blob: 9f4a9a08e2164619f98c0806503d18f5ecfcc73b [file] [log] [blame]
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#include <log4cxx/logstring.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/cyclicbuffer.h>
#include <log4cxx/spi/loggingevent.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/exception.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/pool.h>
#include <log4cxx/helpers/stringhelper.h>
using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
using namespace log4cxx::spi;
Instantiate a new CyclicBuffer of at most <code>maxSize</code> events.
The <code>maxSize</code> argument must a positive integer.
@param maxSize The maximum number of elements in the buffer.
CyclicBuffer::CyclicBuffer(int maxSize1)
: ea(maxSize1), first(0), last(0), numElems(0), maxSize(maxSize1)
if (maxSize1 < 1)
LogString msg(LOG4CXX_STR("The maxSize argument ("));
Pool p;
StringHelper::toString(maxSize1, p, msg);
msg.append(LOG4CXX_STR(") is not a positive integer."));
throw IllegalArgumentException(msg);
Add an <code>event</code> as the last event in the buffer.
void CyclicBuffer::add(const spi::LoggingEventPtr& event)
ea[last] = event;
if (++last == maxSize)
last = 0;
if (numElems < maxSize)
else if (++first == maxSize)
first = 0;
Get the <i>i</i>th oldest event currently in the buffer. If
<em>i</em> is outside the range 0 to the number of elements
currently in the buffer, then <code>null</code> is returned.
spi::LoggingEventPtr CyclicBuffer::get(int i)
if (i < 0 || i >= numElems)
return 0;
return ea[(first + i) % maxSize];
Get the oldest (first) element in the buffer. The oldest element
is removed from the buffer.
spi::LoggingEventPtr CyclicBuffer::get()
LoggingEventPtr r;
if (numElems > 0)
r = ea[first];
ea[first] = 0;
if (++first == maxSize)
first = 0;
return r;
Resize the cyclic buffer to <code>newSize</code>.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>newSize</code> is negative.
void CyclicBuffer::resize(int newSize)
if (newSize < 0)
LogString msg(LOG4CXX_STR("Negative array size ["));
Pool p;
StringHelper::toString(newSize, p, msg);
msg.append(LOG4CXX_STR("] not allowed."));
throw IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (newSize == numElems)
return; // nothing to do
LoggingEventList temp(newSize);
int loopLen = newSize < numElems ? newSize : numElems;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < loopLen; i++)
temp[i] = ea[first];
ea[first] = 0;
if (++first == numElems)
first = 0;
ea = temp;
first = 0;
numElems = loopLen;
maxSize = newSize;
if (loopLen == newSize)
last = 0;
last = loopLen;