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Building Apache log4cxx with CMake
Building Apache log4cxx with CMake
* Quick start:
Building and testing log4cxx on a Unix platform with packaged APR and APR-Util.
Make sure cmake 3.13+, g++ and make are available, install or
build apr 1.x, apr-util 1.x, gzip and zip.
$ apt-get install build-essential libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev gzip zip
$ cd apache-log4cxx-x.x.x
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
* ccmake options
| -DLOG4CXX_WCHAR_T=no | Enable wchar_t API methods, choice of yes (default), no. |
| -DLOG4CXX_UNICHAR=yes | Enable UniChar API methods, choice of yes, no (default). |
| -DLOG4CXX_CFSTRING=yes | Enable CFString API methods, requires Mac OS/X CoreFoundation, choice of yes, no (default). |
| -DBUILD_TESTING=off | Disable tests. Tests are enabled by default |
Building and testing log4cxx on a Microsoft Windows with APR, Expat and APR-Util built from source
extracted into apr-1.7.0, libexpat(from github) and apr-util-1.6.1 in %HOMEPATH%\Libraries.
$ cd %HOMEPATH%\Libraries
$ cmake -S libexpat\expat -B buildtrees\expat -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%HOMEPATH%\Libraries\installed
$ cmake --build buildtrees\expat --target install --config Release
$ cmake -S apr-1.7.0 -B buildtrees\apr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%HOMEPATH%\Libraries\installed
$ cmake --build buildtrees\apr --target install --config Release
$ set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%HOMEPATH%\Libraries\installed
$ cmake -S apr-util-1.6.1 -B buildtrees\apr-util -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%HOMEPATH%\Libraries\installed
$ cmake --build buildtrees\apr-util --target install --config Release
$ cmake -S apache-log4cxx-x.x.x -B buildtrees\log4cxx -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%HOMEPATH%\Libraries\installed
$ cmake --build buildtrees\log4cxx --target install --config Release
* Platform specific notes:
** Mac OS/X:
APR and APR-Util are provided by the platform in Mac OS/X 10.5 and iODBC in 10.4.
cmake can be installed by typing "brew install cmake".
** Debian:
APR, APR-Util, openssl, gzip and zip may be installed by:
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev gzip zip
CMake can be built from source by typing:
$ wget
$ tar xf cmake-3.16.4.tar.gz
$ cd cmake-3.16.4
$ ./bootstrap
$ make
$ sudo make install
** FreeBSD:
APR, APR-Util, gzip and zip may be installed from the ports collection by:
$ cd /usr/ports/archivers/zip
$ make
$ make install
$ cd /usr/ports/archivers/gzip
$ make
$ make install
$ cd /usr/ports/devel/apr
$ make
$ make install
* Using log4cxx in a CMake build
A log4cxxConfig.cmake and log4cxxConfigVersion.cmake is installed to allow use of find_package()
in your CMakeLists.txt.
Below are example cmake commands that compile and link "myApplication" with log4cxx.
find_package(log4cxx 0.11)
add_executable(myApplication myMain.cpp)
target_include_directories(myApplication PRIVATE $<TARGET_PROPERTY:log4cxx,INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES>)
target_link_libraries( myApplication PRIVATE log4cxx)