Title: Solr™ Security News URL: solr/security.html save_as: solr/security.html template: solr/security

How to report a security issue

If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability in Solr, you may first want to consult the list of known false positives to make sure you are reporting a real vulnerability. Then please disclose responsibly by following these ASF guidelines for reporting.

You may file your request by email to mailto:security@lucene.apache.org or alternatively file a private security issue in Solr JIRA.

More information

You will find more security related information on our Wiki: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SOLR/SolrSecurity, such as information on how to treat the automated reports from security scanning tools.

Recent CVE reports for Apache Solr

Below is a list of already announced CVE vulnerabilities. These are also available as an ATOM feed: