Title: Luceneā„¢ Mailing Lists and IRC URL: core/discussion.html save_as: core/discussion.html template: lucene/core/page

Java User List: java-user@lucene.apache.org

This list is for users of Java Lucene to ask questions, share knowledge, and discuss issues. Do send mail to this list with usage and configuration questions and problems. Also, please send questions to this list to verify your problem before filing issues in JIRA.

Developer Lists

Developer Discussion: dev@lucene.apache.org

This is the list where participating developers of the Java Lucene project meet and discuss issues concerning Lucene internals, code changes/additions, etc.

NOTE: Please do not send mail to this list with usage questions or configuration questions and problems; that is what the java-user mailing list is for.

Issue Notifications: issues@lucene

This is an automated announcement only list where notifications about all JIRA issues and Github pull requests are sent.

Subscribe: issues-subscribe

Unsubscribe: issues-unsubscribe

Official Apache Archive

Build Notifications: builds@lucene

This is an automated announcement only list where notifications about all CI builds by Jenkins are sent.

Subscribe: builds-subscribe

Unsubscribe: builds-unsubscribe

Official Apache Archive

Commit Notifications: commits@lucene

This is an automated announcement only list where notifications about every Lucene commit are sent.


There are two primary IRC channels dedicated to Lucene at freenode.net.

  • #lucene -- Channel for user questions
  • #lucene-dev -- Logged Channel for Lucene development questions

The IRC channel can be used for online discussion about Lucene related stuff, but developers should be careful to transfer all the official decisions or useful discussions to the issue tracking system.


The project's Slack channel is the #lucene-dev channel in the the-asf organization. Link: https://the-asf.slack.com/messages/CE70MDPMF

Mail Archives

Use the Apache service Ponymail - lists.apache.org to browse the mail archives of all the project's mailing lists.

Retired mailing lists

These lists are no longer in use, so we just provide a link to the archives.