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<title>Log4j 2 Architecture</title>
<author email="">Ralph Goers</author>
<section name="Architecture">
<subsection name="Main Components">
<p>Log4j uses the classes shown in the diagram below.</p>
<img src="../images/Log4jClasses.jpg" title="Log4j 2.0 Class Relationships"
caption="Log4j 2 Class Relationships"/>
<p>Applications using the Log4j 2 API will request a Logger with a specific name from the
LogManager. The LogManager will locate the appropriate LoggerContext and then obtain the Logger from it.
If the Logger must be created it will be associated with the LoggerConfig that contains either a) the
same name as the Logger, b) the name of a parent package, or c) the root LoggerConfig. LoggerConfig
objects are created from Logger declarations in the configuration. The LoggerConfig is associated with
the Appenders that actually deliver the LogEvents.
<h4>Logger Hierarchy</h4>
<p>The first and foremost advantage of any logging API over plain
resides in its ability to disable
certain log statements while allowing others to print unhindered. This
capability assumes that the logging space, that is, the space of all
possible logging statements, is categorized according to some
developer-chosen criteria.
<p>In Log4j 1.x the Logger Hierarchy was maintained through a relationship between Loggers.
In Log4j 2 this relationship no longers exists. Instead, the hierarchy is maintained
in the relationship between LoggerConfig objects.
<p>Loggers and LoggerConfigs are named entities. Logger names are case-sensitive and
they follow the hierarchical naming rule:
<table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<b>Named Hierarchy</b>
<dd>A LoggerConfig is said to be an
of another
LoggerConfig if its name followed by a dot is a prefix of the
logger name. A LoggerConfig is said to be a
of a
LoggerConfig if there are no
ancestors between itself and the descendant LoggerConfig.
<p>For example, the LoggerConfig named
is a parent
of the LoggerConfig named<code>""</code>. Similarly,
is a parent of
and an
ancestor of<code>"java.util.Vector"</code>. This naming scheme
should be familiar to most developers.
<p>The root LoggerConfig resides at the top of the LoggerConfig hierarchy. It
is exceptional in that it always exists and it is part of every hierarchy. A Logger
that is directly linked to the root LoggerConfig can be obtained as follows:
<source>Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(LogManager.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);</source>
All other Loggers can be retrieved using the
<a href="../log4j2-api/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/LogManager.html#getLogger(java.lang.String)">
static method and passing the name of the desired Logger. Further informaiton on the Logging
API can be found at<a href="../log4j2-api/api.html">Log4j 2 API</a>.
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/LoggerContext.html">LoggerContext</a>
acts as the anchor point for the Logging system. However, it is possible to have multiple active
LoggerContexts in an application depending on the circumstances.
More details on the LoggerContext are at<a href="logsep.html">Log Separation</a>.
<p>Every LoggerContext has an active
<a href="../log4j/log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/Configuration.html">
The Configuration contains all the Appenders,
context-wide Filtes, LoggerConfigs and contains the reference to the StrSubstitutor. During
reconfiguration two Configuration objects will exist. Once all Loggers have been redirected to
the new Configuration, the old Configuration will be stopped and discarded.
<p>As stated previously, Loggers are created by calling
<a href="../log4j2-api/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/LogManager.html#getLogger(java.lang.String)">LogManager.getLogger</a>.
The Logger itself performs no direct actions. It simply has a name and is associated with a LoggerConfig.
It extends
<a href="file:///Users/rgoers/log4j/log4j2-api/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/spi/AbstractLogger.html">
and implements the required methods. As the configuration is modified Loggers may become associated
with a different LoggerConfig, thus causing their behavior to be modified.
<table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<td>Retrieving Loggers</td>
<p>Calling the
method with the same name will
always return a reference to the exact same Logger object.
<p>For example, in
Logger x = Logger.getLogger("wombat");
Logger y = Logger.getLogger("wombat");
<code>x</code> and <code>y</code> refer to <em>exactly</em> the same Logger object.
<p>Configuration of the log4j environment is typically done at
application initialization. The preferred way is by reading a
configuration file. This is discussed in <a href="configuration.html">Configuration</a>.
<p>Log4j makes it easy to name Loggers by <em>software component</em>. This can be accomplished
by instantiating a Logger in each class, with the logger name equal to the fully
qualified name of the class. This is a useful and straightforward
method of defining loggers. As the log output bears the name of the
generating Logger, this naming strategy makes it easy to identify
the origin of a log message. However, this is only one possible,
albeit common, strategy for naming loggers. Log4j does not restrict
the possible set of loggers. The developer is free to name the
loggers as desired.
<p>Nevertheless, naming loggers after the class where they are
located seems to be the best strategy known so far.
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/LoggerConfig.html">LoggerConfig</a>
objects are created when Loggers are declared in the logging configuration.
