blob: 9d19e905e10c34faca85fc8ac87925928176ec4f [file] [log] [blame]
Building Log4j 2
To build Log4j 2, you need a JDK implementation version 1.6 or greater, and Apache Maven.
Note that building the site requires Maven 3.0.5, while everything else works
fine with any version of Maven 3.
To perform a RAT check, run:
mvn apache-rat:check
To perform a Clirr check on the API modules, run:
cd log4j-api
mvn clirr:check
cd log4j-1.2-api
mvn clirr:check
To build the site, from a command line, run:
mvn clean install
mvn site
On Windows, use a local staging directory, for example:
mvn site:stage-deploy -DstagingSiteURL=file:///%HOME%/log4j
On UNIX, use a local staging directory, for example:
mvn site:stage-deploy -DstagingSiteURL=file:///$HOME/log4j
To test, run:
mvn test
Then, to test OSGi, you must first create the jars:
mvn install -DskipTests
mvn package -DskipTests
Next, you can run the tests as usual, which will pick up the jar files to use as OSGi bundles from the various target
mvn test