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<title>Log4j 2 Plugins</title>
<author email="">Ralph Goers</author>
<section name="Plugins">
<a name="Introduction"/>
<subsection name="Introduction">
Log4j 1.x allowed for extension by requiring class attributes on most of the configuration
declarations. In the case of some elements, notably the PatternLayout, the only way to add
new pattern converters was to extend the PatternLayout class and add them via code. One of
goals of Log4j 2 is to make extending it extremely easy through the use of plugins.
In Log4j 2 a plugin is declared by adding a Plugin annotation to the class declaration. During
initialization the Configuration will invoke the PluginManager to locate all the Log4j plugins
that are located in the declared <a href="./configuration.html#ConfigurationSyntax">packages</a>.
As the configuration is processed the appropriate plugins will be automatically configured and
initialized. Log4j 2 utilizes a few different types of plugins which are described in the follownig
<a name="Core"/>
<subsection name="Core">
Core plugins are those that are directly represented by an element in a configuration file, such as an
Appender, Logger or Filter. Custom plugins that conform to the rules laid out in the next paragraph
may simply be referenced in the configuration, provided they are appropriate configured to be
loaded by the PluginManager.
Every Core plugin must declare a static method that is marked with a PluginFactory annotation. To
allow the Configuration to pass the correct parameters to the method, every
parameter to the method must be annotated as one of the following attribute types. Each
attribute or element annotation must include the name that must be present in the configuration
in order to match the configuration item to its respective parameter.
<h4>Attribute Types</h4>
<dd>The parameter must resolve to a String, although it can be the String representation of a
boolean. numeric value, or any other Object that can be created from a String value.</dd>
<dd>The parameter may represent a complex object that itself has parameters that can be configured.</dd>
<dd>The current Configuration object will be passed to the plugin as a parameter.</dd>
<a name="Converters"/>
<subsection name="Converters">
Converters are used by
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/layout/PatternLayout.html">PatternLayout</a>
to render the elements identified by the conversion pattern. Every converter must specify its type as
"Converter" on the Plugin attribute, have a static newInstance method that accepts an array of Strings as
its only parameter and returns an instance of the Converter, and must have a ConverterKeys annotation
present that contains the array of converter patterns that will cause the Converter to be selected.
Converters that are meant to handle LogEvents must extend the LogEventPatternConverter class and
must implement a format method that accepts a LogEvent and a StringBuilder as arguments. The Converter
should append the result of its operation to the StringBuilder.
A second type of Converter is the FileConverter - which must have "FileConverter" specified in the
type attribute of the Plugin annotation. While similar to a LogEventPatternConverter, instead
of a single format method these Converters will have two variations; one that takes an Object and
one that takes an array of Objects instead of the LogEvent. Both append to the provided StringBuilder
in the same fashion as a LogEventPatternConverter. These Converters are typically used by the
RollingFileAppender to construct the name of the file to log to.
<a name="Lookups"/>
<subsection name="Lookups">
Lookups are perhaps the simplest plugins of all. They must declare their type as "Lookup" on the
plugin annotation and must implement the StrLookup interface. They will have two methods; a
lookup method that accepts a String key and returns a String value and a second lookup method that
accepts both a LogEvent and a String key and returns a String. Lookups may be referenced by
specifying ${<i>name</i>:key} where <i>name</i> is the name specified in the Plugin annotation and
key is the name of the item to locate.