blob: 668854433fe8503979be24414fa209e2352f71e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.lucene.analysis.payloads;
/** Utility methods for encoding payloads. */
public class PayloadHelper {
public static byte[] encodeFloat(float payload) {
return encodeFloat(payload, new byte[4], 0);
public static byte[] encodeFloat(float payload, byte[] data, int offset) {
return encodeInt(Float.floatToIntBits(payload), data, offset);
public static byte[] encodeInt(int payload) {
return encodeInt(payload, new byte[4], 0);
public static byte[] encodeInt(int payload, byte[] data, int offset) {
data[offset] = (byte) (payload >> 24);
data[offset + 1] = (byte) (payload >> 16);
data[offset + 2] = (byte) (payload >> 8);
data[offset + 3] = (byte) payload;
return data;
* @see #decodeFloat(byte[], int)
* @see #encodeFloat(float)
* @return the decoded float
public static float decodeFloat(byte[] bytes) {
return decodeFloat(bytes, 0);
* Decode the payload that was encoded using {@link #encodeFloat(float)}. NOTE: the length of the
* array must be at least offset + 4 long.
* @param bytes The bytes to decode
* @param offset The offset into the array.
* @return The float that was encoded
* @see #encodeFloat(float)
public static final float decodeFloat(byte[] bytes, int offset) {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(decodeInt(bytes, offset));
public static final int decodeInt(byte[] bytes, int offset) {
return ((bytes[offset] & 0xFF) << 24)
| ((bytes[offset + 1] & 0xFF) << 16)
| ((bytes[offset + 2] & 0xFF) << 8)
| (bytes[offset + 3] & 0xFF);