The LoggerConfig contains a set of Filters that must allow the LogEvent to pass before it will be
passed to any Appenders. It contains references to the set of Appenders that should be used to
process the event.
<table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<td>Log Levels</td>
<p>LoggerConfigs will be assigned a Log
<a href="../log4j2-api/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/Level.html">Level</a>. The set of possible
levels includes (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL). Note that in Log4j 2, the Level is
an Enum and cannot be sub-classed. Users who desire more granularity are encouraged to use
<a href="../log4j2-api/api.html#Markers">Markers</a>
<a href="">Log4j 1.x</a>
<a href="">Logback</a>
both have the concept of "Level Inheritance". In Log4j 2, Loggers and LoggerConfigs are two different
objects so this concept is implemented differently. Each Logger references the
appropriate LoggerConfig which in turn can reference its parent, thus achieving the same effect.
<p>Below are five tables with various assigned level values and the resulting levels that
will be associated with each Logger. Note that in all these cases if the root LoggerConfig
is not configured a default Level will be assigned to it.
<table border="1" width="40%">
<th>Logger Name</th>
<th>Assigned LoggerConfig</th>
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<caption align="bottom">Example 1</caption>
<p>In example 1 above, only the root logger is configured and has a Log Level. All the other
Loggers reference the root LoggerConfig and use its Level.
<table border="1" width="40%">
<th>Logger Name</th>
<th>Assigned LoggerConfig</th>
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<caption align="bottom">Example 2</caption>
<p>In example 2, all loggers have a configured LoggerConfig and obtain their Level
from it.
<table border="1" width="40%">
<th>Logger Name</th>
<th>Assigned LoggerConfig</th>
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<caption align="bottom">Example 3</caption>
<p>In example 3, the loggers<code>root</code>,
each have a configured LoggerConfig with the same name. The Logger
does not have a configured LoggerConfig with a matching name so uses
the configuration of LoggerConfig
since that is the LoggerConfig whose
name has the longest match to the start of the Logger's name.
<table border="1" width="40%">
<th>Logger Name</th>
<th>Assigned LoggerConfig</th>
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<caption align="bottom">Example 4</caption>
<p>In example 4, the loggers
each have a Configured
LoggerConfig with the same name. The loggers
do not have configured LoggerConfigs and so get their Level from the LoggerConfig
assigned to them,<code>X</code>, since it is the LoggerCofnig whose name has the
longest match to the start of the Logger's name.
<table border="1" width="40%">
<th>Logger Name</th>
<th>Assigned LoggerConfig</th>
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
<caption align="bottom">Example 5</caption>
<p>In example 5, the loggers<code>root</code>.<code>X</code>, and
have a Configured LoggerConfig with the same name. The logger
does not have configured LoggerConfig and so gets its Level from the LoggerConfig
assigned to it,<code>X</code>, since it is the LoggerCofnig whose name has the
longest match to the start of the Logger's name. It is not associated with LoggerConfig
since tokens after periods must match exactly.
<p>The table below provides illustrates how Level filtering works. Im the table, the vertical
header shows the Level of the LogEvent, while the horizontal header shows the Level associated
with the appopriate LoggerConfig. The intersection identifies whether the LogEvent would
be allowed to pass for further processing (Yes) or discarded (No).
<table width="100%">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black" rowspan="2">Event Level</th>
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black; border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;"
align="center" colspan="6">LoggerConfig Level
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">TRACE</th>
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">DEBUG</th>
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">INFO</th>
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">WARN</th>
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">ERROR</th>
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">FATAL</th>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">ALL</th>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">TRACE</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">DEBUG</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">INFO</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">WARN</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">ERROR</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NO</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">FATAL</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<tr align="left">
<th style="background-color:cyan; color:black">OFF</th>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<td style="color:green;font-weight:bold">YES</td>
<p>In addition to the automatic log Level filtering that takes place as described in the previous
section, Log4j provides
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/Filter.html">Filter</a>s that can
be applied before control is passed to any LoggerConfig, after control is pased to a LoggerConfig
but before calling any Appenders, and on each Appender. In a manner very similar to firewall filters,
each Filter can return one of three results, Accept, Deny or Neutral. A response of Accept means
that no other Filters should be called and the event should progress. A response of Deny means
the event should be immediately ignored and control should be returned to the caller. A response
of Neutral indicates the event should be passed to other Filters. If there are no other Fitlers the
event will be processed.
<p>Although an event may be accepted by a Filter the event still might not be logged. This can happen
when the event is accepted by the pre-LoggerConfig Filter but is then denied by a LoggerConfig
filter or is denied by all Appenders.
<p>The ability to selectively enable or disable logging requests based
on their logger is only part of the picture. Log4j allows logging
requests to print to multiple destinations. In log4j speak, an output
destination is called an
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/Appender.html">Appender</a>.
Currently, appenders exist for the console, files, remote socket servers, Apache Flume,
JMS, and remote UNIX Syslog daemons. More than one Appender can be attached to a Logger.
