Building log4net

Log4net provides support for a wide array of targets, including

  • older .net 2 and 3.5 (including client profiles)
  • more modern net40/net45
  • netstandard1.3/2.0

As such, it does require a relatively full .net environment on Windows to build.


  • build locally. Suggested environment:
    • Pre-requisites:
      • Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools
        • include desktop targets at least
        • include dotnet core targets or download and install the latest dotnet sdk (you will need at least v2.1)
      • Ensure you have .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed
    • Binaries can be built with a Visual Studio or Rider installation
    • Binaries, packages and a release zip can be built via commandline
      • Ensure that you have a reasonably modern NodeJS installed (at least version 8+)
        • npm ci
        • npm run build
        • optionally npm test to run all tests
        • optionally npm run release to generate release artifacts
  • build via the vs2019 Windows AppVeyer image. There is an appveyer.yml file included which (should) build if you set up AppVeyer to track your fork. AppVeyer is free for open-source projects. (TODO: should have a link to the official AppVeyer build)
  • build via the CircleCI Windows image. There is included configuration for CircleCI. CicleCI is free (with usage limitations) for open-source projects.