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  1. src/
  2. build.gradle
  3. build.xml
  4. ivy.xml

Welcome to Apache Solr Jaeger Tracer Configurator

Apache Solr Jaeger Tracer Configurator (solr-jaegertracer) provides a way for you to expose Solr's tracing to Jaeger.

Setup Jaeger Tracer Configurator

Note that all library of solr-jaegertracer must be included in the classpath of all nodes then Jaeger tracer can be setup in solr.xml like this:

<tracerConfig name="tracerConfig" class="org.apache.solr.jaeger.JaegerTracerConfigurator">
  <str name="agentHost">localhost</str>
  <int name="agentPort">5775</int>
  <bool name="logSpans">true</bool>
  <int name="flushInterval">1000</int>
  <int name="maxQueueSize">10000</int>

List of parameters for JaegerTracerConfigurator include:

agentHoststringYesThe host of Jaeger backend
agentPortintYesThe port of Jaeger port
logsSpansboolNotrueWhether the tracer should also log the spans
flushIntervalintNo5000The tracer's flush interval (ms)
maxQueueSizeintNo10000The tracer's maximum queue size

Other parameters which are not listed above can be configured using System Properties or Environment Variables. The full list are listed at Jaeger-README.

By default the sampling rate is 0.1%, this value can be changed by updating key samplePercentage of cluster properties. I.e: /admin/collections?action=CLUSTERPROP&name=propertyName&samplePercentage=100.