blob: 1f7b4aad2d2bebcf96aa5c473b31eb7f71f06022 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project name="log4cxx-performance" default="usage" basedir="." >
<property name="runlen" value="100000"/>
<property name="loop" value="char"/>
<property name="debug" value="true"/>
<property name="log4cxx.lib.type" value="shared"/>
<target name="usage">
These are the targets supported by this ANT build scpript:
all - run all performance tests
null - run performance tests using NullAppender
file - run performance tests using FileAppender
file-noflush - run performance tests using FileAppender without immediate flush
file-bufferedio - run performance tests using FileAppender without buffered IO
telnet - run performace tests with TelnetAppender
-Dloop=[char wide stream wide-stream bad-stream bad-wide-stream]
<target name="clean">
<fileset dir="./output/" includes="**"/>
<target name="all" depends="off, null, file, file-noflush, file-bufferedio"/>
<target name="off">
<echo message="*** logging with hierarchy threshold = off ***"/>
<antcall target="loop-group">
<param name="configFile" value="input/performance/off.xml"/>
<target name="null">
<echo message="*** logging with NullAppender ***"/>
<antcall target="loop-group">
<param name="configFile" value="input/performance/null-appender.xml"/>
<target name="file" depends="clean">
<echo message="*** logging with FileAppender ***"/>
<antcall target="loop-group">
<param name="configFile" value="input/performance/file.xml"/>
<target name="file-noflush" depends="clean">
<echo message="*** logging with FileAppender, ImmediateFlush=false ***"/>
<antcall target="loop-group">
<param name="configFile" value="input/performance/file-noflush.xml"/>
<target name="file-bufferedio" depends="clean">
<echo message="*** logging with FileAppender, BufferedIO=true ***"/>
<antcall target="loop-group">
<param name="configFile" value="input/performance/file-bufferedio.xml"/>
<target name="telnet" depends="clean">
<echo message="*** logging with TelnetAppender ***"/>
<antcall target="loop-group">
<param name="configFile" value="input/performance/telnet.xml"/>
<target name="loop">
<condition property="lib-suffix" value="d">
<istrue value="${debug}"/>
<property name="lib-suffix" value=""/>
<condition property="log4cxx.lib.dir" value="../build/debug/${log4cxx.lib.type}">
<istrue value="${debug}"/>
<property name="log4cxx.lib.dir" value="../build/release/${log4cxx.lib.type}"/>
<property name="apr.lib.dir" value="${log4cxx.lib.dir}"/>
<property name="aprutil.lib.dir" value="${apr.lib.dir}"/>
<property name="apriconv.lib.dir" value="${aprutil.lib.dir}"/>
<echo message="Pattern is ${pattern}"/>
<exec executable="${log4cxx.lib.dir}/performance">
<arg value="${runlen}"/>
<arg value="${configFile}"/>
<arg value="${loop}"/>
<env key="pattern" value="${pattern}"/>
<env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
<target name="loop-group">
<mkdir dir="output"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%p - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%-5p - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%r [%t] %-5p %c{2} %x - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%r [%t] %-5p %.10c %x - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%r [%t] %-5p %.20c %x - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%r [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n"/>
<antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%l - %m%n"/>
<!-- antcall target="loop">
<param name="configFile" value="${configFile}"/>
<param name="pattern" value="%C.%M.%L - %m%n"/>
</antcall -->