Fix Bug 49421:  Chainsaw don't show Logger for SocketReceiver and SocketHubReceiver

All calls to the LoggingEvent constructor which pass in another event's Logger may only have a categoryName field and not logger field available - updated calls to LoggingEvent constructor to ensure logger was passed in if not null, or a logger was created from the logger name (pre-existing bug in rewritepolicy classes if they were used with socketappender/receiver).

Also (arbitrarily) updated Chainsaw revision in the pom.xml 2.1.0, in order to keep folks from being confused that this latest version is the original 2.0 (which according to maven was previously 1.99)

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
3 files changed
tree: 771426c7fd79bbbac9fd42601072df61441509ea
  1. src/
  2. build.xml
  5. pom.xml