blob: d5f40b78e76ea7b1b832e87c0a19f1d7e79e53bc [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- DTD used by the java.util.logging.XMLFormatter -->
<!-- This provides an XML formatted log message. -->
<!-- The document type is "log" which consists of a sequence
of record elements -->
<!ELEMENT log (record*)>
<!-- Each logging call is described by a record element. -->
<!ELEMENT record (date, millis, sequence, logger?, level,
class?, method?, thread?, message, key?, catalog?, param*, exception?)>
<!-- Date and time when LogRecord was created in ISO 8601 format -->
<!-- Time when LogRecord was created in milliseconds since
midnight January 1st, 1970, UTC. -->
<!ELEMENT millis (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Unique sequence number within source VM. -->
<!ELEMENT sequence (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Name of source Logger object. -->
<!ELEMENT logger (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Logging level, may be either one of the constant
names from java.util.logging.Constants (such as "SEVERE"
or "WARNING") or an integer value such as "20". -->
<!ELEMENT level (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Fully qualified name of class that issued
logging call, e.g. "javax.marsupial.Wombat". -->
<!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Name of method that issued logging call.
It may be either an unqualified method name such as
"fred" or it may include argument type information
in parenthesis, for example "fred(int,String)". -->
<!ELEMENT method (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Integer thread ID. -->
<!ELEMENT thread (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The message element contains the text string of a log message. -->
<!ELEMENT message (#PCDATA)>
<!-- If the message string was localized, the key element provides
the original localization message key. -->
<!-- If the message string was localized, the catalog element provides
the logger's localization resource bundle name. -->
<!ELEMENT catalog (#PCDATA)>
<!-- If the message string was localized, each of the param elements
provides the String value (obtained using Object.toString())
of the corresponding LogRecord parameter. -->
<!ELEMENT param (#PCDATA)>
<!-- An exception consists of an optional message string followed
by a series of StackFrames. Exception elements are used
for Java exceptions and other java Throwables. -->
<!ELEMENT exception (message?, frame+)>
<!-- A frame describes one line in a Throwable backtrace. -->
<!ELEMENT frame (class, method, line?)>
<!-- an integer line number within a class's source file. -->