Add a tool to generate account mapping (#34)

* add a script to list all jira user names

* rename interval constant

* add scripts to generate account mapping

* remove accidentally added files

* delete empty lines

* search request to github needs different interval.

* minor fixes

* add a candidate mapping

* list all github accounts who have push access to lucene (i.e.,committers)

* add script to check if each candidate is a commit(s) author in lucene repo.

* candidate and verified accounts mapping collected on July 15th.

* update README

* update README
11 files changed
tree: 40770e6d0f29ff4940fcdc71bc303a128c235be5
  1. attachments/
  2. migration/
  3. .asf.yaml

Jira archive for Apache Lucene

This repository serves for:

Recommended: Use --single-branch when cloning

All attachments (800MiB+) are kept in attachments branch. Not to clone all commit history at initial cloning, use --single-branch --branch main option that only clones the history of main branch.

git clone --single-branch --branch main