[WIP] Migration tools (Jira issue -> GitHub issue)


You need Python 3.9+. The scripts were tested on Linux; maybe works also on Mac and Windows (not tested).

On Linux/MacOS:

python -V
Python 3.9.13

# install dependencies
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) pip install -r requirements.txt

You need a GitHub repository and personal access token (PAT) for testing. Set GITHUB_PAT and GITHUB_REPO environment variables. For adding “moved to GitHub” comments to Jira side, you also need Jira personal access token. See .env.example for other variables.

On Linux/MacOS:

cp .env.example .env

vi .env
export GITHUB_PAT=<your GitHub token>
export GITHUB_REPO=<your repository location> # e.g. "mocobeta/sandbox-lucene-10557"
export JIRA_PAT=<your Jira token>

source .env

You must first manually create the repository yourself using GitHub. Consider naming your repository with stargazers- prefix as this might prevent Web crawlers from indexing your migrated issues, thus confusing the daylights out of future Googlers.


All logs are saved in migration/log.

1. Download Jira issues

src/download_jira.py downloads Jira issues and dumps them as JSON files in migration/jira-dump. This also downloads attached files in each issue.

(.venv) migration $ python src/download_jira.py --min 10500 --max 10510
[2022-07-06 16:22:01,994] INFO:download_jira: Downloading Jira issues in /mnt/hdd/repo/lucene-jira-archive/migration/jira-dump. Attachments are saved in /tmp/attachments.
[2022-07-06 16:22:17,172] INFO:download_jira: Done.

(.venv) migration $ ls -1 jira-dump/

(.venv) migration $ ls -1 /tmp/attachments/

Downloaded attachments should be separately committed to a dedicated branch named attachments (or matching the GITHUB_ATT_BRANCH env variable) for them.

2. (Optional) Generate Jira username - GitHub account mapping

See “How to Generate Account Mapping” seciton.

3. Convert Jira issues to GitHub issues

src/jira2github_import.py converts Jira dumps into GitHub data that are importable to issue import API. Converted JSON data is saved in migration/github-import-data.

This also resolves all Jira user ID - GitHub account alignment if the account mapping is given in mapping-data/account-map.csv.

Optionally, you can pass --num_workers option to specifiy the number of worker processes (the default value is 1).

(.venv) migration $ python src/jira2github_import.py --min 10500 --max 10510 --num_workers 2
[2022-07-16 09:32:42,288] INFO:jira2github_import: Converting Jira issues to GitHub issues in /mnt/hdd/repo/lucene-jira-archive/migration/github-import-data. num_workers=2
[2022-07-16 09:32:48,286] INFO:jira2github_import: Done.

(.venv) migration $ ls github-import-data/

4. Import GitHub issues

First pass: src/import_github_issues.py imports GitHub issues and comments via issue import API. This also writes Jira issue key - GitHub issue number mappings to local file migration/mappings-data/issue-map.csv.

We confirmed this script does not trigger any GitHub notifications.

(.venv) migration $ python src/import_github_issues.py --min 10500 --max 10510
[2022-07-06 15:47:48,230] INFO:import_github_issues: Importing GitHub issues
[2022-07-06 15:52:06,314] INFO:import_github_issues: Done.

(.venv) migration $ cat mappings-data/issue-map.csv

5. Re-map cross-issue links on GitHub

src/remap_cross_issue_links.py exports issues and comments from GitHub and save updated issue/comment bodies to migration/github-remapped-data.

(.venv) migration $ python src/remap_cross_issue_links.py --issues 40 41
[2022-07-06 15:32:39,895] INFO:remap_cross_issue_links: Remapping cross-issue links
[2022-07-06 15:32:47,729] INFO:remap_cross_issue_links: Done.

(.venv) migration $ ls github-remapped-data/
COMMENT-1175792003.json  COMMENT-1175792076.json  COMMENT-1175797378.json  COMMENT-1175797444.json  COMMENT-1175797570.json  ISSUE-40.json  ISSUE-41.json

6. Update GitHub issues and comments

Second pass: src/update_issues.py updates issues and comments with updated issue/comment bodies.

(.venv) migration $ python src/update_issues.py --issues 40 41 --comments 1175797570 1175797444
[2022-07-06 15:34:59,537] INFO:update_issues: Updating issues/comments
[2022-07-06 15:35:06,532] INFO:update_issues: Done.

7. Update issue labels

src/update_issue_labels.py updates issue colors and descriptions.

(.venv) migration $ python src/update_issue_labels.py 
[2022-07-16 09:18:39,764] INFO:update_issue_labels: Retrieving labels.
[2022-07-16 09:18:42,274] INFO:update_issue_labels: 63 labels are found.

8. Add “Moved to” comments to Jira issues

src/add_comments_jira_issues.py adds a comment to each Jira issue to guide users to the corresponding GitHub issue.

