tree: 33bc6e1e20e26e71cb5294ec3fe77d0e722bb78d [path history] [tgz]
  1. mappings-data/
  2. src/
  3. .env.example
  4. .gitignore
  5. .python-version
  7. requirements.txt

[WIP] Migration tools (Jira issue -> GitHub issue)


You need Python 3.9+. The scripts were tested on Linux; maybe works also on Mac and Windows (not tested).

python -V
Python 3.9.13

# install dependencies
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) pip install -r requirements.txt

You need a GitHub repository and personal access token for testing. Set GITHUB_PAT and GITHUB_REPO environment variables.

export GITHUB_PAT=<your token>
export GITHUB_REPO=<your repository location> # e.g. "mocobeta/sandbox-lucene-10557"


1. Download Jira issues

src/ downloads Jira issues and dumps them as JSON files in migration/jira-dump.

(.venv) migration $ python src/ --min 10500 --max 10600
[2022-06-26 01:57:02,408] INFO:download_jira: Downloading Jira issues in /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/jira-dump
[2022-06-26 01:57:17,843] INFO:download_jira: Done.

(.venv) migration $ cat log/jira2github_import_2022-06-26T01\:34\:22.log 
[2022-06-26 01:34:22,300] INFO:jira2github_import: Converting Jira issues to GitHub issues in /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data
[2022-06-26 01:34:23,355] DEBUG:jira2github_import: GitHub issue data created: /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data/GH-LUCENE-10500.json
[2022-06-26 01:34:23,519] DEBUG:jira2github_import: GitHub issue data created: /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data/GH-LUCENE-10501.json
[2022-06-26 01:34:24,894] DEBUG:jira2github_import: GitHub issue data created: /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data/GH-LUCENE-10502.json

2. Convert Jira issues to GitHub issues

src/ converts Jira dumps into GitHub data that are importable to issue import API. Converted JSON data is saved in migration/github-import-data.

Also this resolves all Jira user ID - GitHub account alignment if the account mapping is given in mapping-data/account-map.csv.

(.venv) migration $ python src/ --min 10500 --max 10600
[2022-06-26 01:34:22,300] INFO:jira2github_import: Converting Jira issues to GitHub issues in /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data
[2022-06-26 01:36:27,739] INFO:jira2github_import: Done.

(.venv) migration $ cat log/jira2github_import_2022-06-26T01\:34\:22.log
[2022-06-26 01:34:22,300] INFO:jira2github_import: Converting Jira issues to GitHub issues in /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data
[2022-06-26 01:34:23,355] DEBUG:jira2github_import: GitHub issue data created: /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data/GH-LUCENE-10500.json
[2022-06-26 01:34:23,519] DEBUG:jira2github_import: GitHub issue data created: /mnt/hdd/repo/sandbox-lucene-10557/migration/github-import-data/GH-LUCENE-10501.json

3. Import GitHub issues

First pass: src/ imports GitHub issues and comments via issue import API. This also writes Jira issue key - GitHub issue number mappings to a file in migration/mappings-data.

(.venv) migration $ python src/ --min 10500 --max 10600
[2022-06-26 01:36:46,749] INFO:import_github_issues: Importing GitHub issues
[2022-06-26 01:47:35,979] INFO:import_github_issues: Done.

(.venv) migration $ cat log/import_github_issues_2022-06-26T01\:36\:46.log
[2022-06-26 01:36:46,749] INFO:import_github_issues: Importing GitHub issues
[2022-06-26 01:36:52,299] DEBUG:import_github_issues: Import GitHub issue was successfully completed.
[2022-06-26 01:36:57,883] DEBUG:import_github_issues: Import GitHub issue was successfully completed.
[2022-06-26 01:37:03,405] DEBUG:import_github_issues: Import GitHub issue was successfully completed.

(.venv) migration $ cat mappings-data/issue-map.csv

4. Update GitHub issues and comments

Second pass: src/ 1) iterates all imported GitHub issue descriptions and comments; 2) embed correct GitHub issue number next to the corresponding Jira issue key with previously created issue mapping; 3) updates them if the texts are changed.

e.g.: if LUCENE-10500 is mapped to GitHub issue #100, then all text fragments LUCENE-10500 in issue descriptions and comments will be updated to LUCENE-10500 (#100).

(.venv) migration $ python src/
[2022-06-26 01:59:43,324] INFO:update_issue_links: Updating GitHub issues
[2022-06-26 02:17:38,332] INFO:update_issue_links: Done.

(.venv) migration $ cat log/update_issue_links_2022-06-26T01\:59\:43.log
[2022-06-26 01:59:43,324] INFO:update_issue_links: Updating GitHub issues
[2022-06-26 01:59:45,586] DEBUG:update_issue_links: Issue 1 does not contain any cross-issue links; nothing to do.
[2022-06-26 01:59:50,062] DEBUG:update_issue_links: # comments in issue 1 = 3
[2022-06-26 01:59:52,601] DEBUG:update_issue_links: Comment 1166321470 was successfully updated.
[2022-06-26 01:59:55,164] DEBUG:update_issue_links: Comment 1166321472 was successfully updated.
[2022-06-26 01:59:55,165] DEBUG:update_issue_links: Comment 1166321473 does not contain any cross-issue links; nothing to do.
[2022-06-26 01:59:57,426] DEBUG:update_issue_links: Issue 2 does not contain any cross-issue links; nothing to do.

Already implemented things

You can:

  • migrate all texts in issue descriptions and comments to GitHub; browsing/searching old issues should work fine.
  • extract every issue metadata from Jira and port it to labels or issue descriptions (as plain text).
  • map Jira cross-issue link “LUCENE-xxx” to GitHub issue mention “#yyy”.
  • map Jira user ids to GitHub accounts if the mapping is given.
  • convert Jira markups to Markdown with parser library.
    • not perfect - there can be many conversion errors


You cannot:

  • simulate original issue reporters or comment authors; they have to be preserved in free-text forms.
  • migrate attached files (patches, images, etc.) to GitHub; these have to remain in Jira.
    • it's not allowed to programmatically upload files and attach them to issues.