.readVInt();
IntsRef forms = new IntsRef(formLength);
readForms(forms, in, formLength);
return forms;
if (last) {
return null;
private static boolean hasCollision(int mask) {
return (mask & COLLISION_MASK) != 0;
* Calls the processor for every dictionary entry with length between minLength and maxLength,
* both ends inclusive. Note that the callback arguments (word and forms) are reused, so they can
* be modified in any way, but may not be saved for later by the processor
void processAllWords(int minLength, int maxLength, BiConsumer<CharsRef, IntsRef> processor) {
assert minLength <= maxLength;
CharsRef chars = new CharsRef(maxLength);
IntsRef forms = new IntsRef();
ByteArrayDataInput in = new ByteArrayDataInput(wordData);
for (int entryCode : hashTable) {
int pos = entryCode & OFFSET_MASK;
int mask = entryCode >>> OFFSET_BITS;
while (pos != 0) {
int wordStart = maxLength - 1;
chars.chars[wordStart] = (char) in.readVInt();
int prevPos = pos - in.readVInt();
boolean last = !hasCollision(mask);
boolean mightMatch = hasLengthInRange(mask, minLength, maxLength);
if (!last) {
mask = in.readByte();
pos -= in.readVInt();
if (mightMatch) {
int dataLength = in.readVInt();
if (forms.ints.length < dataLength) {
forms.ints = new int[dataLength];
readForms(forms, in, dataLength);
while (prevPos != 0 && wordStart > 0) {
chars.chars[--wordStart] = (char) in.readVInt();
prevPos -= in.readVInt();
if (prevPos == 0) {
chars.offset = wordStart;
chars.length = maxLength - wordStart;
processor.accept(chars, forms);
if (last) {
private boolean hasLength(int mask, int length) {
int lenCode = mask & MAX_STORED_LENGTH;
return lenCode == MAX_STORED_LENGTH ? length >= MAX_STORED_LENGTH : lenCode == length;
private static boolean hasLengthInRange(int mask, int minLength, int maxLength) {
int lenCode = mask & MAX_STORED_LENGTH;
if (lenCode == MAX_STORED_LENGTH) {
return maxLength >= MAX_STORED_LENGTH;
return lenCode >= minLength && lenCode <= maxLength;
private boolean isSameString(
char[] word, int offset, int length, int dataPos, ByteArrayDataInput in) {
for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
char c = (char) in.readVInt();
if (c != word[i + offset]) {
return false;
dataPos -= in.readVInt();
if (dataPos == 0) {
return i == 0;
return length == 0 && dataPos == 0;
private void readForms(IntsRef forms, ByteArrayDataInput in, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
forms.ints[i] = in.readVInt();
forms.length = length;
static class Builder {
private final boolean hasCustomMorphData;
private final int[] hashTable;
private byte[] wordData;
private final int[] chainLengths;
private final IntsRefBuilder currentOrds = new IntsRefBuilder();
private final List<char[]> group = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Integer> morphDataIDs = new ArrayList<>();
private String currentEntry = null;
private final int wordCount;
private final FlagEnumerator flagEnumerator;
private final ByteArrayDataOutput dataWriter;
private int commonPrefixLength, commonPrefixPos;
private int actualWords;
* @param wordCount an approximate number of the words in the resulting dictionary, used to
* pre-size the hash table. This argument can be a bit larger than the actual word count,
* but not smaller.
Builder(int wordCount, boolean hasCustomMorphData, FlagEnumerator flagEnumerator) {
this.wordCount = wordCount;
this.flagEnumerator = flagEnumerator;
this.hasCustomMorphData = hasCustomMorphData;
hashTable = new int[wordCount];
wordData = new byte[wordCount * 6];
dataWriter =
new ByteArrayDataOutput(wordData) {
public void writeByte(byte b) {
int pos = getPosition();
if (pos == wordData.length) {
wordData = ArrayUtil.grow(wordData);
reset(wordData, pos, wordData.length - pos);
dataWriter.writeByte((byte) 0); // zero index is root, contains nothing
chainLengths = new int[hashTable.length];
* Add a dictionary entry. This method should be called for entries sorted non-descending by
* {@link String#compareTo} rules.
void add(String entry, char[] flags, int morphDataID) throws IOException {
if (!entry.equals(currentEntry)) {
if (currentEntry != null) {
if (entry.compareTo(currentEntry) < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("out of order: " + entry + " < " + currentEntry);
int pos = flushGroup();
commonPrefixLength = GeneratingSuggester.commonPrefix(currentEntry, entry);
ByteArrayDataInput in = new ByteArrayDataInput(wordData);
for (int i = currentEntry.length() - 1; i >= commonPrefixLength; i--) {
char c = (char) in.readVInt();
assert c == currentEntry.charAt(i);
pos -= in.readVInt();
commonPrefixPos = pos;
currentEntry = entry;
if (hasCustomMorphData) {
private int flushGroup() throws IOException {
if (++actualWords > wordCount) {
throw new RuntimeException("Don't add more words than wordCount!");
boolean hasNonHidden = false;
for (char[] flags : group) {
if (!hasHiddenFlag(flags)) {
hasNonHidden = true;
for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) {
char[] flags = group.get(i);
if (hasNonHidden && hasHiddenFlag(flags)) {
if (hasCustomMorphData) {
// write the non-leaf entries for chars after the shared prefix, except the last one
int lastPos = commonPrefixPos;
for (int i = commonPrefixLength; i < currentEntry.length() - 1; i++) {
int pos = dataWriter.getPosition();
dataWriter.writeVInt(pos - lastPos);
lastPos = pos;
int pos = dataWriter.getPosition();
if (pos >= 1 << OFFSET_BITS) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Too much word data, please report this to");
int hash = Math.abs(currentEntry.hashCode() % hashTable.length);
int prevCode = hashTable[hash];
int mask =
(prevCode == 0 ? 0 : COLLISION_MASK) | Math.min(currentEntry.length(), MAX_STORED_LENGTH);
hashTable[hash] = (mask << OFFSET_BITS) | pos;
if (++chainLengths[hash] > 20) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Too many collisions, please report this to");
// write the leaf entry for the last character
dataWriter.writeVInt(currentEntry.charAt(currentEntry.length() - 1));
dataWriter.writeVInt(pos - lastPos);
if (prevCode != 0) {
dataWriter.writeByte((byte) (prevCode >>> OFFSET_BITS));
dataWriter.writeVInt(pos - (prevCode & OFFSET_MASK));
IntSequenceOutputs.getSingleton().write(currentOrds.get(), dataWriter);
return pos;
private static boolean hasHiddenFlag(char[] flags) {
for (char flag : flags) {
if (flag == Dictionary.HIDDEN_FLAG) {
return true;
return false;
WordStorage build() throws IOException {
assert !group.isEmpty() : "build() should be only called once";
return new WordStorage(
hashTable, ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(wordData, 0, dataWriter.getPosition()));