<p>An Appender can be added to a Logger by calling the
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/Configuration.html#addLoggerAppender(org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Appender)">addLoggerAppender</a>
method of the current Configuration. If a LoggerConfig matching the name of the Logger does
not exist, one will be created, the Appender will be attached to it and then all Loggers
will be notified to update their LoggerConfig references.
<p><b>Each enabled logging request for a given logger will be forwarded to all the appenders in
that Logger's LoggerConfig as well as the Appenders of the LoggerConfig's parents.</b> In
other words, Appenders are inherited additively from the LoggerConfig hierarchy. For example,
if a console appender is added to the root logger, then all enabled logging requests will at
least print on the console. If in addition a file appender is added to a LoggerConfig, say
<em>C</em>, then enabled logging requests for <em>C</em> and <em>C</em>'s children will print
in a file <em>and</em> on the console. It is possible to override this default behavior so that
Appender accumulation is no longer additive by setting <code>additivity="false"</code> on the
Logger declaration in the configuration file.
<p>The rules governing appender additivity are summarized below.</p>
<a name="additivity"/>
<table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<dt><b>Appender Additivity</b></dt>
<p>The output of a log statement of Logger <i>L</i> will
go to all the Appenders in the LoggerConfig associated with <i>L</i>
and the ancestors of that LoggerConfig. This is the meaning of the term "appender additivity".
<p>However, if an ancestor of the LoggerConfig associated with Logger <i>L</i>, say <i>P</i>,
has the additivity flag set to <code>false</code>, then <i>L</i>'s output will be
directed to all the appenders in <i>L</i>'s LoggerConfig and it's ancestors up to
and including <i>P</i> but not the Appenders in any of the ancestors of <i>P</i>.
<p>Loggers have their additivity flag set to <code>true</code> by default.</p>
<p>The table below shows an example:</p>
<table align="center" border="3" cellpadding="10">
<tr rowspan="2">
<th>Logger<br />Name </th>
<th>Output Targets</th>
<td>not applicable</td>
<td>The root logger has no parent so additivity does not apply to it.</td>
<td>A-x1, A-x2</td>
<td>true </td>
<td>A1, A-x1, A-x2</td>
<td>Appenders of "x" and root.</td>
<td>true </td>
<td>A1, A-x1, A-x2</td>
<td>Appenders of "x" and root. It would not be typical to configure a Logger with no Appenders.</td>
<td>true </td>
<td>A1, A-x1, A-x2, A-xyz1</td>
<td>Appenders in "x.y.z", "x" and root.</td>
<td><font color="blue">false</font></td>
<td>No appender accumulation since the additivity flag is set to <code>false</code>.</td>
<td>Only appenders of "security" because the additivity flag in "security" is
set to <code>false</code>.
<p>More often than not, users wish to customize not only the output destination but also the output format.
This is accomplished by associating a
<a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/Layout.html">Layout</a>
with an Appender. The Layout is responsible for formatting the LogEvent according to the user's
wishes, whereas an appender takes care of sending the formatted output to its destination.
The <a href="../log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/layout/PatternLayout.html">PatternLayout</a>,
part of the standard log4j distribution, lets the user specify the output
format according to conversion patterns similar to the C language <code>printf</code> function.
<p>For example, the PatternLayout with the conversion pattern "%r [%t]
%-5p %c - %m%n" will output something akin to:<br />
176 [main] INFO - Located nearest gas station.
<p>The first field is the number of milliseconds elapsed since the
start of the program. The second field is the thread making the log
request. The third field is the level of the log statement. The
fourth field is the name of the logger associated with the log
request. The text after the '-' is the message of the statement.
<p>Just as importantly, log4j will render the content of the log
message according to user specified criteria. For example, if you
frequently need to log <code>Oranges</code>, an object type used in
your current project, then you can create an OrangeMessage that accepts an
Orange instance and pass that to Log4J so that the Orange object can
be formatted into an appropriate byte array when required.
<h4>StrSubstitutor and StrLookup</h4>
<a href="../log4j/log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/StrSubstitutor.html">
class and
<a href="../log4j/log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/StrLookup.html">StrLookup</a>
interface were borrowed from Apache Commons Lang and then modified to support evaluating LogEvents. In
addition the
<a href="../log4j/log4j2-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/Interpolator.html">Interpolator</a>
class was borrowed from Apache Commons Configuration to allow the StrSubstitutor to evaluate variables
that from multiple StrLookups. It too was modified to support evaluating LogEvents. Together these
provide a mechanism to allow the configuration to reference variables coming from System Properties,
the configuration file, the ThreadContext Map, StructuredData in the LogEvent. The variables can
either be resolved when the configuration is processed or as each event is processed, if the component
is capable of handling it. See
<a href="lookups.html">Lookups</a>
for more information.