(.venv) migration $ python src/add_comments_jira_issues.py
[2022-07-16 10:35:34,440] INFO:add_comments_jira_issues: Add comments to Jira issues.
[2022-07-16 10:35:36,338] INFO:add_comments_jira_issues: Done.

Note that this may trigger Jira notfication mails.

How to Generate Account Mapping

This optional step creates Jira username - GitHub account mapping. To associate Jira user with GitHub account, Jira user‘s “Full Name” and GitHub account’s “Name” needs to be set to exactly the same value. See https://github.com/apache/lucene-jira-archive/issues/3.

Note that this tool would not generate a correct mapping - you should manually check/edit the output file to create the final mapping.

  1. List all Jira users

You need to download all Jira issues (see “1. Download Jira issues”) in advance.

(.venv) migration $ python src/list_jira_users.py
[2022-07-11 23:53:52,020] INFO:list_jira_users: Listing Jira users
[2022-07-11 23:54:34,179] INFO:list_jira_users: All Jira usernames and display names were saved in /mnt/hdd/repo/lucene-jira-archive/migration/work/jira-users.csv.
[2022-07-11 23:54:34,179] INFO:list_jira_users: Done.

# the Jira users are sorted by activity counts
(.venv) migration $ cat work/jira-users.csv
jira-bot,ASF subversion and git services
mikemccand,Michael McCandless
rcmuir,Robert Muir
uschindler,Uwe Schindler
jpountz,Adrien Grand
sarowe,Steven Rowe
  1. List candidate GitHub accounts
(.venv) migration $ python src/list_github_user_candidates.py 
[2022-07-11 23:58:49,368] INFO:list_github_user_candidates: Searching GitHub users
[2022-07-11 23:59:02,052] INFO:list_github_user_candidates: Retrieving GitHub users info
[2022-07-11 23:59:24,585] INFO:list_github_user_candidates: nnnn candidate accounts were found; saved in /mnt/hdd/repo/lucene-jira-archive/migration/work/github-users.csv
[2022-07-11 23:59:24,586] INFO:list_github_user_candidates: Done.

(.venv) migration $ cat work/github-users.csv 
rmuir,Robert Muir
jpountz,Adrien Grand
mikemccand,Michael McCandless
  1. List GitHub accounts that have push access on apache/lucene repository

This lists committers' GitHub accounts. The result file would be used for manual check/verification.

(.venv) migration $ python src/list_github_lucene_committers.py

(.venv) migration $ cat work/github-lucene-committers.csv 
alessandrobenedetti,Alessandro Benedetti
anshumg,Anshum Gupta
arafalov,Alexandre Rafalovitch
  1. List commit authors' accounts in apache/lucene repository

This lists GitHub accounts that have been logged as author of commit(s) in the commit history. The result file would be used for manual check/verification.

(.venv) migration $ python src/list_github_lucene_commit_authors.py

(.venv) migration $ cat work/github-lucene-commit-authors.csv
  1. Generate a candidate account map

Note that this script emits lots of warnings, please ignore them (the warnings are emitted when checking if the candidate GitHub account has push access on apache/lucene repository; if you want to apply this script to another repo, modfy the repo name in the script).

(.venv) migration $ python src/map_jira_github_account.py 
[2022-07-12 00:01:45,637] INFO:map_jira_github_account: Generating Jira-GitHub account map
[2022-07-12 00:01:46,153] WARNING:github_issues_util: Assignee RobertMMuir cannot be assigned; status code=404, message={"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/issues#check-if-a-user-can-be-assigned"}

[2022-07-12 00:01:51,238] INFO:map_jira_github_account: Candidate account mapping was written in /mnt/hdd/repo/lucene-jira-archive/migration/mappings-data/account-map.csv.20220712.000145.
[2022-07-12 00:01:51,239] INFO:map_jira_github_account: Done.
  1. Manually create the final account mapping
# remove false mappings, add/edit correct mappings
(.venv) migration $ vim mappings-data/account-map.csv.20220712.000145

# then copy the edited file to mappings-data/account-map.csv - this is used in "3. Convert Jira issues to GitHub issues" section.
(.venv) migration $ cp mappings-data/account-map.csv.20220712.000145 mappings-data/account-map.csv

Already implemented things

You can:

  • migrate all texts in issue descriptions and comments to GitHub; browsing/searching old issues should work fine.
  • extract every issue metadata from Jira and port it to labels or issue descriptions (as plain text).
  • create links to attachments.
  • map Jira cross-issue link “LUCENE-xxx” to GitHub issue mention “#yyy”.
  • map Jira user ids to GitHub accounts if the mapping is given.
  • set assignee field if the account mapping is given.
  • convert Jira markups to Markdown with parser library.
    • best effort - there may be conversion errors


You cannot:

  • simulate original issue reporters or comment authors; they have to be preserved in free-text forms.