Security Policy

Supported Versions

Since Log4j 1.2 reached end of life in 2015 (cf. announcement) no version of Log4j 1.2 is currently supported. Users are encouraged to migrate to Apache Log4j2.

Unfixed Vulnerabilities

Several security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Log4j 1.x since it was declared end of life. The following table lists the CVEs published about these issues.

HighCVE-2019-17571SocketServer is vulnerable to a remote code execution vulnerability when an attacker can craft malicious serialized log events and send them to a listening SocketServer instance.
ModerateCVE-2020-9488SMTPAppender is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack when using SMTPS due to lack of hostname verification in the TLS certificate.
HighCVE-2021-4104JMSAppender is vulnerable to a remote code execution vulnerability when an attacker controls either the configuration file or target LDAP server used for setting the TopicBindingName and TopicConnectionFactoryBindingName configurations.
HighCVE-2022-23302JMSSink is vulnerable to a remote code execution vulnerability when an attacker controls either the configuration file or target LDAP server used for setting the TopicConnectionFactoryBindingName configurations.
HighCVE-2022-23305JDBCAppender is vulnerable to a SQL injection vulnerability when an attacker can craft a malicious log message written to a JDBCAppender.
CriticalCVE-2022-23307Chainsaw versions bundled with Log4j prior to Chainsaw 2.1.0 are vulnerable to a remote code execution vulnerability when an attacker sends malicious serialized log events. See also CVE-2020-9493 for the CVE affecting the standalone version of Apache Chainsaw.

See also Apache Log4j 1.2 Security Vulnerabilities.