Title: Code of Conduct URL: code-of-conduct.html save_as: code-of-conduct.html template: lucene/tlp/page

For a large and diverse community like ours to be friendly, welcoming and respectful, we recognize the need for some guidelines. The project follows Apache's Code of Conduct statement. Please take some time to read and understand it.

If you feel there has been a violation of this code, please point out your concerns publicly in a friendly and matter of fact manner. Nonverbal communication is prone to misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Everyone has bad days and sometimes says things they regret later. Someone else's communication style may clash with yours, but the difference can be amicably resolved. After pointing out your concerns please be generous upon receiving an apology.

Should there be repeated instances of code of conduct violations, or if there is an obvious and severe violation, the Lucene PMC may become involved.

Mailing list etiquette

Written communication is hard and prone to misunderstandings. We recommend reading ComDev's etiquette page for some practical tips on how to improve.

The Apache Way

As an Apache project we strive to follow The Apache Way. If you are new to the community or to open source in general, you may benefit from understanding our core values as a community, and why we operate the way we do.